All Chapters of The Possessive Gentleman: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Chapter 51
"Time and memory are true artists, they remould reality neare to the heart's desire." -John Dewey- *** Time had passed by so fast, each year just seemed to go by faster and faster than the previous ones. For once there was peace in Clara's life. She felt like ever since she moved to Paris, things were a bit more complicated than they used to be, with Raphael and the lifestyle he had driven her into, quiet moments of solitude when she could just stay in her room while drinking a cup of warm chamomile tea felt like a blessing. Such serenity she had not felt in a long time, it almost made her lost track of reality. It was early December, the city had been painted with white hue of the snow. Some little children were seen playing outside and the shopping streets were filled with fashionista who needed to change up their looks. Winter had arrived in Paris and Christmas was making its way, the shops had been decorated with Christma
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Chapter 52
"Humans have both the urge to create and destroy." -Hayao Miyazaki- *** One could see something was different for Corentin that day. He had woken up much earlier that morning. He usually woke up at 8 A.M on weekend but that morning he woke up at 6. Half naked, he brushed his teeth and worked out, working his muscles which had gotten slightly stiff thanks to work. He did not know what it was but he was feeling extremely nervous. That he had to release everything through sweat. Clara was going to visit him that day, per his invitation. It was not exactly the first time she came to visit. She had done it once or twice before as well. However, the understanding that it would be her last time there quenched his heart. He hated the feeling but he could not let it ruin their day. When she arrived, he had to appear fine, otherwise the mood might be ruined before it started. Clara arrived at around 10, she was dressed rat
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Chapter 53
"Each betrayal begins with trust." -Martin Luther- *** Raphael was laying on his bed typing something on his laptop when suddenly his phone buzzed. He usually had his phone on silent mode but it seemed her had forgotten to do so, he picked up his phone on the bedside counter and looked who it was. It came from an unknown number, he usually ignored unknown numbers but he had no idea why he was so tempted to open it up and he did. What he saw really tore him, it was a picture of Clara and Corentin kissing, he zoomed in the picture just to be sure and no matter how many times he saw it, it was still both of them. Any rational man would double check the picture, in case it was a Photoshop, but Raphael had his pride hurt before anything else. He threw his phone on the ground and it smashed, cracking it's screen. He tried to take several deep breaths, but his fury could not be contained. His emotion got the best of him. His
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Chapter 54
"Care shouldn't start in the emergency room." -James Douglas- *** Clara was walking on her own around the city of Paris with her luggage in hand, she cried and cried but since it was dark, no one could see her tears. Despite the strong wash of emotions, she was experiencing she knew she needed to find a place to settle for the night. She had no idea where she would go. She was lost. She could stay in a hotel, but it was only a temporary solution. She could not possibly walk around any longer, cold started creeping through her garments and she could feel it inside. But perhaps the cold did not come from outside, it came from the inside. She decided to check into a hotel and reserved a room. Dropping her luggage on the floor and sat still. She tried to contemplate her life. What should I do now? Clara missed home, she really did. All she could think about at that moment is her father. Sh
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Chapter 55
"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools." -Ernest Hemingway- *** Raphael had drunk his pain away that night, he went to the nearest bar and indulged himself in alcoholic beverages, shots after shots went by quicker than the bartender could make them, usually he was not someone who would resort to alcohol to ease his pain. Yet the pain he was feeling was beyond anything he had been through before. He just could not take it anymore. Something inside of him knew he should not be doing it and it would solve nothing, but you cannot make reason with miserable people. He was half drunk when he realized he could not go home alone, with all consciousness he had left, he called Gilbert and asked him to pick him up as soon as possible, knowing fully that the last shots he made would make him completely drunk. Still, he ordered them anyway. The bartender seemed to be concerned but he had known Rap
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Chapter 56
"Take things as they are, punch when you have to punch, kick when you have to kick." -Bruce Lee- *** The next morning Raphael woke up with a heavy head and a petty hangover, he massaged his temple which was pounding like crazy. He could not remember how long it had been since the last time he got wasted, probably during his first year in college. He headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, his hand was shaking even as he did so. Gulping it down, he found it was not enough and added another. As his consciousness started to re-enter his mind, he realized it was not the weekend. He had to go to work in a few hours, spending thirty minutes to sober up was difficult for him. He should have read on how to get sober quickly before he decided to get drunk. At the moment he really hoped he could just stay home that day, but he could not. There were a lot of things he needed to settle at work. With his state though, he w
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Chapter 57
"No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future." -Umar ibn Al-Khattab- *** Dennis Bellavance stared at his dying daughter with tears in his eyes. As a man he had tried to keep his emotions away from the public eye since he had always wanted to appear strong for his family. Yet how could he remain strong when the only family member he had left was battling her life while he could do absolutely nothing about it. He picked up a glass of water from the side and drank it. From afar he could see the leftover dinner he did not finish since he could not digest it properly. He felt way too sick to eat anything. The hospital room was awfully quiet, it was only him and her in the room. The nurse had previously attended to her. They said as long as she was breathing she still had a chance of waking up. As the doctors tried to figure out what was exactly wrong with her. They were making attempts to
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Chapter 58
"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." -Charles M. Schulz- *** Laurent handed over a mug of hot chocolate to Jovanna with a warm smile on his face. She thanked him as she took it from his hand, she had only removed her gloves and settled herself on the couch as her other hand scrolled down the tab trying to find something to watch.. It was snowing heavily outside, meaning there was nothing more perfect than a warm cup of hot chocolate to accompany a good movie, especially when you are surrounded by your loved ones, which was the case with Jovanna. They were spending some time alone on a rented cabin in The French Alps. It was also a celebration of their three months dating anniversary, which was something Jovanna never thought she would have with Laurent, who
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Chapter 59
"Truth is rarely pure and never simple." -Oscar Wilde- *** Rainier stood in front of the hospital room. He squirmed his hands together, admittedly, he was nervous, anxiety filled every fiber of his being. He wondered if he made the right decision, but he had gone so far and he had no choice but to take a step forward. It was difficult heading out from his window without her sister knowing, he thought he was going to die, but there was a certainty in his mind, he needed to do it. He knocked on the door and after a moment, Raphael opened the door. He had known about Raphael, he was pretty famous after all, and his sister had shown him a picture of Clara with Raphael. But of course he was welcomed with a confused look from him. Behind them, on the couch, Corentin had also woken up from the noise, he had high sensitivity toward noises. Both men were now fully alert, Rainier knew they would be suspicious of him, first thing he did
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Chapter 60
"Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us and sometimes, they win." -Stephen King- *** "Where did you go last night?" Renee was sitting down on the porch of her house with Rainier beside her. It was a cloudy day in Paris, perhaps it would rain soon. Though they were outside, the whole atmosphere was dark and gloomy. She took a sip of her honey tea and turned to him. Her eyes were cold, empty, and interrogating. Renee always had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night, it was her body's biological programming. Each time, she would come and check on her brother to see if he was truly asleep. She had the housekeeper that was assigned to him to give him a sleeping pill each night, that way she would always have him under control, for during the day, she always had someon
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