All Chapters of The Faerie Prince: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
All Tobin could think about was the kiss as they filed toward the portal. Jayce still had him by the back of his tunic, grumbling low to himself. But that kiss. Her lips had been so soft, and her body had molded to his in a way that made him yearn for her soft curves."Get yourself together, Autumn, or I'll make sure you don't go near her again." Jayce growled in his ear.Tobin halted, turning to face the Spring prince. "What is your issue? You can't seriously be jealous over a half Spark!""Spark?" Bailey hesitated on the steps to the dais where the portal sat. "Who's a Spark.""You, Halfling." Beckett grinned salaciously. "You're Spring's Magick ordained other half. His Spark, twin flame, soulmate." He sniggered unkindly. "Imagine the horror, being fated to a Halfling! His kingdom will have an uprising if he brings you back as Queen.""So will yours." Gemma cut in, leveling him with a glare. "Don't forget you are name-bound. As good as married in the eyes of your court."Bailey paled
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Chapter Twelve
Even the air was magical, as Bailey took a deep breath and sighed out almost dramatically. It tasted of spring and sunshine and fresh blossoms. "So where is the Spring Kingdom?" She looked around, as if there would be a signpost."It's to the east about a half day's walk." Tobin had escaped Jayce's hold on him, and sidled up to her, holding out his arm. "I'd be happy to escort you.""No you don't!" Gemma pushed herself in between them. "I did not sign up for being a spectator to sex on a stick-bed. We need to head out if we have any hope of reaching Spring by nightfall.""Aw, I think it would be quite entertaining to watch 'sex on a stick-bed', the moss around is springy enough." Beckett gestured around them. "But yes, we do not have time to dally any further in the forest, not if we want to have a timely arrival."He took a step toward Bailey and lowered his voice dramatically. "In other words, we must make haste if we want to come quickly.""Not you too!" Silas grabbed Bailey's arm a
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Chapter Thirteen
Tobin felt the anger in the pit of his stomach. He bristled, vibrating with the horror of having someone under his protection attacked so boldly. That a kobold, of all creatures, was able to spring past the four fae guarding the Halflings spoke to some magickal assistance that was not inherent in the creature itself.He could feel his fists clenching as he took in Bailey's disheveled appearance. She held her arm close to her body, standing there between the other Fae Princes covered in blood that was both hers and the kobold's."We need to move, now." Jayce's voice was venomous. He looked as shook and angry as Tobin felt, his body rigid. Beckett was his usual easygoing self, thought there were deep lines of anger etched around his mouth that belied his relaxed posture."I agree." Silas pulled Bailey into his side, heedless of the gore covering her. "It isn't safe to just stand here. In my experience, where there is one low fae, there are more waiting on the sidelines."The party restar
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Chapter Fourteen
Bailey was distracted by her thoughts, so the final hour trudging through the forest seemed to pass by quickly. All she could really think about was Tobin and the two fantastic kisses.She lifted her fingers to her shoulder, the ache almost completely gone. Just his kiss was enough to fill her personal Magick to the brim, and the wound on her shoulder was closed over, beginning to heal."Pay attention, little Halfling, you're entering my Court and we all have roles to play." Bailey jerked at Jayce's voice in her ear. He leaned in to her, but still maintained a distance that made her wish he were closer."I've noticed you aren't as tactile as most of the fae I've met. Is there a reason?" She looked up at him curiously."It isn't the most important detail, not when you've a murderer to catch." He replied, face going stony."I suppose." She tilted her head at him, "But what's the harm, when I'm apparently a supposed Spark?"His sharp intake of breath made her smile. And then the guilt cra
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Chapter Fifteen
Jayce felt his body go rigid as his Court persona slipped over him like a glove. There would be no time to relax, not as long as he was here, the face of his Court. Especially with two Halflings in tow, one of which was his Spark.He longed to be at the sithen already, so he could consult his father. Sparking with a Halfling was nearly as bad as sparking with a lower fae. He wasn't sure what his father would make of that or their name binding. Danu gifted or not, his father might smite her out of sheer audacity.He nodded at the crowd imperiously, ambling through the outlying villages to the local stables. It would be faster to travel by carriage to the sithen. Getting the Halflings out of the public eye would be for the best, because fae were curious and mischievous by nature. There were too many variables to account for if he didn't get them to the sithen as quickly as possible.The stable master was a dark skinned wood elf with a shock of bright green hair. She smiled salaciously at
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Chapter Sixteen
Bailey settled herself on the rich upholstery of the carriage seat. It was larger on the inside than she expected. Magick. Of course.She leaned her head back against the cushion, sighing. Her body ached, her skin itched from the dry blood covering her. But her insides buzzed, full from the kisses she had gotten over the past few hours.She was confused by this aching need for both Jayce and Tobin. She was no stranger to feeling drawn to multiple men, but that was human men. They could never satisfy her hunger fully, so that had made sense to her. She was flirting with danger, but she couldn't stop herself, not where these Princes were concerned.Silas followed her, draping himself across the seat opposite. He groaned, scrubbing his face with a hand. "Only you can go from being attacked to ravaged in the span of less than a day. I'm almost afraid to leave you to your own devices with these Princes."Gemma snorted as she joined Silas. "You're here for a purpose, B. You can't keep dallyi
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Chapter Seventeen
Covered in dried blood, blanketed in rose petals, wild and wide-eyed, Bailey was the most beautiful woman Beckett had ever laid eyes on. His knee hit the flagstones, her hand in his warm and soft. "Long live the Queen." His soft murmur was underscored by the whisper of the petals raining around them.It was almost painful, his longing for this Halfling. He had tried so hard to bury it over the last day and a half. Jayce hadn't been the only one to spark for her. If Beckett was correct, then all three Princes had sparked, but Jayce was the only one that had acknowledged the situation. The use of the name-binding had further cemented their connection. Beckett felt the desolation wash over him in waves, the past repeating itself.Beckett had barely hit adulthood the first time he had sparked for another. She had been perfect for him in every way. A beautiful water sprite, as steady as the tide and as wild as a stormy sea. He was smitten from the first meeting, his spark helping him forge
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Chapter Eighteen
Tobin made his way to Bailey, hauling her to her feet. Her face was full of wonder, and he had to bite down on the burn of jealousy. He twined his fingers through hers, reassuring himself she was fine, and let out a sigh of relief.When Beckett's Magick had exploded out of him, she had thrown herself right into the corona. He had been yelling at her over Beckett's screams, but she had ignored him. She wrapped herself resolutely around the Summer Prince and held him during the transformation. Beckett's Magick had flared hotter than the sun and Tobin had feared that she would be consumed by it. But here she was, unscathed.He was confused. The raining petals on Bailey, the sudden transformation of Beckett from Summer Prince to Horned God. It felt like there was more at work in Faerie than just a plot against the Halflings. Faerie was rearranging itself, shaking up the complacent fae and it unnerved him.Maybe Danu would have answers. The Mother was notoriously fickle, and prone to freque
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Chapter 19
Bailey was hauled through the courtyard gates into the sithen proper, Eostre dragging her by her elbow. The hall that she entered was large, flagstones underfoot making up the floor. There were murals lining the walls, brightly colored and alien."Jayce gave us a quick rundown of the last day or so. How are you holding up child?" Eostre's voice was soft, concerned.Bailey took a moment to consider. "I'm not entirely sure how to answer that. I'm exhausted already, and we've barely begun. So many things are happening at once, my grandfather's murder, my attack in the forest, the sithen acting odd when I entered. It's overwhelming."Eostre nodded at her side, "The sithen hasn't recognized a rising royal in a long time. It certainly has taken a shine to you, the bells tolling your arrival were loud enough to be heard throughout the whole sithen. All of the Court would know that Jayce's Queen has been found."They stopped at an ornate wooden door, runes carved deep into the wood, scroll wor
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Chapter 20
Jayce gave an answering chuckle, sliding into the water. Her eyes found his, and darted over to his crumpled breeches resting on the lip of the pool. Her eyes widened as she realized she was very naked, he was obviously very naked, and both Tobin and Beckett were only half-dressed. She would have the grace to be embarrassed if Tobin's fingers weren't massaging soap into her hair, his fingers scraping and tugging at her scalp.Jayce gripped the cloth she had flung at him in his hand, knuckles white. "You need a good scrub, Halfling." He took his time, testing the small bottles of oils and soaps, selecting the ripe strawberry one she had discarded in her haste to cover her body. He made his way toward her, achingly slow. Beckett merely watched them with half-hooded eyes, and she felt exposed under his gaze.Jayce dipped the cloth into the water, dumping the soap onto it and working it into a lather. Tobin's lips attached to the side of her throat and she groaned. Jayce pressed into her f
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