All Chapters of Viva La Vida (Complete): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
96 Chapters
Chapter 82
The crowd was shocked. They had never seen a man killed in such a brutal way and it shocked them into silence. Samnom reached down and removed whatever gold Lored had on his person then he walked to the exit of the arena. On the way he stopped and kissed Mota’s forehead saying a quick prayer to the gods. Then he stood and left the arena of death in deathly silence. The guards stepped aside and did not attempt to stop him. He was, after all, a free man now. Then, outside the auditorium, he began to run. The city had been busy throughout the day as people invited to the ball made last minute arrangements. Most had to do with their garments and drove the tailors mad aside from making them rich. This was the day when they could demand almost any price they wanted for the smallest change to a customer’s costume. Tailors had even realized that keeping customers costumes until the day before and then letting customers have them was a very lucrative business for them. As customers discover
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Chapter 83
Gelyn new word was spreading as she saw women and men start to glare at her as she moved through the crowd. As she moved, a path opened in front of her as the whispers of who she was overtook her and now preceded her approach.Then at last she stood in front of Breeger.“Ah! My Lady Gelyn!” Breeger said almost shouting so people could hear. A hush fell over the room spreading out from Breeger and Gelyn like a ripple of silence.Breeger looked around and spotted Benedict who had not heard his initial greeting with Gelyn. “My Lord King!” Breeger shouted.Benedict stopped and turned at the sound of Breeger’s voice that reached him now as silence swept across the room like a wave.“My Lord. Do you remember your mistress Gelyn?” Breeger said loudly for all to hear. He saw three men turn as one as they searched for the woman they all knew about. Breeger assumed they were the masters of the Order of Keln.B
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Chapter 84
When Harbem had seen Hester exit the hall he did not stop to try and signal to Alexa at the exit as agreed. He needed time alone with Hester and hoped Alexa would not see them when they exited.But Alexa did see them. She recognized her mother and saw Harbem leave shortly after. She did not think it strange that Harbem did not signal to her. It might have been too obvious given the current circumstances in the hall. Alexa had been speaking with a gentleman before Breeger’s confrontation with Benedict, but could not move too quickly for fear of attracting attention to herself.She made her way to the door slowly as the confrontation continued and finally exited closing the door behind her.She tiptoed down the hallway looking for Harbem and her mother. She could not see them but finally, she heard low voices further down the passage. She approached silently as she heard her mother and Harbem speaking.Alexa listened to their conversation with incredu
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Chapter 85
The crowd began to advance as Benedict retreated and then a wall of soldiers was established in front of him.In the next instant a man arrived in front of Benedict. Benedict did not know who he was and hesitated wondering if the man was dangerous or not.“Gelyn!” the man called.Gelyn turned and stopped at the sight of Samnom. “Sam!” she cried.“Go. You are all in danger. I will defend you but you must hurry!”Guards hesitated trying to determine if Samnom was a threat then decided he wasn’t. They moved to surround Benedict even as Samnom began to fight.Benedict turned and ushered Gelyn and Arnson from the hall leaving the chaos behind. He cast a fleeting glance behind him before exiting, looking for Hester and Breeger but neither were anywhere to be seen. Benedict led Gelyn along a circuitous route that led them to his chambers.“I am so sorry you
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Chapter 86
Benedict searched Hester’s eyes searching for an answer. A way in. But all he saw was ice cold steel resolve.“Very well.” He stood and crossed to the doors. He opened them and spoke with Tordor who was closest. “Let everyone in.”“The men of the Order are here,” Tordor whispered quickly.“Fine. They can come in too.” Tordor opened the chamber doors and let everyone enter in an orderly fashion. Hester stood and watched them as they entered until they finally stood grouped together.Everyone looked at Hester and Benedict who faced them.“This is atrocious!” said Talek. “We have to stand outside while the king speaks with his mistress?”“Mind your mouth,” Benedict said, “or I will mind it for you.”Talek looked as if he were about to answer but something in Tordor’s gaze warned him not to.Hester spoke stepping into the sil
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Chapter 87
“The main chamber.” Miros paused for effect. He enjoyed having important news that no-one else had.“Yes?” Breeger asked eagerly. “What about it?”“Apparently it’s melted. The whole floor. Men fell into the floor when they returned from the passages.”“Gods!” Breeger exclaimed.“They apparently had to use chains to get across from the passages to the exit. Some men fell in and some chains melted right away with men on them or men were cooked as they crossed the chains.”“Gods, that’s terrible,” Breeger said.“I am glad I am not them,” Miros said sipping his tea.“Indeed.” Breeger replied. “But I need those men to stay there. Can you arrange to keep them there?”“Sure. I can send some men.”“Do it urgently. I will pay you later.”“Very well.” Miros f
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Chapter 88
“Your majesty,” he began trying to assure Benedict of his respect, “Huthdel’s crime aside, there is the matter of the exorcism which is requested by the Order.” “The exorcism which Huthdel expects me to submit to?” “Actually your majesty, we suggested it.” Benedict paused considering this. “I was not aware you requested it. Now that it is clear the request comes from you perhaps you can explain your reasoning better.” “Your majesty, I do recall that in return for our support you committed to furthering the beliefs of the Order of Keln.” “And I have always done so Master Kormol. I have never prevented the Order from progressing its ministry in any way.” “Until now your majesty. By rejecting the exorcism.” Master Kormol replied then continued quickly, “We see that you are intimate with the very women that Atomas was intimate with. When you burned the body of Atomas you prevented his soul from moving on as is tradition. We believe that his soul has possessed you your Majesty. It nee
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Chapter 89
Tordor agreed. He knew it was a war they could not win. He left to order the bodies prepared for burial.Benedict looked over the city. His thoughts turned to Hester and Harbem and Alexa. He called one of the guards and told him to fetch Harbem from the dungeons.Harbem was ushered in some time later. His hands were still chained and Benedict ordered the chains removed. The guard removed them and left. Benedict indicated that Harbem should be seated. He poured two cups of wine and handed Harbem one.“Perhaps we can make a deal Harbem.”“I am prepared to listen your Majesty.”“There are ten thousand men outside the walls of the city. This morning, two of the three masters who led them to the gates, were murdered in audience with me. I have no doubt Breeger is behind it, but that’s beside the point. Those men outside the city will march and wipe out this city. I will need every man to defend it. Perhaps now is the
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Chapter 90
“He had it coming. Besides, if he had been freed and allowed to voice his opinion, he would not have voiced it in favour of us.“ “Of that much I am sure,” Benedict replied. He would have to explain the death to Talek. There was not much else that could be done. Benedict insisted that they make their way to the mine first before returning the bodies of the masters. Tordor agreed. Melonor had not returned with news from the mine and both Benedict and Tordor suspected that he must have met with misfortune. They instructed the soldiers with the bodies to wait at the East gate for them and rode to the mine with a small number of soldiers. On the ride up they found out why Melonor had not returned from the mine. He lay dead beside the road, killed by an arrow through the heart. Benedict and Tordor surmised that it was an assassin ordered to stop word of the situation at the mine getting back to Benedict. They doubted that anyone would try to stop them now but cautioned the soldiers to
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Chapter 91
“You seem to be full of excuses King Benedict but yet have no proof of anything you say. Assassins killed our masters you say but they escaped. Atomas body was not burned you say but you cannot produce his body. Atomas women have left you say but where is the proof? I truly believe that you have lost control of the kingdom King Benedict. In all the time you have been king, you have failed to eradicate the Black Cloaks. I think it is time that we should do your job for you and relieve you of the task of ruling this kingdom.”“I ask you to please reconsider your threat Olnoy. I have come here today in peace. There have been a series of unfortunate events which have happened at this point in time. However, if you will decide to at least try and trust me, I will show you what I say is true.”“I think letting you stand out here and lie to me is enough. Letting you give me the bodies of our masters simply adds insult to injury.”Ben
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