All Chapters of Who is RED ROSE???: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
122 Chapters
Chapter 91 Rose's Gift To Alex
Henry and Mike looked towards each other in confusion then shrug their shoulders, noticing Alex's excitement of going to Chicago.They felt like from his excitement that Alex will not work and is going for a holiday.If asked didn't say that he is going with Mike then Henry world surely doubt that asked is going for a holiday."What? And why? Boss, what work brings you to Chicago?"Though Henry never doubts Alex's work but he has no choice but to ask.Alex turned his laptop screen towards Henry and Mike.They both look towards each other, shrug their shoulders, and sat on the chairs opposite Alex."I received this mysterious email early in the morning which was informing me about Mark Taylor's whereabouts with proof.""Now he is the only person who has all the answers to our questions. I need to catch him urgently.""Henry you will handle the investigation of Leonard's murder and Red Rose case and
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CHAPTER 92 Pregnant Rose
"Congratulations, Mr. Jones. Rose is 6 weeks pregnant. You both are going to be parents."The doctor said with a smile looking at both of their faces.Rose and Alex were stunned for a few minutes, looked towards each other, and slowly their dumbfounded faces turned into smiling."I guess, it's your first baby. Right?"The doctor said and brought both of them back you their senses."Absolutely doctor."Alex said and turned towards the doctor."Is she alright or does she need to see bed rest? Doctor, please give me the complete detail so that I can take care of her.""She is perfectly alright and no need for bed rest. She is just a little weak and improves her diet that's it other than that she can do her daily work without hesitation and be regular with check-ups. Rose, I am prescribing you some calcium and vitamin-containing tablets be regular with those."Rose nod her head and both came out of the
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CHAPTER 93 The Beautiful President
The next morning Alex drove off towards Chicago with Mike beside him but leaving many instructions for Rose and Laura as well.Even Laura is also thrilled after listening about Rose being pregnant and shower uncountable instructions on her."You and Alex, both are the same just making my life hell with your never-ending instructions and unlimited care."Rose said, being fret when Laura asked her not to go to the market to buy groceries all alone."You deserve that. Rose, you are so careless about yourself but now it's not only about you but an infant who is inside your womb."Laura said while caressing Rose's stomach and Rose also felt immense pleasure thinking about her and Alex's baby."You are right."Rose also caresses her stomach with a twinkling light in her eyes."It's decided then, from now on I will handle grocery shopping and you will not go out frequently, especially alone," Laura said.
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CHAPTER 94 Meeting With The Mayor
"Andrea Lowell, what are you doing here?"David Jones said in a high pitch. Andrea Lowell, who was in a daze after seeing David Jones in front of him after so many days, came back to his senses after listening to David Jones's voice."I am here to see Mr mayor, but what the hell are you doing here?"Andrea Lowell said in an equal rage like David Jones.Though they were together in the past to commit a crime after that they never saw each other's faces and not even willing to. In the past also when they had to be together, to execute a plan against a common enemy, they never like this see each other's faces and they who always clashed.They had more crime partners with them who used to work as a ceasefire of every heated argument between them."Who are you to see him? I am here to see Mr. Mayor and with me, the contractor of Honor house should be here. President of JE industries, not you."David Jone
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CHAPTER 95 Boss Had An Accident
"Rose, if you can help me get the whereabouts of Mark Taylor, then I can also help you in your revenge. Even I don't want to drag this anymore. I want you to end it as soon as possible and then take rest after being Mrs. Jones officially."Alex mumbles to himself and leans at the back of the seat and closed his eyes.Alex knew many things about Rose's revenge plan. Though he won't know everything still he at least knew that Rose wanted to destroy Lowell's brother's company and Andrea Lowell.He also knew about the collapse of the Honor house, which was the project of Lowell's brother's company, and JE industries won the tender.At first, Alex was oblivious of her entire plan. He only knew that she wanted to take revenge on Andrea Lowell too, but when he heard the news of the collapse of Honor's house and didn't find Rose worried, he got her plan.Alex knew that Lowell's brother's company will be in a problem and the governmen
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CHAPTER 96 Rush To The Hospital
Rose wasn't able to listen to anything further and fainted.Dylan and Norah looked at each other in confusion and Rose's towards Rose.Norah held her from her waist, Dylan picked her and made her lay on the bed."Miss Norah, please deal with the guest I will see the president."Norah nod and moved towards puzzled Andrea Lowell and give David Jones."President Rose seems to feel unwell. I request you please see her later, I invite you both out."Norah said with respect, don't want to offend anybody."Your president is splendid input up on the show. She is acting and the following everybody. I won't go until I get my answer."David Jones said unscrupulously It was already enough for David Jones that his son departed himself from him for this girl, Rose Walton. He is not even ready to listen to anything about her, let alone split from her.Now David Jones is about to be bankrupt because o
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CHAPTER 97 Who Is The Culprit
"Dr. Jack Roberts?"Rose felt the rug swept out from under her feet."Why did he do that?"Rose mumbles to herself but enough loud that Henry could hear her."I don't know yet, but I asked the police officer to inform me when they will stay Jack Roberts I wanted to cross-question him," Henry said."I will follow you."Henry's eyes squatting and eyebrows furrowed. He pinched the bridge of his nose.He felt where he got stuck. Rose is very tough to deal and Alex also got angry at her, when he will come to know about Rose's so much involvement in his case."You don't need to follow me, I will take care of the issue.""If you will not be me, then I will go by myself, but I wanted you to see Jack Roberts."Henry held Rose's shoulder and shook."Miss Rose, it's unnecessary for you to take all burden by yourself. I am there to handle few matters. Please don't make it difficult for me and let
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CHAPTER 98 Another Murder
Alex was pacing in his cabin like a mad, clenching and releasing his fist.One more murder and he couldn't able to catch Red Rose yet.No need to mention that they found a corpse in a blind spot, with several tortures, and the reason for the murder is stabbing from the back.Just four days before they found Leonard Smith's corpse and didn't even get his complete post-mortem report with other evidence and they got to hear about another murder.This time while investigating the crime scene they found some traces of blood samples which proved that killer got injured.Now Alex ordered Henry and Mike to speed up and find out the details about the evidence they got.Alex even received the call from the mayor to either find out the culprit or surrender the case to any other experienced officer.That was a shame for Alex. He left no case in the middle.Also, if their investigation with being from there, the begin
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Alex with Mike beside him directly went to the director of the City hospital of Chicago. Director so l stood up and shook hand from Alex."Officer Jones, a pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat."The director beckons him towards the chair."Thanks, me too."Alex and Mike took the seat opposite the director."Tell me, officer, how may I help you."Though the director asked respectfully he is not feeling good to welcome a special police officer in his hospital from all the way to Duluth.The visit of Alex is giving negative vibes to the director and Alex's hawk gaze noticed."There is a person related to a serial murder in the case of Duluth hospitalized in your hospital I want to see his doctor.""To meet a doctor is not a big deal, you don't need to see me for this trivial matter, but tell me if a person is related to the case why do you want to see his doctor?"Director aske
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CHAPTER 100 I Want The Truth
The moment Alex walked into the ward mark knew his hand is over even when Alex didn’t say, but he thought he can explain himself.“Officer Jones, I know I am at fault when I absconded, hide in the hospital like a comatose, and lied from everybody, but I have my reasons.”“Officer this news about me as a killer is a lie, I didn’t commit any crime.”Mark beseechingly and gay so that he can complete his explanation.“Who knows what is the truth. You have already looked enough to make yourself suspicious. It’s better for you to co-operate us and go to Duluth back.”Alex said in a sharp overbearing voice, making Mark tremble in fear.A few moments later local police walked in and arrested Mark Taylor.Though Alex wanted to bring him to the Duluth back before that he had to know many more things about the case and he doesn’t have time for that.Police took
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