All Chapters of ESCAPING THE CEO 4 By KC Mmuoe: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
396 Chapters
Chapter 131
Chapter 131CleoIf somebody ever told me that my husband and brother were going to be friends at warrenpoint and be half brothers out of stood up and told them that they were lying out of their teeth because those relationships never work one is usually protective over the other. Sometimes both parties end up fighting over something they disagree about be it sports or any other view that they think is correct and the other person is wrong there's bound to be some sort of head-butting.My husband and my brother get on like a house on fire and it's no surprise that they even love the same things including wearing the same outfits and in this case they are almost the same size. I for one did not know that my brother had a collection of onesies. I knew that he likes shopping and I knew that whatever he bought he bought in threes because he likes things to be perfect in case of something happened to the one thing that he learnt he would have backup and if something
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Chapter 132
Chapter 132Max Daniel knows how to throw a party even when he's sick. His alcohol cabinet is fully stocked with the best stuff and he always if not loves to indulge. I didn't know that Maxwell was coming over until I got a text from my wife telling me that she's not letting you walk out wearing pajamas so I agreed to let Maxwell drive My car over to Daniel's house and when he arrived three of us decided to have a party. We all wanted to drown our sorrows and it turns out some wanted to drown their sorrows more than others.In our case we had to balance both the good and the bad together. Daniel had made a decision to accept Maxwell into the gang and even added him on WhatsApp . We were still worried about my father, if he has a doppelganger maybe he can meet him when we find him cuz it would be so cool to show my father that he has a twin and I'm not the only one who has a twin.We all decided that we were going to celebrate regardless and
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Chapter 133
Chapter 133Cleo The last thing I expected was to get butt dialed by my husband during a drunken binge with my brother and things getting out of hand. Angelo has an addictive personality. The last thing I need is for him to get drunk and for him to get drunk in a week when I need him to be sober. Daniel never had an addiction problem but he knows very well that his baby brother did have an addiction problem and for that reason he kept non-alcoholic beverages in his mini bar so the fact that Angelo decided that it was okay to drink good stuff with him and get drunk then butt dial me and then drunk talk to me like he's talking properly of which he wasn't talking properly and cause a racket . If it wasn't for Ellie shooting all three guys we'd be telling a different story . Maxwell had acted out of character and ended up hurting Eleanor. I thought that the defence training that I had been given by the Massa's and Luca's was rigorous but Ellie looked like she
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Chapter 134
Chapter 134AngeloIf there's one thing that I don't like and the one thing that I don't want to make the mistake of doing is disappointing my wife. I know I messed up and I should have called her when I felt the urge to drink over yet I should have called Brent to come and stop us from doing what we did last night but I didn't. I know now not to ever make an enemy out of Eleanor. Besides being direct you can actually be brutal and Severe not to mention clinical when it comes to execution when you double cross her. Her husband-to-be didn't double cross her but he managed to get her so pissed off to the point where she shot him point-blank with a tranquilizer gun, he wasn't the only one who was caught in the crossfire Daniel was caught in the crossfire and I was caught in the crossfire. I was drunk and haven't been this drunk in a very long time. The last time I was this drunk was when I accidently hurt Cleo . I was clean and house keeping a good
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Chapter 135
Chapter 135 Cleo  My husband doesn't know what's coming. He thinks that I let him off easily but I didn't let him off the hook easily. I'm just testing him and he doesn't know that I'm testing him and he hates it when I do that so since he's not going into the office and I'm helping out Eleanor for now , I realised that cuz it's going to be a difficult week for him he has to tell the whole world that his father is not to be found on his father's missing presumed dead. I know the truth and basically I also know that this is going to be the final test that I am going to be given by Romano because I know for a fact that he is testing my loyalty to him and to the family. I don't make the decision I took overnight. It basically took me a minute after Romano told me what was going on and what was on the line .  Eleanor trusted me enough to keep me in the loop so I have to prove my I trust not only to El, but I also h
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Chapter 136
Chapter 136 AngeloCleo has a habit of Superman's on with the rug when she feels like and the people around her can't handle it and the fact of the matter is most of us can handle it including me because I knew what I was signing up for when I decided to get married to her. She is my better half in more ways than one . I know when she's sad and I know when she is happy or when she's faking something. I've seen her mad before and she had every reason to be mad at me because of what I did the weekend before but the hangover cure that Daniel gave me worked well and it worked wonders because I woke up with a tummy bug in the morning which means that whatever is mixed in there how to clean out everything that I drink during the weekend.I was supposed to go through to the office and help run things while Daniel was away in Johannesburg with Sienna . I want you to help him. I will try to find out if our father was missing and I was hoping that my father could
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Chapter 137
Chapter 137Cleo The main reason I get worried when Angelo drinks is because I'm afraid of alcohol poisoning. I'm afraid that one day he's going to drink and get drunk and then his body can't process the amount of alcohol he's ringing and then he'll end up like Maxwell which is a sad sad thing. We also anticipate Maxwell to end up in the hospital but it was bound to happen given the way that Angela described how he was drinking alcohol. I get where Eleanor is coming from by shooting all three men but what I don't get is Maxwell keeping important things from my best friend. I didn't think that it was my place to tell Ellie that a boyfriend was drinking behind her back even after she talked to him. I even saw him at the pharmacy this morning before I headed out for work because I needed to get something for Angelo who wasn't feeling well. Angelo is doing better by the way. My only hope is that he didn't go out and see what happened to Maxwell and then decide to do
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Chapter 138
Chapter 138Angelo There's always a part of me that doesn't know what it will do if Cleo isn't around to keep me sane . I married her for a reason and one of the reasons that I did marry her was because she is level-headed in most cases when I'm not and very happy that she's back to her normal self because she was feeling a bit inadequate because Sienna didn't want to open up to her. Now Eleanor is just going through some stuff and she's not opening up to anyone and I wondered if she was okay or what was going on with Maxwell. I'm still shocked at the fact that he had the fact that he was drinking on the side and behind everybody's back. We are a brotherhood, and what we do is we take care of each other and even if you have problems no matter how hard no matter how deep or small we take care of you.we don't throw you under the bus and there's your competitor and I can understand why people would suspect Carlo of being part of the enemies cohort. I think
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Chapter 139
Chapter 139   Cleo    If there is one thing I don't like doing it is partying on a school night and things in Cape Town are much more different than things up here in Joburg. I know that Blue is down in Cape Town and he is working hard. I'm also working hard and today was one of those days when the team was going out to relax and have a good time without alcohol. The coaching staff realised that they've been too hard on the players and some of them are actually starting to have mini mental breakdowns so in order to make sure that things are balanced they asked Paul for permission to take the team out on an excursion.     I know Paul and he doesn't do things low key . He didn't use the Club funds, however he picked out an entire arcade and told everybody to just run wild and be free 4 a couple of hours until it was home time so from 3 p.m. up until 6 p.m. we were running around and having fun in the arcade
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Chapter 140
Chapter 140 Angelo There are days when I feel like I can be totally chilled and relaxed and know that everything is fine. My wife is home safe and the kids are safely tucked in bed and they are in lala and dreaming of good dreams and dreaming of me at least I hope. The one person that I always want to be always dreaming of is my wife . I told her that I didn't know how I was going to get through the next couple of days without her and that was true I didn't know how I was going to make it without her because I needed her support and I need her to be around but she had work commitments and I respect the fact that she works but I also work and I also get the chance to take some time off and escape for a bit. Ellie has caramel coloured hair and the hair colour brings out her dark eyes and skin tone. You'd have to be blind not to notice how beautiful she looks and how stupid of a man Maxwell is for letting her go. Memory loss affects people in different ways and in this case and fro
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