All Chapters of ESCAPING THE CEO 4 By KC Mmuoe: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
396 Chapters
Chapter 61
Chapter 61AngeloI can't remember the last time I had this much fun making love to the woman I love . I guess it just keeps on getting better all the time. To think I almost messed everything up with Cleo . She is it for me and it's a bonus  and a blessing that we have the twins and Ava .  I love them so much. I love their mother even more and I wouldn't mind having a couple more babies with her .What happened last night with Salvatore   had me flashing back to a life I had long said goodbye to. A lifestyle that I don't want to go back to . I was the type of guy that drank to numb pain and forget that I can feel anything that has to do with uncomfortable feeling. That was a gate way to many drugs. Cleo was my saving grace in a way . With her I can't hide anything . I can be open no holds bard and she will love me unconditionally . She's seen both my light  side as we as my dark , that includes the parts inbetween  which make me th
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Chapter 62
Chapter 62  Cleo  Watching Angelo sleeping has been my favorite pastime. He looks like an adorable angel sleeping and it's the only time I get to see him in a state of peace .  The past couple of days have been hard on us and Romano decided to give us some more time off till Monday . I knew that we had to go back to work at some point and unlike  Massa Angelo wasn't going to see me whenever he wanted. I was running a different a different department and he had the Sports Department manage with Aaron who too has also moved from Johannesburg to Capetown with his family . Aaron already had property down in Capetown and  he didn't live too far from where we lived.   I was just happy that my mother was around to take care of the kids . After Angelo's mini birthday party on Tuesday ,that included;  a party for two and a video montage of everyone ,who was supposed to come through sending
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63  Angelo Cleo has always had her hang ups and insecurities  . I have always had a reputation for being the "bad boy " every girl wants . To be honest  when I fell for Cleo it took me by surprise. She was never  my type , or so I thought. I knew it from the first night when I let Jane host her party at my club that there was something about her that was  alluring  in a really good way because she changed my perspective on love .   I have always thought that ; love was all about possession and ownership ... And to a certain extent about control . Cleo just turned everything on its head. I can try to describe it but there aren't enough words to explain the amount of love I have for Cleo .  I could paint a master piece worthy of being mortal and she would throw  red paint on it and even though it seems like she has ruined my work of art , it always comes out stunnin
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Chapter 64
Chapter 64CleoFor the longest of times I thought that I had to be strong and go through things alone without anyone's help . I have always been independent and balanced to a certain extent . I am married but I still have a lot to learn about having a teammate who will always have your back no matter what you're going through .  I'm learning the art of allowing myself to ask for help and accept assistance when needed in any way , shape, or form .I was a mess before Salvatore's funeral. The reason was because the strong fortress I had put up was starting to crumble and it took a moment of nostalgia to start the cracking process . I had gone through losing a brother before and that changed me . Before Daniel was presumed dead , I always did things knowing that someone will always have my back ,and since my father wasn't around , I knew that I'd have someone to vet the guys who wanted to date me.When I was told that Daniel had died something in me clic
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65Angelo  I've always been lucky enough to have people who have always supported and believed in me from day one . I have never been without a job,  and even if I went wayward, I always knew that I was taken care of matter how things turned out .  The past couple of days and weeks have been an  eye opening experience for me, and it also reminded me that I have to pay more attention to Cleo. I usually give her the attention she deserves because she is my special human and I love her with all of my heart and soul; but in recent days she hasn't been herself   and that's because she had to process  Salvatore's death at a rate she couldn't handle. The speech she gave at the funeral had everyone in tears . She compared  Salvatore's death to the push and pull of the ocean .  She was short and to the point . She didn't talk for long or go on forever  basically her
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Chapter 66
Chapter 66CleoIf there's anything the past four years have taught by me  is; to be calm in any situation thar might occur. There are days when I just want to take a break  from my life, and then I'm reminded that; the life I'm living now is the he life I chose when I married Blue. He has a tendency to get jealous to the point where he is blinded by his own rage and he doesn't think straight.  He legit wanted to tell Romano to fire Juan,  and replace him with someone else he trust because he was working with me .As soon as I got off the phone I went to the office kitchen to go make myself a cup of ginger tea because I was feeling nauseous. I couldn't help but worry about the kids especially Ava who was on an excursion with Daniel . The twins had homeschooling and they had to play catch-up according to Romano because; what they learned when I I left Angelo wasn't up to his standard and the "Luca " standard of education.  I knew that Ava l
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Chapter 67
Chapter 67  Angelo I'm usually a calm person ... Well at some stage of my life I used to be proactive instead of reactive . Lately the older I get the more reactive I become which is strange because I normally get into my head about certain situations and then withdraw from everyone .  I can't do that anymore because I have a wife who is able to gage what's wrong with me and  she pulls me out of my thoughts in the most creative ways .  Cleo has always been my number one supporter even when I almost ended us by doing what I did with Arabella. If it wasn't for Carl , I would be divorced by now and I wouldn't have access to my kids or know where they were . Cleo has gotten smarter with disappearing on me when she needs to sort out how she feels , except for the recent incident we never saw coming and Matteo who decided that it was okay to kidnap Cleo and hold her hostage. It's was a good thi
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Chapter 68
Chapter 68 Cleo  If  there's one thing I hate more than anything with regards to any situation or incident that can be preventable is ; feeling helpless to the point where I feel like I  have both my hands tied ,and I have to let the professionals do what they went to school for. There is no remedy  for the pain that comes when you lose a child ... Or in my case two children . I don't have melt downs but I get the feelings  that I felt when I lost my babies . Fact is that I had no control over the situation.  The drive to the hospital reminded me that ; Angelo has unresolved issues and feelings with regards to the way he lost his son and that includes the accident he caused that resulted in Jane not being able to  get pregnant again.  Romano has always come across as tough and unshakeable but recent events have proven than he was human afterall . His team is competent
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Chapter 69
Chapter 69AngeloI can't remember the last time I was jabbed by a doctor that I didn't know.I think I would have knocked myself out too if I had to deal with me when I am angry.  I don't know how my previous assistant's handled my temper , but Cleo seems to know how to speak to a part of me that triggers my calm vibes .Part of me was angry on Cleo's behalf. The doctor didn't want to tell my father anything about Ava until we arrived . He only told my dad that; Ava was alive and they are trying everything the can to keep her stable. When we arrived the doctor saw Cleo and then looked at me , he  literally ignored Cleo and focused on me. He asked me; where was Ava's mother , and when Cleo was nice enough to excuse what he had done  and calmly told him that ; she was Ava's mother. He  looked at her and shook his head again. Before my father could speak I was beyond angry and it showed in the way I reacted . My dad tried to  help contr
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Chapter 70
Chapter 70  Cleo  I have a stubborn streak and it can sometimes land me in big trouble , but sometimes being stubborn and not listening to what you are told not to do can work in your favour, even though you still get hurt. You will lick your wounds after you have learnt your lesson, but if curiosity might have killed the cat , then being a as stubborn as mule got the mule what it wanted . In this case I'm not the mule ,and something about the doctor Angelo lost his composure at seemed too prejudice and malicious in a racist kind of way .  The Luca private wind was designed similar to the one that the Massa's had in Johannesburg. Part of me wished that they had taken my baby girl to a normal private hospital , even one that had a Massa wing was okay with me , because there was something about the Luca's that I didn't trust. Experience has taught me that they would say one thing and then later
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