All Chapters of Bestfriends Shouldn't Know How You Taste : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
222 Chapters
Bailey's povHis voice sent shivers down my spine and I huffed, turning to him. I couldn't really see him properly in this dark but his mere presence made the room feel incredibly small.The tension grew so thick too.I worried my lips between my teeth and crossed my arms under my breasts."What are you doing here Kaleb? And how did you even find me?"?I can feel his eyes on me, eyeing me with a dangerous heat I could feel across the space between us." I came to check up on my runaway princess. You left in a hurry," his tone is soft, far from how it had been when I told him no in the schools parking lot.I swallowed, my breathing now a bit shaky."Well, you've checked. Now, I'd like to be alone," I replied, my voice colder than I intended.I thought my harsh words would make him flinch away and get out, but instead Kaleb moves to the left and puts on the lights.I wince, adjusting my eyesight to the intrusion of the light.He's standing in the room, leaning against the wall, a bottle
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Kaleb's povDoes this girl not know how she fucking drives me insane?!She's now my waking thought and haunts me even in my dreams. Bailey Reed was starting to become an addiction I crave every single day.And you know what?I loved it.I loved craving her.Wanting her.Jesus, I only craved her.But I want more, this urgency to always be with her...This craving that was soon becoming a desperation.God.What had she done to me?I looked at her as she walked up those stairs, her long smooth legs making me want to lick them for hours."Where is she going?" Mira questioned with panic as she stared at Katrina who shrugged." I think she's gone to use the bathroom."Mira panics and pulls out her phone.The boys were talking to me but I couldn't focus on them. My ears were only picking up on the conversation Mira was having with Bailey."Kaleb. Do you hear me man?" A smack on my shoulder made me draw my attention back to Stefan."Hm?" I asked, not at all interested with what they were talk
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Bailey's povI couldn't deny the electric feeling that buzzed between and around us. The raging of need and desire, of want and desperation.My heart raced as he revealed more of my skin and goosebumps spread on my flesh in an instant.I'm breathing hastily and in that moment as his lips move against mine, slow and sensual, so full of emotion, I forget about his past.And everyone behind that locked door.I forget why I should stay away from him and why he should stop. But I can't seem to latch on those red signs and instead they turn green.I gasp when he pulls away to look at me, a soft smile playing on his lips. " I hope that kiss told you everything I am trying to say."My breath hitched. It did. The kiss did reveal his emotions.Emotions I did not know Kaleb can have. I admit, before I saw him as nothing more than a boy with hormones he couldn't control.But this is far from the truth. He is so much more.His eyes pinned me down with honesty and a shiver race down my spine. " The
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Bailey's povI'm breathing hastily as Kaleb kisses me slowly. It was a tender and something about this one was very different.It felt like a silent conversation between the two of us. A conversation where we both agree to be each other's.It felt like we were in our own little bubble. Just me and him. Us. Just us two. No one else, just us.But sometimes a happy little bubble doesn't last. Sometimes things happen to poke it. And pop, it's gone.The sharp sound of his ringtone or was it mine? I wasn't sure. But it screeched in the air like a dying horse.Breaking the warm feeling both Kaleb and I were surrounded by.Kaleb pulls away with a groan, cusses. "Fuck. I guess our time is up flower."He pecked my lips, groaned again and swept in for another slow kiss, only to be interrupted yet again."Dammit." He barked and sat up. Pulling his phone out of his pocket.I rise into a sitting position, balancing myself on my elbows while he furrowed his brows down at the screen."It's Stefan." H
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Bailey's povBoth Mira and I stared at Katrina, but both of us with different expression. Mine was doubt while Mira looked confused. " What do you mean by that Kat?" Mira questioned, her eyes darting between Katrina and me. Katrina sighed. " It's just.....She trailed off and looked away from me to fix her gaze on Mira. " I think we judge Kaleb a bit too much. Maybe he isn't going to sleep with Juliet. Maybe he's dropping her off because she's crazy drunk. She did drink a lot Mira. And maybe, just maybe Kaleb is not in love with her anymore. There's a possibility he can fall in love with someone else." She then turn to me, making me swallow. " Right Bailey? There's a possibility?" I glanced at Mira, hating that Kat put me on the spot like that. Seeing Mira's eyes narrow on me, I shrugged and acted indifferent. " I don't know Kat, once a player, always a player." Mira clapped. " See!" She cheered, pointing at me. " I know I can always count on Bailey to see through my brother's b
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Bailey's pov" Finally showed up Mira?" Ryan teased. There's a long wooden table separating the two, and on its surface is a line of cups filled to the brim with alcohol. The pungent scent is stale in the air, making my nose twitch." Now aren't you sweet to wait for me to start the game?" Mira's smile beamed brightly. She walked up to the table, called us over and taunted Ryan. "Let's begin shall we?"With a tilt of his head and a grin appearing on his face, Ryan nod while darting his eyes over everyone surrounding the table. " What do you say guys? Ready to play truth or dare?" The others cheer while Katrina and I gave each other nervous glances. We all knew how this game works, we've seen it first hand. Whatever you choose, truth or wouldn't matter. All that mattered would be going through with it and not chickening out. If you do, then off with your hair!You'd be shaved bald. The way they play it had been done for years and passed down through generations. Only th
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Bailey's povLong night indeed. As the giggles surged around us, Mirabella and Ryan seem to be too lost in their staring contest to realize the time was up. " Why don't you two just bone and get it over with!" Stefan yelled beside me, chuckling when he managed to break their stares. Mira quickly pulled her hand out, her face flushed as she looked at the floor. She bumped into Gracie on her way back here and didn't bother apologizing. " Oh God this was embarrassing." She whispered, shame written on her face and printed on her words. Katrina snorted. " I don't know, it seemed like you both were enjoying from here." Mira flushed red, stuttering before she muttered shut up. Katrina laughed while I try to comfort Mira. " Everyone is drunk, they'd probably not remember a thing after tonight." Mira twisted her face. " They took pictures. That dirty bitch Kirsty is going to embarrass me with them." I smiled sadly, unsure of what to say knowing she was right. Kirsty would certainly us
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Bailey's pov" I can't believe you called the cops on the kids last night, Blake." Mom snorted in a hushed tone. I stopped abruptly on the last stair and listened to the two talk. " Technically I called my mom. It's not like anyone would've gotten arrested. Just to scare them off." Dad's response made my jaw drop. Did my dad really call grandma Ryn last night to stop the party? I bit my bottom lip, not sure if to laugh or not. His intervene, well grandma Ryn's intervene I should say, did save me last night. If it were not for them I'd not be able to get out of the stupid game. I smiled and continued on my path to the kitchen where both of my parents are. Dad is seated around the island, sipping on some steaming coffee, while mom is cutting up some fruits. When they noticed my presence mom sent me a sheepish smile while dad looked away. " Good morning." I greeted. " Good morning baby. Did you have a good night rest? You look tired." Mom worried her bottom lip between her teeth.
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Bailey's povThis was not how I imagined my Saturday morning to be like. I expected to be chilling and watching a show. Maybe even visit Mira. Not this. Kaleb and Stefan fighting? Did Kaleb go to Stefan's home to fight him? If so, why?" What are you talking about Mira? Why are they fighting?" I rushed out, scanning around my room for my shoes. " I am not sure, Ryan didn't tell me. He just said I should go over there because they are still arguing and Kaleb won't listen to him. Stefan's house is like a fifteen minute drive from here, I won't get there soon enough. Can you, can you go please? You're closer." Even though Mira and her brother do not get along as much, she still care for him. Which is why her voice is so full of worry right now. I nod instantly. " I will. I'll call you when I get there okay?" " Thanks Bailey. I'm going to ask dad to drop me off." Her voice is now coating with relief and we both bid our goodbyes, promising to meet at Stefan's. As I placed my shoe on
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Bailey's povMy eyes widened in shock. "What?" I whispered as his gaze bored into mine. His expression was a mixture of hurt, anger and betrayal. What the hell is he talking-Oh. The dare. Stefan, still being held by Kaleb spoke up. " I keep fucking telling him it was just a dare." Kaleb's eyes darken and he whipped back around, and was just about to lung for Stefan again when I grabbed his arm. " I let him." I whispered, clutching his arm tighter. He stiffens by my words. " He didn't lie, it was a dare. But we didn't really kiss." I added when I felt the anger roll off of him in waves. " It didn't look like you two didn't really kiss Bailey." "Well we didn't." I gritted my teeth, now feeling frustrated that he was mad because of the dare. Stefan and I didn't even kiss! " And if we did, it shouldn't be any of your concern Kaleb," I let his arm go. Kaleb snapped to face me, a chilling glare on his face. I stood my ground and lifted my chin up. " You have no right to barge in
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