All Chapters of HER BODYGUARD : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
84 Chapters
Chapter Seventy One
Kimberly woke a little after ten and wasn't surprised to find herself alone. Even if she and Asher hadn't gotten to sleep until almost four in the morning, he wasn't the type to stay in bed past dawn. "Big ol' tough guy" she said with a yawn as she got out of bed and prepared to start what was left of her day. As she showered, she stretched her muscles that were mildly sore from the unaccustomed activity. Pain or not, she felt great. Whole, which was odd considering she had never felt anything was missing. Asher was an interesting man. Tender in bed... which she wouldn't have expected, but still tough. Just like the last time they had been together. He had held her through the night. Every time she had awakened, he had been right there, his arms around her. She told herself that it didn't mean anything. That it couldn't mean anything. They hadn't know each other long enough for it to mean anything. Y
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Chapter Seventy Two
Kimberly nodded. "But let's call my father first" she said. Asher agreed. He called her father thrice and got no reply. When he stopped trying, Kimberly was already freaking out and pacing the room. "My father can be absent minded sometimes" she said. "There are times when he switches off his phone on purpose and stays away from anything that has to do with the internet. He says they interfer with his work and when he does that it's really hard to get to him, except in person. That might be what's happening right now. I'm just worried because he wouldn't do such a thing right now, when he knows there are people after me.... Unless what Christopher Keane said is true... He's sick... He is sick and there is no way to reach him. Oh my God, Asher. What am I going to do?" "Calm down Kim," Asher said. "Let me call my men before we jump into any conclusions" Kimberly nodded. "I want to make sure he didn't g
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Chapter Seventy Three
Kimberly breathed deeply. "It's just so hard to believe." she said. "He is my dad's close friend. They have known each other for a long time. He trusts Christopher. Why would he even do something like this in the first place?" Asher stood and pulled her to her feet, then drew her against him. "Let's not jump into conclusions. The important thing is you and your dad are safe. As far as I am concerned, the job isn't over until I'm sure that you are going to be all right" Kimberly relaxed into him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "So you work for me now?" she asked playfully. "I remember one time you told me that you worked my dad and not me" Asher grinned. "Yeah I work for you" he said. "When did that switch happen?" she asked "A couple of days ago" he replied. "When are you going to let me start paying you?" she asked. 
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Chapter Seventy Four
He nibbled on her earlobe, gently biting down on the flesh before sucking on it. Goose bumps erupted every where. Her nipples hardened. She wanted him, all of him, right this second. The bedroom was too far away. Even as the thought formed, she reached for his belt and began to unfasten it. He chuckled against her neck. "Impatient, are we?" he asked. "Yes. Very" Kimberly said. He grabbed the hem of her T shirt and pulled it off in one easy movement. Her bra quickly followed, then he turned her attention to her breasts. He cupped them first, caressing every millimeter of sensitized skin. Then he bent down and licked the very tips to of her nipples. Her body clenched in response as she clung to him. It wasn't enough, she thought, barely able to stay conscious. It would never be enough. She raised her arms. She wanted him naked, but right now she could only expe
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Chapter Seventy Five
Kimberly,Please. I'm desperate to get in touch with you. Please call me as soon as you read this. It's your father. He's had a heart attack and he is near death. Kimberly stared at the email for several seconds before panic set in. She scrambled for a piece of paper and a pen, then quickly wrote down the phone number. When she had it, she ran into the control room and picked up the phone. "Please enter your authorization code" The computerized voice confused her. She punched in Christopher Keane's number, only to hear the instruction again. "What?" she demanded, then remembered this was Asher's safe house. The regular rules didn't apply. She hung up the phone. "I have to know" she murmured as she scanned the room for some way to find out the truth. She couldn't find her phone. There were only blinking cursors on various computer screens. How could she —
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Chapter Seventy Six
The shot was quieter than she would have thought. The sedative struck him in the upper left part of his chest, close to his shoulder. Her eyes flickered open then closed. She waited five seconds before shaking him. "Asher" she yelled. "Can you hear me?" He didn't budge. She dropped the gun onto the floor and ran for the garage. She was nearly halfway across the cement floor before the computerized voice warned her that she had violated her authorized perimeter. The shrill siren began as she started the car engine. She started to back out before the garage doors had fully opened, and there was an ugly scraping sound, barely audible over the pulsing alarm. Kimberly turned on the lights of the car and drove down the street. Not long now, she told herself over and over again in a litany of prayer. I will be there, daddy. Just hang on for me Tears threatened, but she willed them away.
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Chapter Seventy Seven
Kimberly drank some water from the faucet and returned to the bed. Asher would probably have recovered from the sedative, but that wasn't going to be much help to her. Sure, he could trace her to the hospital, but then what? Alex was probably going to kill after getting what he wanted from her. She accepted that. If not today, then soon. The thought of death scared her, but that really made her want to pound her hands against the walls and scream was the thought that Asher would never know she was sorry to have misjudged him. He would live the rest of her life aware that in the heat of the moment, she hadn't trusted him. "I was a fool" she whispered into the silence. "I should have trusted him. I should have remembered that that Alex would do anything to lure me out. I should have known you were on my side" Worse, she should have listened to her heart. Over the past couple of days, she had been feeling things for A
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Chapter Seventy Eight
"You bastard" Kimberly said. "He thought you were his friend. He trusted you. Why would you do something like this to him?" He ignored her questions. "I want you to change your clothes" he said as he walked back to the door. "You will have to eat too. No fainting. In fact, nothing out of the ordinary" She waited, knowing he was finally going to tell her what this was all about. And then, before he could speak, she understood. "You need money." she breathed. "You were after the ransom money from my kidnap. Only that plan didn't work out so well for you" "Smart girl" Christopher said grinning. "You could have just asked for help" Kimberly said. "You didn't have to do all this" "Shut up" he shouted. "I don't have to explain my actions to you. That's the thing with you and your father. Feeling and acting like gods. Now, I decided to go another way. We
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Chapter Seventy Nine
She was living on borrowed time, as well but somehow that mattered less. If he killed her this second, she would have only two regrets. First, that she wouldn't be around to help those adorable kids anymore, and second, that Asher would always believe that she hadn't trusted him or cared for him at all. ----------------------------Kimberly rode the elevator in silence, then stepped out in the elegant foyer and asked for Damon Forbes. "I'm sorry" the lady they spoke to told her. "Mr Forbes is on vacation. Did you have an appointment?" Kimberly turned to Christopher. "Did you make an appointment?" she asked him. He nodded. "Paul Nelson is handling the transaction" "Then Mr Nelson" Kimberly said. "Of course. I will tell him you are here" she waited politely for their names. Christopher put his arm around Kimbe
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Chapter Eighty
"I will get you, you bitch!" Christopher screamed at Kimberly. His face turned red and his eyes seemed to bug out. "This is all your fault. I will get you, and when I do, I will make you wish you were dead. You hear me?"The last of her reserves faded. At that moment, Kimberly couldn't take one more thing. She felt weak. She handed the phone to Asher."Talk to my dad. Maybe you can make him understand. He's not listening to me" she said.Then she grabbed for a chair as her legs gave out and she fainted.------------------------Kimberly finished packing her clothes. She had already put her laptop in it's case and cleared out the bathroom. There wasn't all that much left to do, which meant she had no excuse to linger. But she desperately wanted to see Asher before she left.James had said something about him dropping by, but he hadn't been specific. Kimberly had a feeling that if she
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