The Darkness Of Vampire의 모든 챕터: 챕터 11 - 챕터 20
47 챕터
"If you guessed it, what happened at school earlier."Laska immediately started the discussion with Bila, without realizing that she had not asked at all how her friend was doing."I'm sure you won't like Bil, don't you feel the changes that happened to your childhood friend?"Sandra said while shivering in horror towards Bila.“When talking about it, Dra has to think about it first, whether it will hurt or offend her. In other words it is better to think in advance what are the implications of everything you say."Laska picked up a medium sized teddy bear that was often used to throw Sandra as usual. And..., the object floated right on Sandra's face."What is going on to the point that what Sandra said earlier could offend you Laska?"If he almost wanted to laugh at the behavior of his two friends if that terrible headache didn't come back."If, you are okay. please don't think too much, your pain will get worse. Em... h
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They (Human and Vampires)
"Forgive aunt's child, yes, she really likes that to new people." Sandra's mother said when she was in the living room."It doesn't matter bi. Sorry, is it true you're here. Actually, we came here to see it.""Before, my aunt never saw you, are you friends from their school?" ask Sandra's mother again."That's right, we just moved. These two friends are named Brendi and Draynes, and myself Andros.""Em. If you want to take a sip. If, she's in Sandra's room not far from this room. Auntie, stay first, then Sandra will also follow.""Thank you aunt."Without much thought, they immediately went to a place where they could meet If, especially Andros, he even became the first person among the three of them.When they got right in front of the door of the room, they still took time to look at each other then continued with a short nod in turn."Can we come in?"This time it was Draynes who first started the conversation, when h
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Pending Truth
“Why, you know that new kids need to take care of many things. A letter of transfer, signing various requirements and submitting all documents required by the school."Draynes replied dryly, but sounded very convincing."Shouldn't all of that be done by your parents or guardians, if it's a matter of signing the terms, you should have taken care of all of that long before you moved here."Judging from the number of words Sandra said, she doesn't seem to hesitate anymore. While Laska even looked very confused with what they were talking about. The things they were talking about seemed to fluctuate too quickly.“Sandra, yesterday we were indeed dealing with the transfer problem. Initially we had taken care of everything, but apparently there were other needs that had to be resolved."“I'm so confused, what is the relationship between truancy and managing the transfer. Sounds strange.""Actually we are not truant, yesterday we
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Let's Start This Game
“As expected, what a pain. Just see what I will do. Enjoy that useless time."He said then left the place where Andros and Bila were still together, go as far as possible before Andros notices his arrival. Feeling that he had gone far enough and could not be known by Andros again, that person immediately stopped there.A place where he could think calmly, without having to remember the incident he had just seen. Because remembering that would only make it worse."It's annoying, not to mention the problem with the Princess now I even see sad things like that."Naomi grumbled with a fist and then hit a building wall until it cracked, then shattered into many small pieces. Leaving a wide gaping hole.“Wait a minute, Putri, I really hate it. What she expected from Andros while she never ignored me myself. Especially her, someone like him wouldn't gain anything at all with such disgust. Heh..., at least she's the same as me, has the same fat
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However Naomi completely ignored it because it felt that all this would only make Draynes more suspicious. Moreover, it was still early in the morning, Naomi didn't want to break her mind that fast.“Didn't I tell you, if you keep acting creepy like this you will never make friends. It turns out that the nickname 'very sad new kid' really suits you."Putri added again by just whispering the sentence right in Naomi's ear, when she saw Draynes in class.Putri did not want if one of Andros, Brendi or Draynes thought badly about her. The three of them are the coolest new kids at Permata Indah school, it's just that unfortunately their faces. Which are always expressionless, make other girls reluctant to talk to them.In fact, there are many rows of girls who have become the biggest fans of the cool new kid. In contrast to Naomi, who received treatment from Putri and did not immediately respond, but only stared at Naomi with a creepy gaze. Naomi again on
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"It looks like someone is following me, but who?" murmured Putri continued by feeling her neck, which suddenly felt cold.“It's very cold here, and the atmosphere is also very scary. I better run."As if she had just seen something creepy, the Putri was ready to run as fast as possible leaving the lonely place. But it was too late when Naomi was right in front of her. Putri almost fell to the floor due to Naomi's sudden appearance."Naomi, you, why are you here?"Unlike usual, this time Putri's voice sounded very nervous when she saw Naomi who was increasingly creepy.“Hello Putri, don't you want to invite me to be friends. Come and come to me."Naomi did not pay attention to the expression of the Putri stead she walked closer to her, while that person actually retreated away."What, no, no, I mean why?"The princess looks more and more panicked, plus if she keeps walking backwards, all that remains is an empty clas
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“Now you are a new vampire. Are you sure you can control yourself? At least you thought about it. If you go, what if you meet someone later? I'm pretty sure you won't be able to hold it. The burning in your throat is the first thing you will feel."“Shut your mouth, don't talk too much. I should never be like this. You can only trouble other people, and you do not think what are the consequences of your actions."The princess still intends to continue her journey, and ignores what Naomi says to her. Being there too long is not a good thing. But..., where should the Putri go, right now she is not a human like before. And all because of Naomi's reckless actions.Putri's movements stopped automatically when she felt her throat burn."Impossible.""Are you done, now follow me. We're going to go hunting.""You thought I would come with you.""Of course. Don't you want to know the cause of all this? And a little secret."
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Putri, A New Vampir (meet Andros)
“We've lost a lot of time, that's why I hate dealing with humans so much. Can we go now, right now I'm feeling tired. Later I will tell you in more detail."Seeing the current condition, Naomi's words were true. With a body that has changed, even Putri feels strange, like it or not she has to try to adapt."How about my handkerchief."“Luckily I managed to find it, just because of this handkerchief you can't even tell the difference between good and bad. Take it, you might need it later."“Found it or took it on purpose. A two different things."“Can you not start again, just show me where your house is and we go. I think this problem will never be resolved."Naomi's departure from the place finally ended the debate between them. Everything really ended.--------- ^ -------- ^ -------- ^ -------"You feel something?"Naomi managed to ask about Putri's condition when she saw the change in her face
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Draynes finally began to talk about what Andros would do, with Putri still looking at him—because all this time the Putri had only been watching them, not intending to interfere in the conversation.Only by seeing Andros's unstable anger, in fact, succeeded in making Putri not dare to interfere in the conversation. It was unexpected that Andros, who previously always looked cold, could turn out like this.Putri witnessed all the events with a look as if in disbelief.“No way, what's with all this. Andros he..."The Putri felt that what she saw at that time was not like the Andros she had known so far, one of the coolest new kids in her school, but another creature in the form of a vampire.“A truth, everything that has not been seen so far is not necessarily something that is impossible. The truth behind reality, that's what's happening now."Andros's face stiffened again at Naomi's sarcasm just as Brandy had just let go of
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Slowly Seen
“Sandra, can't you read the situation, I was being serious. You are even grinning incoherently."Laska's protests when his concentration completely broke."It can't be helped, everything is still not proven. Plus Naomi's problem, I'm sure you must be still thinking about it." Sandra added with a frowning face, changing to a confused look at Bila."You mean, you're jealous of my feelings for Naomi?" Laska said with a seductive look.Lately it feels really good to tease Sandra all the time."What, jealousy. Listen, Laska, rather than I'm jealous about your relationship with Naomi, I'd better have a special relationship with Brendi," replied Sandra by throwing a thick book, but failed to hit the target when Laska managed to catch him."Special relationship, you mean dating. Thoughts are always bad, suddenly they even like one of them." Laska said this time with a mocking look."Woy, class leader, when talking is using your brain, d
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