All Chapters of My Innocent Beauty: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 Chapters
CHAPTER 131 Xenia Was Shocked
"Mom........" Little Kevin said excitedly and ran.Xenia stretched her hands towards the child coming to her while running and wanted to hold her son being joyous.Ethan and Evelyn were watching the scene with pale faces standing behind Xenia at some distance."Mom......" Kevin ran past Xenia and moved towards Ethan and Evelyn. Xenia rendered dumbfounded when she turned around and saw Kevin clinging to Evelyn's legs and rubbing his small face on her legs showing his affection. Xenia recalled Kevin always used to do this with her when he was with her, but she always used to scold him not to ruin her dress.Xenia's eyes almost popped out in shock when Evelyn not only not stopped Kevin to ruin her dress, in fact, she picked him in his arms kissing his chubby cheeks.'How could a lady from an elite circle behave like this in her own party? High and noble ladies usually keep their children strict, leave them under the care of caretakers, why is this Evelyn
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CHAPTER 132 Evelyn Defeated Xenia
“Ahh, ouch......” Xenia moaned and rubbed her forehead.The next morning, Xenia woke up with a terrible headache because of a hangover. For a few minutes, she only moaned and rubbed her forehead, scanning the place she was in. The next moment she realized that she was still in Edward’s mansion. This made her get up with a jerk.‘I am still in Edwards mansion, but why, and for what and why is my headache aching like hell. Oh yes, last evening..... Oh shit, what did I do?’ Xenia was thinking about how she had ended up here and recalled that last evening she had completely messed up everything. She had dared to ruin Edward’s party. She had insulted Evelyn in front of her guests. Thank God she got drunk before saying further.However, whatever she had done before getting dunk was not forgivable.Now she could never get her son back, let alone get any benefit from Ethan.Xenia stood up and anxio
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CHAPTER 133 Ethan Pitied Xenia
When Xenia excused herself and ran out of the mansion, Steve, Skylar, and Ethan sighed in relief and praised Evelyn’s idea to let Xenia see the truth. Xenia should know that Kevin is not the same as he was in the past. He has changed.Now he is Kevin Edwards, a boy from the Edwards family and he also has accepted everybody.“Evelyn, your decision was right. I am proud of you.” Skylar said.“Hmm, that’s good that everything has now been sorted out, but Evelyn and Ethan be careful as Xenia might come back again,” Steve said with all his experience.Ethan and Evelyn nodded, and after that everybody got engaged in their work.Skylar and Steve went to Sphinx industries after sending both the kids to the school. Evelyn went to Stark industry’s old office whereas Ethan drove off the trustees of Edwards industries.When Xenia walked out of the Edwards mansion, she ran on the road maniacally to go far away from the
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CHAPTER 134 Evelyn is Suspicious
“Kevin, how was your day at the school?” Evelyn asked, looking at her innocent child from the corner of her eyes while driving the car.“Mom, it was good,” Kevin answered, looking at Evelyn with a glimmer in his eyes, then turned his face towards the window, looking out in a daze.He was so engrossed in looking out of the window of the moving car, leaving everything behind that, Evelyn could easily understand that it’s not her normal son who daily shares his entire activities of the school with her enthusiastically.Evelyn sighed. She knew something was wrong with Kevin since he had met Xenia, but she didn’t want to disturb his tender thoughts, just like that. She has not even wanted him to keep it inside his heart. That’s why after discussing with the child counselor she made a plan to make Kevin open his heart to her.Evelyn didn’t drive him home but stopped the car in front of his f
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CHAPTER 135 Kevin Is Missing
The next morning Evelyn finished her office work fast and went to see the child counselor she had contacted before.“Doctor, even though my son has said a few things about his past, but I am still sure that he hasn’t shared everything. He still has something in his mind, and I don’t want him to be haunted by his past. Doctor, please help me.” Evelyn said anxiously.Her heart always got uneasy whenever it came to Kevin. She wanted him to grow up in a healthy and carefree atmosphere, without any shadow in his heart. If any tender child is having something in his/ her heart which he/ she can’t share with anybody, then they cannot come out from this ever.The doctor smiled, seeing Evelyn’s concern for her adopted child. “Evelyn relaxes, the problem of Kevin is not a big deal. Perhaps there is something from his past which either scared him, or he does not want to reveal it to anybody, or maybe he doesn’t remember it clearly. Evelyn, he is very small to re
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CHAPTER 136 Xenia The Culprit
Police officer looked at Evelyn then at Ethan. He is confused.“Who is Xenia?” Police officer asked.“It’s nothing, my wife surely misunderstood something.” Ethan hides the real identity of Xenia from the police officer.Obviously he doesn’t want to disclose who Xenia Davis to Edwards and Kevin. What’s more since the day he had seen Xenia sitting, sitting at the side of the road, neighborhood of his community he pitied her. For his perceptive she is a pitiful mother who has borne so much and even refused to take any financial help from him. Why will she do anything to their child knowing the influence of Edwards family.This suspicion of Evelyn will only land her in the new trouble until they will get Kevin back.“Officer as you know Edwards is business class and influenced family and we can’t count our business rivals, but they are also for elite class. I don’t thin
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CHAPTER 137 Kevin Is Back Home
When Evelyn and Ethan were involved in a heated argument, Steve and Skylar were looking at them with wide eyes in shock.They had never seen both of them like this.Always loving couples are entangled in a serious fight, Steve and Skylar wanted to meddle but seems like it’s not only Ethan and Evelyn’s personal matter but also complicated.In that case, Steve and Skylar don’t want to say anything, especially when they both are oblivious to the matter.Ethan and Evelyn are fighting over Kevin and Xenia. What’s wrong? What is going on? What has that Xenia has done now that made Evelyn snorting in anger.Steve was looking at them in confusion keeping a hand on waist and holding his urge to meddle between them, scold them and make them shut their mouth who were fighting like wildcats in the middle of the living hall of the Edwards mansion regardless of surrounding that they have onlookers.When Evely
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CHAPTER 138 Xenia's True Face
Xenia’s enemies?Everybody was stunned when Xenia mentioned that the people who kidnapped her and Kevin are her enemies.Evelyn frowned, listening to her. So it turned out that the kidnappers who harmed her son are Xenia’s enemies and Kevin landed in the trouble because of her.“Your enemies, who is that and why?” Ethan immediatelyasked.“What did you do to make such enemies who can kidnap a child?” Evelyn asked sharply.A minute before, she was concerned for Xenia. When she has seen Xenia’s wounded face, she thought Xenia had been injured while saving her son, but the truth is she not only ends up herself but Kevin also in trouble.“Eve, please calm down.” Skylar interrupts Evelyn’s sharp tone.“But sister........”“Evelyn, look at her condition. You don’t need to talk so rudely, please easy dear.” Skylar cu
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CHAPTER 139 Ethan Is Angry
Evelyn was pacing back and forth in her room thinking about the entire event unfold in the Edwards mansion a few hours before. She is sure Xenia is not as pitiful as she is looking. She is deceiving everybody.Even though she doesn’t know what the matter is, she is sure Xenia is hiding something. Perhaps she has some ulterior motives.Evelyn is thinking that she had to do something to find out the hidden truth.It’s so useless to share it with Ethan. He will never believe anything against Xenia.She pretended perfectly miserable and pitiful in front of him and gained all his sympathy.Even though Evelyn knew Ethan helped her with money only to keep Kevin away from danger not for her, she still couldn’t help getting frustrated by his over soft attitude for Xenia.Evelyn looks at the watch and releases a sigh that Ethan will take some time to get back home from the company. She fetched her phone and dia
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CHAPTER 140 Biased Toward Xenia
Evelyn felt Ethan’s words were like a slap on her face. She knew she made a mistake when she was late to pick Kevin from school but was it only her fault?Why is he biased toward her than Xenia?If there would be some other woman in place of Evelyn, she would be highly jealous and fight with her husband, but Evelyn is too lazy to be jealous because of trivial matters because she knows Ethan can’t fall for anybody else. She has to believe in her love.The matter that couldn’t solve between them is related to Kevin.Evelyn believes Xenia is responsible for Kevin’s kidnapping.While Ethan thought it was Evelyn’s recklessness that their children had been landed in trouble.“Mom, mom.......”Even though Kevin was carried by Ethan in his arms protectively, he stretched his hand towards Evelyn, who was standing few steps far from them and he is calling for his mother.Th
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