All Chapters of Prince charming's complicated love story : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
79 Chapters
When Tiya, her mother and Adi reached home, Mrs Aka told them to stay outside for a few minutes so that she can make necessary arrangements to welcome them properly. Adi being new in the country was busy in analyzing his surroundings where as his body is also adjusting itself with the new climatic conditions. So without giving any other thought, he just nodded his head giving an OK gesture.  Where as Tiya was perplexed by her mother's words. She was thinking about the words that her mom just said, "What kind of arrangements mom wants to do? " She muttered to herself in a low tone while looking towards Adi who was still busy in calculating the financial condition of the family by looking at their apartment. After a few minutes, Mrs Aka came outside and asked both of them to come inside.  The moment they put their foot inside the house, They were amused by the darkness in the house."o
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Ryan's fate
Meanwhile somewhere in the same unknown country, Inside a luxurious suite in an A star hotel. Maku was lying naked on the comfortable bed and Lekini(young beautiful girl in her early twenties) was resting on his chest. a thin cover was covering her naked body up-to her beautiful breasts, perfectly displaying her sexy collar bone and the tiny drops of sweat on their faces is giving the hint of vigrousness that they showed during their intimate sexual activity.  Lekini : "I love you Maku." she said while placing a light kiss on his right cheek, "can I ask you something? "Maku: "Hmm"Lekini : "Do you think that being on his side will benefit us? "Maku:" I know what you are thinking but right now we can't stay against him. I have seen the condition of those three (Joe, Edd and Sam) and I really don't want to see you and Priya to have the same fate as of them, that's the only reason why I decided to be on his side. "
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Country A Tiya's mom was working in her restaurant, being a holiday, rush inside the restaurant was more than usual. Tiya decided to join Mrs. Aka in her work just to share her burden. "Adi, today I will go to the restaurant with mom so that I can help her in work." "What kind of work you want to do there? Serving, cleaning or dish washing? " he asked with a sarcastic tone.  Tiya was able to understand the meaning of his words but she ignored his sarcastic questions and replied seriously,"of course I will do all of them. I don't rely on others for my own works." "Okay then I will also join you today" he replied while yawning as if he someone is forcing him to do so.  "No need you stay here at home and have some rest. I will come back in a couple of hours." Tiya tried to reject him firmly.  But Adi ignored her words and
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Maku's help
The three of them left, leaving behind Sam,  Joe and Edd in a miserable condition. Moreover they are unaware about each others presence in the same place..... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .....After few hoursAndrew along with his partners was standing outside the entrance of a monastery. the gate of the monastery was in the shape of a golden wheel,  or to be precise,  in the form of a 'Dharma Chakra' with two big spokes in the center.Located in the hilly area,  the monastery was well designed seemed to be engrossed in the nature. It was spanned in the area of thousand square miles with a lot of big and small buildings specially designed for residential, commercial and praying.Inside the monastery, in the centre there was a big plain land where thousands of monks were sitting wearing their traditional dress, they all were chanting pious spiritual mantras in a particualr
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Save everyone
They have used extreme torture practices on him. Just by looking at him, Sam forget about his own pain and started helping him to remove those painful nails from his hands.  "Joe... Joe... wake up brother"Sam was calling Joe to wake him up but he was unconscious.  Sam took a glass of water and throw it on Joe's face. Joe opened his eyes slowly.   Sam was happy to see him, "Brother are you OK? See I am here, we will go out of here now" Sam was saying all this without realizing that Joe had again lost his consciousness. When Sam looked at him again he yelled,"Brother... Brother please wake up... wake up.... we have to go now. " Maku put his hands on Sam's shoulder and said, "Sam we have to leave him here. We can't take him along with us."  Sam looked towards Maku and said, "What if Priya is there in place of Joe? Will yo
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Face off
Maku opened the third gate and he was surprised to see that they are in a monastery now. Inside the monastery,  a large number of monks(approximately ten thousand monks) were sitting in a symmetrical manner and they were worshiping their God by chanting sacred prayers all together.Sam,  Maku and Edd stopped at their places when they saw the scene in front of them. At that time,  an old monk opened his eyes and looked towards them,  he got up from his place and went near to them. Old monk bowed slightly in order to greet them. Maku and Edd did the same out of respect and then old monk gestured them to follow him. All of them were confused but they were left with no other option so they started walking behind the old monk quietly. Old monk took them to a small building, from outside the building looks like a small village house but the moment one entered th
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Sam, Joe, Edd and Maku were chatting happily and two little monks were looking at them with shining eyes. They both were curious to know who are these special guests but they were unable to understand as they don't understand the language Sam and others were using. Sam waved towards them and with gestures he said, "Boys you are looking so adorable." Both the boys smiled and responded with the same gesture to tell Sam that he is also looking handsome.  Maku, who was watching all this smiled and said, "No need to use this sign language like deaf and dumb. I understand both the language so I can help." Sam looked towards Maku and said, "Do you really understand their language? ""Yeah I do, although I am not so good in speaking but still I can understand a bit. My girlfriend Lekini taught that to me."On hearing the same name again. Sam looked towards Edd and asked, "Bro Edd do you ha
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Hug me
Stopppppp" is all what Joe yelled at the top of his lungs. He felt so horrified that his throat got dry. His eyes became wide opened while his forehead was filled with cold sweat. Reactions of Edd and Maku were no less than Joe's reaction. Edd's veins can be easily seen on his forehead while Maku's face became as white as a sheet of paper. (With the movement of Master's nose, the walls of the worship area became translucent and like a big projection screen, a live telecast appeared on the translucent walls. It was a view where hundreds of big logs of wood were kept on conveyor belt and the belt was moving in a slow speed towards electronic wood cutting machine. First log came near the machine and because of its speed, the whole big log was turned into saw in just few seconds, then comes the second one, it was also converted into saw in the same way, then comes the third one and then fourth one.  
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Finally over
Somewhere in country A, inside a luxurious suite two people were lying naked on a bed.The girl got up from the bed while covering her naked body with the help of a bed sheet, she went straight way towards the room bar and started preparing drinks, she then handover one glass to the man and while sipping alcohol  from her own glass she asked in a seductive voice, "Darling you promised me that we will go on a honeymoon after your work but why is it taking so much time?""Don't worry Shirbie, I will definitely fulfill my promise once this work is finished..... " after saying a few more words the boy kissed the girl and then left the hotel suite in a hurry..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ... ..In monastery After hugging everyone, Sam sat down at his place and Master continued reading holy mantras from first book. All his followers as well as great saviors (Edd, 
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Once master was dead, holy fire stopped immediately and the pressure was also reduced, white light faded away and door to positivity closed automatically. Saviors took a sigh of relief and once they confirmed that the pressure is now decreased to a level that is not harmful for them, they moved out of the corners where they were hiding previously.   Maku immediately put his hands on Priya's eyes so that she will not see the things that were lying in front of them. He then embraced her and coax her so that she can sleep.  The scene in front of them was so pathetic that no one wants to witness such a thing in his entire life. The whole area was filled with blood, pieces of flesh was lying every where, some naked bodies which are opened up and their internal parts are visible were lying lifelessly. Ruby's condition was no less than that of Priya, she was holding it for so long but the mom
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