All Chapters of You're the pain, You're the cure: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
223 Chapters
Chapter 71: Uncle, Are You Married ??
His face lit up like a million bulbs were placed in it..“Hero Uncle,” she squealed and chirped in a happy voice“Hello Princess, so you finally called, I thought you had forgotten me,” It had been quite sometime that Tazz had passed her the number but had not received any call, assuming that it was a kiddish act, he too forgot about it.“Hero Uncle Tama never forgot you, Tama was very busy,”“Oh! is it, what was Tama busy with?” Tazz spoke in a tone soft and mellow, Anuj panicked, ‘Did bro have a child out of wedlock?’ he suddenly thought that he should not have heard that conversation , why did he have to unearth such a piece of scandalous news that no one in their family would be able to digest, why was God being so har
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Chapter 72: Punishment For Insulting Your Boss
Mahira stepped into the lobby of Jindal tower feeling pretty confident, she had already planned her tasks for today, she was always a meticulous planner, she would also call up the clients today for an appointment coz she was mostly done with all her research, just a couple of things to finish today.However a surprise awaited her when she reached her desk, there was no workstation there. She walked up to Sara who then with a sullen face guided her to a spacious cabin on the right side of Tazz’s office, ‘wonder what tricks had she played on Mr. Jindal to get a cabin right next to his office,” wondered Sara“Er, what’s this?” asked Mahira as Sara opened the cabin for her“Who knows this better than you Mahira, what did you do to get so much attention and favours from Mr. Jindal that he gifte
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Chapter 73: She Is From Low Strata Of Society
 Soon another thought clouded her mind with doubts...‘Prime Time looked like a small fly in the pan, why would Tazz call this an important assignment and hand it to me, or was there more to Prime Time as a company which she was unaware about,’ again she sighed as she didn’t know the answers, according to her Jindal group was at a very high pedestal in terms of global reach, reputation and success, so why would they want to desperately join hands with a small entity like Prime Time? or was it?She felt numb as she suddenly had a shocking revelation, ‘Was this Tazz’s new attempt at humiliating me or putting me down... nah ! I’m just overthinking,’ She put a stop to her thoughts and finally got done with her presentation . She felt confident and all ready to
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Chapter 74: Core Member Of Island Project
As soon as she settled down in her cabin, there was a knock on the door, she felt weird speaking out the order “come in” as she was still unsure of her position, nevertheless, she had to say it, “Come in,” she tried to say it as strongly as she could“Hey Gorgeous,” Anuj stepped in and walked up to her table, “Those were some brilliant suggestions that you gave back there,” he sat on the chair opposite herMahira smiled “ thank you,” she found Anuj friendly and charming“But I guess Miss Sonia is not very impressed,”“Oh! that’s not a big problem, your job is to impress Tazz,” she thought he just grinned ambiguously“I’m sorry,” she wanted cl
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Chapter 75: No One's Woman
All heads turned to the source of voice, a handsome young man in a smart cut black suit stood at the entrance of the booth, he was witness to the whole comical outburst that happened a while ago.“Harry!” gasped Ana excitedly as she rushed into his arms, both Mak and Mahira were embarrassed, Mahira by Mak’s emotional outburst a minute back. Harry hugged Ana and kissed her on forehead, the scene warmed Mahira's heart.They both stood up to greet Harry as he walked towards the table and took his seat next to Ana, exchanging greetings with them.“I didn’t know such friends existed in this time, so emotionally attached that just a ring could shake their worlds.” Harry spoke with a lace of humour as he smiled, Mahira observed that he looked good, had nice brown eyes and looked a sharp busines
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Chapter 76: Mahira Pregnant
“Alright sugar, I got some news for you,”“Shoot fast, I have no time for your nonsense,” she gritted her teeth“First, do the needful, I’m waiting,”Sonia pursed her lips in anger as she immediately transferred some amount into the caller’s account“Good girl, okay so here it is, a few days back Mahira was kidnapped and was about to be sold to a old wealthy pig, but..” he stopped to tease her a bit“But what you f*cker,” Sonia was excited as well as impatient“AH! that’s what I am to you, for you my s*ut,” he sneered“Speak,”
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Chapter 77: This Is Bro's Beauty
Anuj was drowsy so he just smiled and shut his eyes.It was after a drive of almost about an hour that they reached the bay, no one spoke on the way, Anuj was sleeping while Tazz was busy reading some documents. Mahira had a peaceful drive all the way, watching at the lush greenery that passed by her sight, thousand thoughts rushed through her mind, as thousand things flew past her eyes in a fraction of seconds, finally coming to Sonia, how would she react towards her in future, she wondered what was Sonia up to, displaying such open hostility towards her, somehow, just the thought of Sonia gave Mahira a headache. She didn’t know why her sixth sense warned her against Sonia, there was more to her than just her love for Tazz.Tazz kept stealing glances at Maya every now and then, she looked so beautiful to his eyes, the  navy blue shift dress she wore ma
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Chapter 78: Plan To Woo her Or Shoo Her !!!
The Captain came over and greeted Tazz then Sonia, Mahira assumed that Tazz and Sonia may have travelled in this luxurious beauty more than once hence they knew her as his partner, she wasn’t sure if what she felt was a pang of pain in her heart or something else. The winds were strong, Mahira’s hair flickered in air.They headed straight to the conference room which was about 12 seater and was well equipped with latest gadgets. there were 3 more people already waiting in the room, once all settled down, Anuj introduced them as the architect and the contractors. The architect was a very renowned person and a master of his field with various unique international projects heralded by him, Mr. James Coleman. When he shook hands with Mahira she felt a sense of disgust as she felt his middle finger stroke the centre of her
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Chapter 79: Please Take Me Inside
Mahira dozed off and had a sound sleep instead, she was woken up abruptly by the buzzing of her phone, she panicked thinking it was a call from Anuj and that she was late, the call got disconnected , since it was from an unknown number she did not bother answering. It was only 6:30 in the evening so she decided to step out and enjoy the sea breeze, sea view and the golden hour if she could. She quickly got up to wash and changed, she wore a simple long dress in black that hugged her body , she was relaxed that the hem of it would not ruffle or fly in breeze when on deck, deciding to leave her hair loose she wrapped the hair tie on her wrist, just in case she needed it later.She stepped out earlier than others, deciding to explore this beauty a bit. She chose to quit the elevator and headed to the grand staircase that looked straight out of some fairy tale palace, it was
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Chapter 80: Let's Do A Bottoms Up
Mahira didn’t want to talk now, she just wanted to get inside and sit some place stable.They headed to the deck where the dinner was laid out, it was at the party hall that she'd passed by earlier during her walk. There wa a Dj console at a corner and a dance floor, neon ligts along with regular brightness changed the ambience to a party's. The aroma of the food relaxed Mahira a bit. Tazz refused to let go of her hand despite reaching the diner’s, she tried to pull away but he strengthened his grip“Tazz, where have you been, I’m not feeling too well, could you please be with me,” Sonia pretended to be ill as she walked up to him and held his hand.Tazz wanted to ignore her but decided otherwise, in an instant he left Mahira’s wrist and held So
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