All Chapters of My Forbidden Lover: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
94 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-eight
Mr Wellspring could see the cemetery gate clearly now, he saw his wife, Ryan, Sarah and Helen calling him to leave the car. He shook his head thinking he was hallucinating but they were still there. He was alarmed, he thought they were another ghosts and they possessed the body of his wife, Sarah, Ryan and Helen. He didn't want to be deceived the second time. He shifted to the inside the car when his back touched the back of the second door, he opened it slowly and took a handful of sand in his hand without shifting his gaze from them. When he took it, he carefully closed the door still maintaining an eye contact with them, not allowing them to see the content in his hands. Before they could say Jack, he poured the sand on his wife and the others, waiting for them to disappear if they were ghosts but they didn't disappear. He heaved a sigh of relief and took his wife's hands to leave the car. "What happened to you? Why did you pour sand on all of us? What has come over you?"
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Chapter Sixty-nine
Ryan kept quiet and watched the man for some seconds without blinking. He hoped the man didn't hear his conversation with Sarah, "He looks like he is part of the ghost's family, like the ghost brothers and sisters." "You can say that again, again and again." Sarah quietly smacked him."Stop it both of you!" Helen whispered sternly looking pissed, "What has come over you two? "  Shut up Ryan or he will hear you and you too Sarah, shut up." Helen cautioned them when she was pissed by their meaningless discussion."Sorry mom." Ryan's face fell. "Sorry for yourself. Don't you know that this is a crucial situation? Learn to be serious Ryan, don't joke about everything.""Shut up both of you, especially you with a messy hair Sarah,you talk too much. How dare you interrupt my thinking?" The man shouted, Sarah almost fainted, the last thing she wanted was the man getting angry at her, she prayed she wouldn't get into trouble with the wild man or else he would
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Chapter Seventy
Boss was furious, he moved closer to where Mr Wellspring stood, "How dare you disturb my peace." He pointed a finger towards Mr Wellspring's face, Mr Wellspring swallowed hard, he was more concerned about Boss's long, dirty, smelling fingers touching him. "Am sorry, I didn't mean to shout and disturb you. I shouted for a reason.""And what is that?" Boss raised one of his brows feeling uninterested."I shouted because I was attacked by a ghost. The ghost almost strangled me so I screamed . The ghost made me see another different things, it made me see things like I was hallucinating, I saw things different from what was happening in reality. I.. I saw myself alone in an open field meanwhile I was in my car and my wife and kids were waiting outside. Can you imagine?" "Hmmm. I think i now understand you, that's a good reason for shouting and I think I know what happened." Boss touched his chin as if he was thinking deep, "I know that ghost. When I resumed
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Chapter Seventy-one
Helen decided to try another method again she brought out her best friend's cloth, killed a rat, sprinkled the blood on a small alter beside the cloth and called her name thrice but there was no response. She change her words and chanted another words but only light winds blew and no one appeared. Tired and frustrated, Helen gave up. Amid silent tears, she packed the ritual items into her bags ready to go back home hating the fact that her best friend had failed her and out her to shame."And what are you doing Helen? I thought you will try another method? Don't worry, am not in a hurry, I know it's not easy, you just have to take it easy on yourself." Mr Wellspring patted her back."Thanks for not giving up on me but it's a shame that I have given up on myself. I have tried all the methods I know but I couldn't summon her. Am going home." She turned her back and packed her stuffs, ready to leave.After seeing the fruitless efforts of Helen, Boss decided to give a helping h
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Chapter Seventy-two
Ryan almost passed out, his legs were shaking, he wished he could just run away and never come back, he was beginning to loathe his biological mother for giving them too much trouble just to see her. He didn't know summoning her would be a very scary and difficult task. He concluded in his mind that in future, he will never come back to this place for one thing or the other. He wished he would never have anything that would make him come to the burial ground to summon her again. He just covered his eyes with his palms, glued to Mr Wellspring  and froze on the spot, expecting the worst to stop happening. The candles were off and whispers could be heard everywhere, light footsteps were heard walking majestically towards them but when they turned to see who it was, they saw no one. Cold breeze brought goosebumps on their body."Helllooo dear frieenndd." A ghost whispered, her presence was felt close to Helen. Her presence brought fear to everyone, it sent shivers to eve
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Chapter Seventy-three
The atmosphere was tensed.  Everyone wore a pensive look. "Why are my kids and your kids having the same name? And why does your son have natural green eyes like my son's green eyes." "It was fate. They both have green eyes and answer the same name because my twins were sent in replacement of your children because it was destined that both of them will love each other, commit the gravest crime and die for love while mine will take over and continue from where they stopped but they won't fall in love with each other. It's their destiny, my children will take over from where your children stopped. Even Helen, look at her, we bear the same name because it was fate, she is destined to finish what I started, to take over what I left behind, it's our destiny.""Interesting. Okay." "Yes. Now let's conclude with the process of the ritual." Helen and her husband chorused and started chanting loud words. Everything was flying about, the wind was blowing in a
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Chapter Seventy-four
"Dad!" Sarah gasped, she was super excited to see her father, "I thought you already abandoned us." She hugged him tight before sighting her mom behind him."Oh my God mom, you are fine now! I missed you too." She ran to hug her mom, "Am so glad that you've been discharged." "I will never abandon you Sarah, why will you say that?" Her dad held her her wrist, "Come here." He hugged her, "I have missed you so much my baby." He embraced her tighter, her scent filled his nostrils, he loved what she scented like. He wished he could turn back the hands of time, he would stop his kids from sleeping with each other. He didn't say much word to her because he was very close to tears and he could burst into tears anytime."And where is your brother?" She looked around, "Such a nice little room you've got.""Thanks mom, we were transferred in here last week since we have less than two days are numbered and speaking of Ryan, he is bathing." "Oh, I see."
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Chapter Seventy-five
"Helen made a covenant with her best friend and when it was time for her best friend to deliver her babies, she delivered them and reminded Helen about the blood covenant and the promises they made to each other before she died but before she died, Helen told her that in future, what if she doesn't have enough money to take care of the kids, what should she do rather than watching them suffer? Her best friend said she could give them to someone who is trustworthy and they must come to her grave to summon her spirit..." Mr Wellspring went on and on."Wow. That's so touching.""Did Helen's husband maltreat the twins?" "No he didn't, he treated them equally with his own children, there is a revelation I want to tell you guys, so listen attentively." Me Wellspring said, "The reason you guys committed incest is beyond your imagination. I discussed with Helen's best friend and she said it www destiny. It was you guys destiny to commit incest and die for love. She also t
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Chapter Seventy-six
Ryan woke up with a start and he realized that he had been sedated. He tried to recall what happened within the past hours but he couldn't, his memory was not accurate to give an account  of everything. He groaned, pains engulfed him, he tried to move his head but he couldn't, he could only look towards a direction, he wondered what the problem could be, but he couldn't, he tried to recall the past events but it was almost an impossible task then he gave up and stood in the posture. After some minutes, his leg began to shake as a result of him standing for long, he tried to move his body so he could sit but he couldn't, he tried to turn but he couldn't then he realized that his hands and his legs were chained. He was shocked to the bones. He wondered how he got himself himself chained all over. He moved his body violently  in order to free himself from the shackles but it was an impossible task because he was chained from his shoulders to his feet. He knew he co
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Chapter Seventy-seven
"Someone help." Ryan screamed but he was not heard, "Someone help me, save me. What the hell is happening to me, Sarah and my parents. Anybody help!" He screamed and cried louder but no one even noticed his presence, they were all busy doing one thing or the other. It was like the more he shouted, the more the voices overwhelm his voice, no one was even listening to him. He some people holding hands, chanting with powerful voice as heavy wind blew, they were calling on powers and supernatural forces.they were inviting terrestrial powers, spirit of their ancestors in their midst.They all stood round an altar, where something or someone was sacrificed. Ryan heard their voices as it thundered but he couldn't make meaning out if it, he didn't understand what they said. Not too long thunder struck, he heard a deafening voice from up above, "You Ryan have been rejected by this town, leave you unclean fellow, leave this sacred land. Leave and go into the woods where you belong." Imme
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