All Chapters of Iridian: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
216 Chapters
Chapter 111
It was too late to take back what I said, but now there were more pressing things to worry about than snooping through one of Dain’s old journals. With how long he’s been alive, there had to be hundreds. I knew what made this one special, even though it failed to answer the question I desperately wanted to know.I’d made a huge mistake, I realized as Dain’s shoulders tensed and he turned my way.“You saw those memories during Iridian because of your progression in the game and how close you were to unraveling the curse…but I made sure no one would ever uncover that particular memory. How do you know of it?”The stars in his eyes blinked out, taking with them his sanity. I could hear his voice in my head. The voice of the man who had scribbled relentlessly in that leather-bound journal until the tip of the pen broke through the page. Ranting about the slippery voice in his head, like the sharp edge of a razor. S
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Chapter 112
I wandered the halls for a solid fifteen minutes before giving in and calling for Leslie. The onyx gems dangling from my bracelet reminded me my bedroom was one door away, but I needed the time to pull myself together.There was something about arguing with Dain that made my heart race and hands tremble. Not only did I hate the taste it left in my mouth, but how my feet kept leading me back to his study. Everything about him affected me in some way, even the bad parts. I wished I could turn it off the way he could, shove my emotions so far down that their nagging voices could never again be heard.“You’re sure I can stay here until we get Ally back?” Adley asked just seconds after I came into the room. She was curled up on my bed with one of the fuzzy blankets wrapped around her shoulders. I replied over my shoulder as I ventured into the walk-in closet, hearing her muffled sigh of relief. “Thank the goddess. I don’t know what I’d do
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Chapter 113
I was still amped up from last night when I went to train with Helios the next day. Being knocked onto my ass was a taste of payback I could have lived without, and it hurt a lot more than I thought.Helios mistook my ferocity for enthusiasm and continued to spar with me, stopping every couple of seconds to show me a new offensive move. Even though I doubted I’d develop hardcore warrior skills, it was becoming easier to keep up with him.He swung his beefy arm out much faster than he had the last four times. My curls blurred into ringlets of flame as I ducked and jabbed a fist into his ribcage. I didn’t use all the strength coursing through me, both from Rayna and my magic. Helios hadn’t hurt me yet, though he’d come close a time or two swinging his fists like a madman.Twenty minutes into sparring, when my lungs began to ache and my muscles burned, I felt a pair of eyes latch onto me. They turned the sweat coating my body ice cold until
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Chapter 114
I bottled every single pesky emotion and shoved a cork through the neck. They wouldn’t stay down for long, but all I needed was a good ten minutes without getting distracted by the way his hair fell or the beads of sweat on his chest and abs.Dain and I launched back into sparring, only this time I was ready for him. I made no mistake, there was no way I’d win. Cockiness would only make me lose faster.Even Rayna cleared her mind and pushed our mate-bond with Dain aside, giving into instincts she had never indulged before. We were hyper analyzing every movement we made, watching Dain’s tells before he punched and kicked with a ferocity that made my adrenaline spike.“Wonderful. See how much easier it is to hold your own once your head is in the fight?” I heard Dain say but gave no reaction.“Woohoo! Go Rachel!” Adley shouted.I couldn’t pay attention to Adley, Helios, and whatever it is they were murm
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Chapter 115
“Well, I’m stuck here. No need to keep me waiting in suspense.” I said, making no moves to touch the food in front of me.I wasn’t all that hungry, haven eaten a couple of hours ago since physical and magical training always left starving. The roasted chicken and savory sides paled in comparison to the tiered cake and pastries, which I reminded me of my moms cooking even though the fruits and flavors were entirely different.“I did some hunting. Went through my network of spies and found someone who knew someone who knows one of the Russo sibling’s guards. It was very tedious, and very time consuming.” He explained, “I popped in to give them a message, that I can’t help but accept their convincing invitation. That’s why I couldn’t speak with you, spying requires my full attention.”“And that’s why you threw me on my ass?” I narrowed my eyes.His eyes twinkled, &ldquo
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Chapter 116
My mind came up blank, so I acted on instinct. Unfortunately, my instinct was to deny it.“That’s not mine.” I shook my head, shuddering as the cold draft rushed through me and into the steamy bathroom.His eyebrow twitched, “it isn’t?”My gaze flickered from the tiny orb of light to his face.“Nope, never seen it before.” I replied just a little too quickly, feeling my stomach drop when his eyes lit up with interest.He had caught me. He knew it and I knew it. Since I was in no position to face him, that only left me with one other option. It was cowardly, but it would buy me some time.“Really—” He started walking towards me.“Maybe you should ask Apollo, he likes sparkly things—” I cut him off and stumbled backwards into the bathroom, slamming the door right in his face.I flicked the lock shut and turned around, letting out a deep breath. St
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Chapter 117
Everything happened in the span of seconds. He lifted both his hands, and every projectile I’d sent rushing through the air was violently flung backwards with much more strength than I could ever manage. Shampoo bottles exploded against the wall, one of the wicker benches shattered on impact, and the vase went soaring out the window, taking the flowers with it.I could feel fatigue begin to weigh my arms and legs down, so with the last bit of magic I had, I sent it right towards Dain’s chest. The best I could manage was a rough shove, but that was all I needed to make him stumble over the edge of the pool.Turns out I wasn’t the only one with tricks up my sleeve. I got a taste of my own medicine when something shoved me forward, and Dain’s outstretched hand latched onto the towel wrapped around my torso. There was no time to brace myself as I was ripped forwards, slamming into his chest the same moment I felt the cooled bathwater hit my skin.
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Chapter 118
He hooked an arm around my thigh, pinning my hips to the bed so that I couldn’t move. His mouth latched onto my clit the same moment one of his long fingers slid past my entrance. It was those two things that sent me toppling over the edge, headfirst into the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had before.My vision went black, and a stream of sounds left my lips that seemed to spur Dain on until he lapped at me ravenously, wringing out every drop of euphoria until my legs were numb and trembling.As the pleasure-filled haze began to fade from my head, I startled when I felt a hand brush the hair from my face and hurried to sit up. Dain was knelt on the bed, the midnight button down shirt he had been wearing sat in his hands.“Hold out your arms.” He said softly, though something about his tone gave no room for argument.I did as he said, counting the number of times his fingers grazed me as he slid his shirt onto my body. I was still a
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Chapter 119
I slept better that night than I had in weeks and woke the next morning ready for training. There was a nervous flutter in my stomach that hadn’t been there before but left me feeling lightheaded whenever I thought of Dain or what happened last night.The word ‘virgin’ circled around my head, still refusing to sink in even though I had slept on it all night.Adley and I had just finished breakfast when Leslie knocked on the door and peeked her head inside.I had spent the last half hour shoveling fruits and tartlets into my mouth to avoid Adley’s interrogation, so I was more than ready to get out of the suite. The last thing I wanted to hear about was the other outcomes she had seen.Still, letting her make her own assumptions was turning out to be another mistake entirely. If I heard the words, “passionate angry sex” one more time I swore I’d go running from the room.“The king needs both of you for
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Chapter 120
I knew my question caught him off guard because he immediately tried to deflect. Whether or not he thought my attention span was that short, I’d never know but I was too hung up on my curiosity to drop the subject.“Is that really what you wanted to ask me?” He chuckled, and the smooth sound of it would’ve been convincing if I didn’t know how well Dain could hide his emotions. “Why would you think I have something against her? She’s my sworn warrior’s daughter.”“You look at her differently than you do Ally, and don’t try to deny it. You’re not the only one who pays attention.” I narrowed my eyes at him, seeing through the bullshit smile that made my heart race.“Jealousy so early in our relationship?” Dain shook his head teasingly, but this time the distraction wouldn’t work. He knew how to get a reaction out of my body, but once my mind was set on something—th
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