All Chapters of His Undesirable Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
72 Chapters
Twenty: Together
Liam's Pov After the celebration, the men left earlier than my mother and Farrah's father. My driver drove my mom and her maid while I was with Naila. "See you tomorrow, babe," she whispered and I smiled as she entered another car. I was supposed to drove her home but found out that her parents visited the City, and they didn't know about us, so we just meet her driver halfway and she transferred into it. The moment I got home, I saw Farrah fast asleep on the couch. She might be tired of cleaning all the mess.I went to her room and got her a blanket, then before I could wrap it around her, my eyes scanned her from head to toe. It was five years when we last saw each other and honestly, she looked different, she has gotten prettier and taller. She doesn't look like a high schooler anymore. She evolved differently but my feelings towards her were still the same no matter how much I tried to reverse it.
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Twenty-one: With You
Liam's POVAn addictive aroma infiltrated my nose, causing me to wake up. I could smell my favorite food from here in the bedroom. When I opened my room's door the smell of it intensified, that I couldn't restrain myself not to follow the scent.I was slowly walking into the kitchen when I heard Farrah talking with someone over the cellphone. I couldn't understand some of their conversations but all I knew was the last words she said to the caller were loud and clear."I miss you too, bye!" I heard Farrah say before dropping the call.I don’t know but I seem to have a hunch that Farrah has a boyfriend abroad. In five years, it was not impossible for her to met someone else there.As things were running through my mind, words suddenly came out from my mouth, "Wait, she's cheating on me?"It doesn't hurt me to think that Farrah has someone else, because if there is, it would be better but why didn't she file for divorce?
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Twenty_Two: The other Liam
Farrah's PoV "Hi, I am Liam...Liam Miller," he introduced himself to me as he extended his hand for a shake-hand. I glanced at his hand first before I looked at his face. I was just stunned staring at him and questions commenced to exploit inside of my head. "Why is he here in the country?" "How did he end up in this company?" And most of all, "Why does he didn't seem to know me in his actions towards me? That he even managed to smile right in front of me as if he did not even get surprised to see me, to met me again? Is this coincidence or he has a motive?"   "No, no way? It's impossible that he came looking for me, right? If he did why just now and no...just no way..." I couldn't think clearly about this sudden catastrophe. Worst he would be working with me, and I couldn't even disagree! "Are you okay?" Liam Miller said, just hearing his voice made me shuddered.  I didn't know if I w
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Twenty-three: Uncomfortable with him
Farrah's POV   After talking with him and having some rest before starting my first job, my Dad introduced me to the entire membership of the company, and I didn't expect that Liam Miller was not only my business supervisor of mine, but he was one of the shareholders as well in the company, only him, my dad, me and the shareholders were the only ones who knew about it, he doesn't want to reveal it, publicly, he was only known to be my partner. Among the companies shareholder, mine has the largest shares, the second was my husband, and I didn't expect that the third one will be Liam Miller. Why does he need to be my business supervisor when he was already one of the stockholders of this company? This means he as well as an owner of a company! Focusing my eyes on him, Liam Miller started to teach me all the strategies and plans we could do for the growth of the company. We were also together most of the day, and during the hours th
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Twenty-Four: Jealousy!
Farrah's Perspective "Hey, where are we going?" I asked Liam Miller and then he let go of my hand as he opened the door of his car for me to get inside. "I'll take you home," he said and cues me to go inside the car, his eyes kept pointing to the seat. And I just look at him, curving my eyes as if I was telling him what does he want me to do when I didn't even want to ride in his car? "Okay, Liam Miller, I knew that something happened to us, but it was years ago... Also, that doesn't mean we're closed enough to drive me home!" I sighed, yet it followed with a screamed when he just pushed my shoulders and let me sat down inside the car. What the...! "You're too loud, Farrah. I'm here to offer kindness not to bring back memories, okay," he barked before he shut the door and went inside the driver seat. Putting down the umbrella in safe. I glanced at his face, he was serious, and then he
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Twenty-five: Naila's Boyfriend
Farrah's PerspectiveIt was 11 o'clock in the evening, but Liam was still not coming home, my eyes were almost falling, staring at the clock that kept ticking while waiting for my husband which I didn't even know nor sure if he would come home or not, yet I still want to wait for him, I was worried.Meanwhile, I was startled by a loud bang on the door, and I just realized that I fell asleep sitting on the couch while waiting for Liam."Farrah, open the door," my husband shouted and I immediately stood up and hurried to open the door only to found out a husband who was drowned in alcohol. His hair was messy and he has a cut on his lips that I presume he fought with someone.I was all worried looking at his bloody lips that his white polo shirt was even stained badly..."What happened to your lips?" I worriedly whispered and about to touch his lips but I paused when he sharp
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Twenty-six: You and I
Farrah's POVI went straight to our company knowing that I would only irritate my husband, besides he doesn't want that I was the one he would see the moment he opens his eyes in the morning. So I drove earlier wanting my mind to be busy.Pressing the button in the VIP's elevator, I waited for few seconds before it opened, then right after I enter and the door was about to close a man suddenly blocked his one arm to the door making it re-open again.Startled eyes, I glanced at him from head to toe... Then Liam Miller smirked as he winked at me. Geez!"So how are you?" he said and he just let me remembered what happened."Fine, and sorry about last night," I said as I pressed the button going up to our office."It's alright, I understand. But you are lying right?""Lying? About what?" I said out of confusion.He took a long
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Twenty-Seven: Crying Husband
Farrah's Pov"Liam?!" I nervously said. " How long have you been standing there?" I added with a stuttering tone.He then raised a brow and said, "What is the matter? You seem surprised to see me when we're just talking a few SECONDS ago only," he said, stressing the word "SECONDS."I cleared my throat before answering, clutching above the table, "Nothing, don't mind me," I said."Okay, fine!" he said and I sighed in relief but a moment after he talked once more, "Adorable kids, your niece?" I widened my eyes in fear.Trembling lips and pounding heart I made a forged smile and answered, "No! My friend's children."I couldn't even say it straight... my mind was cloudy, what am I supposed to say?"No, it's your children!" there's no way I would say that to him."Okay, they are cute, look like you," he smiled before entering back to my office that I could barely catch my breath."You are too careless, Farrah!" I muttered to m
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Twenty-eight: The Party
Farrah's PovI felt his lips touched mine and I could feel a thunderbolt flowing through my veins, widening my eyes, I heard my phone rang, I was taken aback.Standing up, I declined Liam Miller's call and look at my husband who was fast asleep."Seriously?" I thought but thanks to alcohol, I wouldn't have any trouble escaping at night without my husband noticing me.Wrapping him a blanket, I kissed his forehead and he smirked making my heart fluttered."You love that wasn't it?" I whispered when he suddenly mumbled Naila's name. Smiling, I teared up... ignoring his words and trying to not to think about it that much.I went through the shower room, closing my eyes as the water splashed through my face, letting the warm water washed away my pain.****I was wearing my dress when I saw Liam's number popped out on my screen
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Twenty-Nine: Where am I?
Farrah's POVThe sunlight penetrating from the curtain of the window woke me up. I immediately rubbed my eyes and as I slowly opened them and looked around I realized I was not in my room, what's more, I didn't know where I was. The place wasn't familiar to me. The room was filled with black and red curtains and the way the things were organised well and how the place was completely neat and tidy were truly remarkable!"Where am I?" I whispered when I just remembered where I was last night and whom I was with.I widened my eyes in horror and immediately looked under my blanket and a long, deep sigh of relief came out of my mouth when I didn't saw myself naked under the sheet, glad I am wearing pajamas."Wait? What?" I trembled and looked back under my sheet... "I'm supposed to be wearing a dress!" I gulped and my heart began to panic to saw my dress hanging in the coat-hanger."No, this can not be true? Would I get pregnant again?"
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