All Chapters of The Girl He Promised to Protect: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Stay, here in my heart, Naomi...
"Let me go, Nelson!" Naomi harshly pulled away from him as soon as Lana and Samuel disappeared from their view.   "What's wrong Naomi? What did I do to you that you despise me that much?.."   "As I said. Nothing wrong, just stay away from my business."   "No. It's not going to happen. I'm not going to let you go. At least I won't."   "Don't make me repeat myself!" Holding up the rage buckling in her, she makes sure Nelson heard her well this time. "Stay. Away. From. Me."   "NO." Nelson gets a hold of her arm before she gets the chance to run away again. "Give me a chance, let us prove that we are not meant to be together." Nelson hadn't staggered from his position, inoffensive by Naomi's harsh attitude toward him. "Give me a chance." He said, almost half whispering.   As if the time had frozen, for a second, Naomi had listened to him. Their eyes locked, and a
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My dearest
The hot day of the day is beginning to subside as the sun is going down. Naomi and Nelson take a seat on the bench by the riverbank overlook from the bustling of the metropolitan Capital City.   "Promise me, from now on, never turn your back on me again." He muttered.   Naomi paused, staring into the eyes of a boy who wanted to be with her persistently, Naomi lost, the stone-cold heart of her melted a little by little, starting to warm her from the inside.   "Naomi..."   The way he speaks her name awakens her soul. Urging her to feel human again. After the bad encounter with her uncle, she has no reason to be happy anymore.   In her subconscious mind, man is a monster. Being strong, they only wanted to conquer the female and threaten the weakest.   But...   Why is there another one other than Samuel Jin in front of her, denying every thou
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The visit - 1
In the heart of the most luxurious neighborhoods of Capital City, the Hills of Moon Village is ironically stuck in a re-development that is still in progress after so many years due to the terrain. Thus, if there is the unurgent business to settle, the villager won't bother to go through the unwinding stairways alley just to get to the city as the basic essential supplies still can be acquired from the row of old shops which I barely remember, consist of a barbershop, little cafe, and a groceries mart Yet, Naomi is going through the same route daily to get to the school. I almost admired her strong will, looking back to check on Samuel, I had caught Samuel had been wiping away sweats many times. "Are you alright, Sam?" I deliberately ask just to check whether he regrets his decision to go with me this morning. "I'm good, watch your steps." In his breathy voice, he replied. "We are almost there," I said, showing him the significant gate at the
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The visit - 2
"What?"   Once again we are exclaiming the same question to the fact. There is really a bundle of newfound information that surprises us.   Gently, Mrs. Jang pours the tea into our glass cups, her hands are steady in her age. Drawing back to her seat, her bitter smile reflected as the poignant memory resurface.   "Indeed, he is my half-brother. I don't pledge for Naomi, she has the reasons why she is ashamed to declare his own uncle." She demurred. "Growing up, he had always cast problems. Drugs, gambling, and debts from the loan shark, always gave my mother heartache and disappointment. My mother died soon later, having no one else to depends but for me, my family is living in hell soon afterward. " Tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to fall at any time.   "Aunty... it's alright. The bad memories are best left behind." Samuel puts his hands on hers, retaining her from being sad all over again
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Naomi and me
Good weather is a good day, I tell myself. Wiping away the droplets of sweat from my forehead, I push the left-ajar gate wide. "Naomi?" I called to her as I shut the gate properly behind me. Am I too early? I wondered; it seemed like even Mrs. Jang was not around either. I proceeded to the front door, and knocked, "Naomi?" The unlocked door sound startled me; Naomi was at the door. "Come in, my mom has gone to the market." She said as she held the door, letting me into her house. Naomi, how are you? I'm glad to see you again. " "I'm good." She replied in her cold undertones. Bolting the door behind me, she takes my hand, leading me into her bedroom, where we always spend time after school during the first year of middle school. Naomi's unusual behavior had me pondering the reason she called me in, yet I decided to hear her out. I take a look around. Her bedroom hadn't changed much, everything is in place and neat as usual. Books were sprawled on her study desk, indicating that
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Happy day
"Cheers to our Nelson first girl!!" They yelled joyously over the non-alcoholic cocktails.   Glasses clinking.   Naomi's cheeks were almost burned by the surprise arranged by Nelson at the private yacht club lounge belonging to his family.
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It is past 10:30 pm after our late night revision class, I definitely disapprove of doing study at this hour. But this is the only way I can avoid getting home earlier, mom wouldn't be allowing me to go to Samuel's house for the sake of studying, and definitely, a boy coming to my house to study with me is a no-no. And so here am I, sitting on Samuel's passenger side, trying to stay awake on the 25 minutes drive home.   "You keep dozing off, Lana. Tired?" Asked Samuel while his gaze concentrates on the road.   "Hmm..."I mumbled, lazily turned to him, "Yeah, Hansel have an episode again last night."   "Just close your eyes then, I will wake you up later," Samuel suggested.   "Sure," I replied in brief. Silly, my eyelids are heavy, I would be glad to be granted 10 minutes of eyes close. I just don't want to be rude, having Samuel drive me home while I was asleep. Giving up on trying to stay awake, I le
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Returning to the day it rain
Drip, drip, drip...   The white voice of rain awakens me.   Gradually, I regained consciousness. Looking around to the familiar place, I realize I was back in my classroom, alone. I had fallen asleep.   The classroom is empty, and the clock above the whiteboard shows that it is 5:50 pm.   A realization hits me like thunder, could it be...   I pulled away from my desk, heartbeat racing, wildly looking around me.   Am I having another nightmare again?   "Student?" A voice startled me, practically had me get a heart attack.   I gasped in horror as the person I feared the most appeared at the front door.   "Student, are you alright? Why are you staying alone in the classroom?" The perfectly fine Mr. Bong asked.   No, there is something wrong with the setting. Am I returning to thi
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Evidence - 1
It's late in the middle of the day, the sun is warm, a soft breeze gently ruffled her middle-length wavy hair. Naomi had just finished her Sunday part-time job, noticing the front gate isn't locked, she pondered whether her mother had forgotten to lock the door again.   "Ma?" Her voice echoed into the empty house. Her mom isn't around, she sighed to no avail, her mother had gone out for the day, the dining table had been prepared with the meal, waiting to be re-heat.   She looks over her surrounding, her sixth sense gesturing she isn't alone. A terror strikes as she found the door to her room was ajar.   She never left her bedroom left unlocked!   Her steps stuttered, unable to think for a moment. She purposely left the main door open wide, grabbing the handle of a broom which coincidentally was the most suitable weapon she found closer to her, she carefully entered her room.   "
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Evidence - 2
"Don't do anything stupid, Nora!" She hissed in anger.   "I saw the opportunity why not, Naomi?" Nora replied with no remorse. She casually hoisted the stained uniform from the floor. The name embroidered on it had turned dirty dark brown. "I only need to take this with me."    "NO!!!" Naomi seized it, clutching it tightly to her chest.   "Oh Naomi, you don't expect me to be harsh to you, right? Give it to me while I'm being nice." She ordered in her rather restrained demeanor.   "Get out!" Instead, Naomi decides to chase her sister out of the house.   "Unless you hand to me that blazer." Nora forfeited, she trances to get it herself.   "No!!" Naomi holds it more tightly to her, dropping herself into a defensive stance.   A bitter frown creeping all over her face, the evidence is the main subject to her plan, she had to have it no ma
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