All Chapters of Mark Me Yours: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
108 Chapters
61- Cafe Meet Cute
The day was cold and overcast. Winter had decided it was here, and everyone in the city was sporting warm coats and cold weather accessories. Michael rang up two girls at the register after handing over the cookies they'd picked out. He and Scott's folks had hit it off pretty well from their time spent in the hospital supporting Rayan, and one thing led to another, which led to Michael being hired as a seasonal cashier at their bakery. 
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62- Denial Or Discovery
I’m not gay. I’m not gay. I know I’m not gay. The thoughts raced through Edwardo’s mind. He was not, and has never been gay. "I see you've met our seasonal hire, eh Eddie?" Howard delivered Edwardo's usual muffin and jam on a plate. "Michael, why don't you pick yourself something from the case. Safe to say I'm exchanging the usual one coffee for two? I have a feeling you two kids may want to get to know each other a little bit." 
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63- Pudding
Trapped. That was the best way to describe it. He couldn't wash himself or brush his own teeth, he could barely feed himself, he had to be carried to the bathroom... Everything set to a schedule of taking pain medicine and assisted stretching... Even with the pills, he was still sore and uncomfortable. He wasn't going to ask for more though, Scott was already doing so much for him as it was. He hated that he was putting Scott through this. Maybe it would have been better if the accident had killed him. His life had been rough enough already, and when there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel, this happened. His freedom was gone. His independence was gone. Everything he'd worked for, all gone. He tried to tell himself this was just temporary. The casts would come off after New Year. It wouldn't be so bad. Then, he'd just have to get strong enough to walk again. He could d
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64- We'll Be Okay
"It's not fair..." Rayan sobbed. His ribs stabbed at him, not appreciating the sudden violent use. Scott immediately set the bowl aside to start comforting him. "Rayan, I know it's not fair. I know this is hard on you." Scott grabbed a tissue to wipe Rayan's face, re
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65- Good First Impressions
Friday. Michael totally wasn't peeking through the curtains at his parent's house waiting for a car to pull up. He wouldn't do that. He didn't have his phone's notification sound turned to max. That would be a silly thing to do. He totally wasn't dressed in the most "normal," upscale, yet still completely colorful, clothing in his closet. There was no reason for him to do that. He wasn't monitoring the time by the second, either. Nope. Not him. Edwardo was supposed to pick him up at seven. That's what they agreed to in their texts. It was ten 'till. It's not like Michael had been ready to go for an
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66- Taco Truck
Michael leaned into Edwardo as an unexpectedly strong gust of wind came through. He wrapped his arms around himself and couldn't help the shivering and chattering of his teeth. This was rapidly becoming not fun anymore. How much dignity would he loose if he just went back to the car? Edwardo reacted quickly once he realized the situation his date was in. He pulled off his coat and wrapped it around Michael's shoulders, pulling Michael in close to his side. Once the guys around them had determined Michael didn't speak Spanish, they'd been bombarding him with questions about his colorful companion. One of them got out a teasing remark, which he ignored. "Are you cold?" Edwardo asked Michael in English. "It's kind of chilly tonight." Michael nodded in response, blushing as he gratefully leaned into Edwardo’s embrace. The jacket was warm, hugely oversized, and having Edwardo's smell surrounding him was a very comfortin
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67- Morning After
You know that feeling when you wake up with a headache and a rocky stomach and a nasty taste in your mouth in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room and you really can’t remember what happened the night before for a few minutes? Yeah. That’s what Michael was going through right now. The room was graciously dark. He was propped over on his side with a towel under his face, and his back was against something big and warm. Wasn’t he on a date last night? He totally was. He went on a date with Edwardo, his crush, hottest guy in the city, with the most sexy eyebrows and beautiful voice. He tried to initiate sex in the limo, going off something he’d seen in a porno… 
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68- Let's Start Over
Edwardo was broken from his musings by Essie running past him and out her doggie door to the yard, where she promptly squatted and did her business. He couldn’t get her to leave Michael’s side at all this morning, not even for breakfast, so if she was up that must mean… Edwardo spun around to face the living room. Sure enough, there on the stairs was his very small house guest. The clothes he’d been dressed in last night were just as oversized as Edwardo remembered, with the borrowed drawstring shorts going well past Michael’s knees and the shirt hanging loosely off one shoulder. Edwardo’s heart skipped a beat. Michael was beautiful, even looking a bit hungover. Michael stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs. Sultry music was playing, some kind of love song maybe? It was in Spanish, so he couldn’t tell. The place was huge! The ceiling vaulted high above his head, and one of the walls was occupi
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69- Cheer Up
“Why did you even want to go out all of a sudden?” Rayan grumbled. “Because I told you,” Scott replied gently, “staying cooped up inside isn’t doing either of us any good, and I thought of a few errands I need to run.” Scott was wheeling Rayan down to the parking garage where his parent’s car was waiting. They’d swapped vehicles shortly after Rayan got out of the hospital, since it was easier to get Rayan’s wheelchair in and out of their SUV than Scott’s sedan. It was waiting right near the elevator where they’d parked it in the handicap spot, with the temporary disability tag prominently hanging from the rearview mirror. “But do I really have to go too? I’d be fine by myself for a few hours.” Rayan pouted, reaching up to pull his knit cap a little lower. “Bringing me along is only going to slow you down.” 
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70- Christmas Shopping
“I was thinking of one more stop before we go home, unless there’s somewhere you want to go?” Scott was already driving to their next destination. “How would I have anywhere I need to go?” Rayan asked, slightly confused. “Not need, WANT.” “If you tell me where we’re going now, I could answer better.” Rayan’s spirits were higher than they’d been in a long time. It was an enormous relief to Scott, who’d been at his wits end trying to alleviate some of Rayan’s completely justifiable depression. Their next stop was the most important one. Rayan was finally going to get his ring back. Strangely enough, he hadn’t asked about it. Scott wondered why, but he didn’t want to pry too much, and he didn’t want to trigger anything on accident. HE knew where the ring was, and HE knew Rayan was about to get it back,
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