All Chapters of Bestfriends Shouldn't Know How You Taste : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
222 Chapters
Bailey's povI've never felt so warm before. So safe. So tucked in an embrace that felt so protective. I wanted to stay there longer, I really did. But something in my mind urges me, pokes me to wake up. I reluctantly do. My eyes peeled open, my throat bobbing slightly as I swallowed. The first thing my vision caught is the bay walk half-naked babe poster on the wall. Followed by his messy as hell desk. I'm in Kaleb's room. The revelation hits me like a slap to the face. The first thought I had was 'fuck' the second 'shit' the third, well the third didn't come because panic started to settle in like a storm. And then I felt it, well him. His arm to be precise. It was slung around my middle, pushing me to his chest. I could feel his warm breath tickling the nape of my neck. My eyes bulged. Not only was I in Kaleb's room, but I was also in someone's arms. I heard his light groan behind me, followed by the faint squeeze of his arm around me. My heart jolts. Oh, God. Panic gri
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Bailey's povI quickly put my dress back on properly, my heart speeding quickly. I swallowed as I fixed my messy hair to hide those hickies her brother gave me last night after I washed my mouth to remove the stain. "Bails?" Mira called out with another knock. "Yeah, I'm almost done just a sec." I rushed out of my mouth and fixed my dress while praying that Mira wouldn't see those bruises on my neck. Hoping I looked decent enough, I walked to the door and opened it. Mira is leaning against the opposite wall, arms crossed and feet too. " Everyone seems to have already left." She sighed, pushing off the wall. I shifted out of her way. "I need to pee so bad, it's like I could fill an entire bucket." She groaned and entered the bathroom swiftly. Usually I'd wait for her to get out and we'd talk on the way. But right now, I was trying to avoid looking at her, so I made my way downstairs. If upstairs was messy, then down here was worst. I could barely see the floor as I tried my har
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Bailey's povI feel my cheeks grow even hotter as I realize what he was talking about. "I...I don't know what you're talking about." I stutter, taking another step back from him. But he follows, closing the gap between us once again."Don't play games with me, flower." His hand reaches out to gently touch my arm, sending shivers down my spine.My eyes widen, my heart leaping. Soon it began to race as I tried to come up with a response. Kaleb's gaze was so intense that I couldn't think properly. The memory of last night, of what we had done, came rushing back to me. It was a blur, but I remembered his touch, his lips on my skin, the way he made me feel.I shuddered."Kaleb," I whispered, praying that his parents would come to help me by entering the house. Kaleb peers into my eyes intensely, so intense that it felt like he was looking right into my soul. I bit my lip nervously, unsure of what to say. Kaleb took a step closer, his body now pressed against mine. His hand went to the
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Bailey's pov"I don't know what you're talking about," I repeated, trying to pull away from him again. But Kaleb's grip only tightened."Don't lie to me, Bailey," he growled, pulling me closer to him. "I know what we did last night. And I know you liked it just as much as I did."I could feel my body trembling under his touch, my mind racing with both fear and desire. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. I had enjoyed it - maybe even more than I should have.He searches my eyes, making my heart race even more. "There you two are," Mira huffed making me leap away from Kaleb like he had just set me on fire. With a heart that pounded in my chest, I cleared my throat and looked over at Mira.The smile on her face slowly disappear as she looked at both Kaleb and me. Lines soon paint between her brows."What's going on here?" She questioned suspiciously.I bit my tongue, my heart continuing to race. I didn't think I was very good at hiding my current dilemma.But thankfully, Kaleb
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Bailey's povWhen I got home, mom and dad were already waiting for me. Both with scowls on their faces and both with crossed arms to look intimidating.I lowered my eyes as I stepped in and closed the door."I can explain."I really couldn't.Dad's eyes narrowed, his arms crossed. "Then explain Bailey."I cringed. Uh oh he used my name. Shit was serious. Well then, I guess I'll be grounded for an entire year now. "Since when do you need to lie to us to get your way Bailey?" Mom questioned, shaking her head in disappointment.The last thing I want to do is disappoint my parents. I should have never agreed to attend the party. If I had just stayed home, I would not have lost my v-card to my best friend's brother. I winced, shifting on my feet sheepishly. The slight movement made the tender ache between my thighs greet me hello. I tried to not show how uncomfortable it made me and stopped shifting from foot to foot. I took a deep breath in, trying my best to relax my nerves. "I know,
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Bailey's povI had successfully avoided Kaleb for the first half of the day and tried my best to act normal in Mira's presence.Things would've been easier if I had not opened my legs for her brother."We need to get him back." Mira grumble and she slammed her locker close with a bit more force than necessary.My brows wrinkle, my eyes drifting over to her. "Get who back?"Mira rolled her eyes and turned around to plaster her back to the locker. "The boogeyman."When I do not look amused she lifted her hands in the air. "Kaleb! We need to get him back for dragging us down with him. I had to clean up fucking condoms Bailey. Fucking used condoms and some were in his room!"I winced, swallowing as I felt the blood drain from my face.I cleared my throat and closed my locker softly, trying to regain my composure."Whatever you have planned, I want no part of it. " I uttered. There's no way I'd join her this time. I was avoiding Kaleb, pranking him or even being close to him will lead to m
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Bailey's povKaleb's brows furrowed in confusion before his eyes dropped to stare at the clothes in Mira's hands.His body stiffen instantly and Mira squealed."Run Bails. Run!" She screeched loudly, running toward the exit. I follow after her, because well, Kaleb looked pretty fucking angry."Mira!" Kaleb's loud outburst rages through the entire school.When we were out, Mira flung the clothes to me. "Split up, you're quicker than me."She didn't even give me time to think about it before she head on off to another direction, leaving me in the hallway.I looked back, my heart jumping in my throat when I saw an angry Kaleb bursting through the door.Oh shit.From across here I can see the huge shape of his cock through the thin towel.Snap out of it Bailey! Now is not the time to focus on Kaleb's dick.His angry eyes narrowed on me, and then he sprints forward, toward me.Fuck this.I squealed and drop his clothes on the floor and run as if the fire of hell was nipping at my heels.It
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Bailey's povPush him away Bailey!Of course my brain, the sane part of me told me to push Kaleb away, but my heart and my body clearly didn't get the memo.Instead I melt into him and my lips followed his movements with just as much fever and craving. His tongue swept over my lower lip, his moan breathing into my mouth as I parted them.I shivered as his tongue swept over mine, slowly at first but he began to kiss me with so much need that my knees began to buck.If he didn't hold me so tightly I'd surely fall to my knees there and then.But he held me, he kissed me and he showed me how much he wanted me.And that's when I knew we had to stop. If I didn't stop now, things would get worse.I bit Kaleb's tongue, he hisses, pulling away. His hand go to his mouth as he gave me that 'what the fuck is wrong with you' look.I scowled, fighting the feelings had seem to awaken inside me. Damn him."How dare you just kiss me! I told you it wasn't me last night!" I snapped, feeling frustrated t
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Bailey's pov"How was school? Didn't drink anything right?" Dad asked amused, sparing me a swift glance before returning his gaze to the road.I groaned, kicking up my feet on the seat while pinching the seat belt."Dad come on, it was one time. I promise to not drink again until I turn twenty one."I turn to look out the window, chewing on my bottom lip.Dad chuckled. "I'm just looking out for you Bailey. I want you to enjoy your youth days but I also want you to be safe."I nod. "I get that dad."The soft hum of Niall Horan's song heaven made me smile as I looked out the window. I pushed the window down and let the wind blow my hair.My smile widen until I noticed his car behind us. That smile fade and I rolled up the window as my heart sped.In seconds his car was beside ours. Mira is in the passengers side and waves at me.I manage to crack a grin despite the painful squeeze of my heart as my eyes fell on him.He spares me a quick glance before stepping on the gas and disappearing
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Bailey's povMy bare feet crunch the grass under my feet and I cussed inwardly when I realized I forgot to bring shoes. I crane my neck to look at my room and let out an annoyed breath. I will not go back up there. With that thought I looked around. I could not go to Mirabella's on foot, that clearly would not work. It's late too. Raking my brain for a way to get there without mom and dad knowing, my eyes fell on my little sister's bright pink bike. It's small but not too small, just way girlie and well, very pink. But it was the only way I could get to Mirabella's without walking there. I rushed to the pink bike, making sure to not make noise as I pull it gently off the wall it was leaning against. I looked back at the window, ducking when I noticed the silhouette of my dad. If he catches me then not even mom would save me from not getting grounded for life!I kept my upper half bent as I rolled the bike to the road. Peeking back at my house, I grinned in triumph. The lights were
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