All Chapters of The Nerdy Actress: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
77 Chapters
Chapter sixty one.
Skylar's Pov (continuation) "Okay girl's that's it for today." Mrs Blessing calls off the work out, sending us a full smile. Already? This early? Bella sends me a confused look and I shrug in response. "Mr Stephen will like to see you girls." Mr Blessing answers out unspoken question. "He should be here by....." "Girls." I spin 180 degree to face the owner of the voice. "Am very sorry to have kept you all in suspense for the whole of last week. I had to work out some problems."  Problems? "As long as you are here it's okay. The girls have been killing me with their never ending questions about when you are coming." Mrs Blessing says with a light chuckle. "Okay girl' gather round." Mr Stephen calls and we all do as he says. "Now, the first news is that every one got a contract. Although it's with different businesses and companie
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Chapter sixty two.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.)"Do we have to do this today?" I complain as the twins drag me out of the apartment. "Can't we just wait till tomorrow?" "We surely can't big sis Sky." Alex shakes his head in resfusal. "Duh.....we are leaving for New York tomorrow, remember." The other twin deadpan. "Then we can do this the next time you kids visit." I propose but they both seem to ignore me. Those kids. Why today when I have the greatest affinity for sleep do they have to decide they want to go to the amusement park? My poor sleep. "Are you kids ready?" Grayson appears from thin air, his smile matching that of the kids. "Aye-aye captain." They both chorus excitedly. we go again. We literally tried every single kind of ride available. I can
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Chapter sixty three.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) We sat in silence for what seems like an eternity. Grayson's hand slowly moving up and down of my back seems to achieve the goal of calming my raging anger, now the cold seems to hit me.  Shit....I shouldn't have dragged that bitch into the water. Why didn't I just deal with her on land. Damn it's so cold. I let out a rough breath tugging the fur coat closer for the need of warmth. I can't find it in me to look up. Grayson must be staring down on me with laser eyes. But it wasn't my fault....she should have known it was coming. "Are you okay?" Grasyon's voice cuts the long cherished silence. "I think so." I reply with a small voice,daring to look up. "I was wrong. I totally regret my actions." Do I? No. Just kidding. If I am given a
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Chapter sixty four.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) It's the last day. No more modelling class for forever. Every one was so emotional, even Anita. Didn't know that bitch was capable of showing emotions. What a suprise it was. It's not like we aren't going to see each other ever again. girls. So emotional. "What do you mean?" My hand stops Midway in pulling open the car door. Nathan is on the phone and must have not noticed me since he still continue with his conversation.  "Of course dad. I will be sure to get her on our side." He says again.  Dad. He Is talking to Mr Black. What are they talking about? "I will do that tomorrow........" Nathan breaths out gripping on the steering wheel. "Okay.....I will do it today if it's make you happy." He pause then mutt
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Chapter fifty five.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) "God. Why the fuck are you crying." He ruhes towards me, stopping at the sight of the green bottle. "What did he do to you? Did he say anything bad." What did he do to me? Nothing.Looking up to his worried face I finally realise on of he reason I really can't do it. "No,am okay." I rub off the tears, straightening up. "He didn't say anything." Why am I even crying. I must be getting really emotional nowadays. "Are you trying to cover up for him." His tone sounds somewhat angry. "Did you fall for him. Again?"  Again. Is he mother fucking kidding me. I will rather go to hell than go down that path again. "Is that why we couldn't work?" His face holds no emotions but I could easily notice the sad edges with each word. 
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Chapter sixty six.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) I walk into the fancy restaurant gripping onto my beaded black purse for comfort. One look at the interior design is enough to let you know that it isn't like any other restaurant you just eat dinner. The tables are well spaced and designed with a unique table cloth design the floor board is flat and smooth you can't find a crack. The room is well lighted by the help of the beautiful chanderliers hanging on the top. Small ones scattered around in a crystal pattern and the biggest one in the middle. To top it all the beautiful California veiw outside the glass walls are enough reason to be inspired to have dinner here.   It must be one fucking expensive restaurant.  Looking around I notice that each table has no more than two people all except two.   Which is occupy by
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Chapter sixty seven.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) "You should be happy am a good person." I throw the words behind before stepping out of the restaurant. What should I do....what should I do? Tin and pipe are definitely in trouble.  Judging from what happened last time am sure I won't be able to save them on my own ....I need help. And really fast. Dialing the first number that comes to my mind I bring the phone to my ear. It rings but then the line goes off. I try again but it seem futile.  I don't really have time for this.....pick up your phone Grayson....please God.... I give up after the ninth try throwing my head back in frustration......why is all these happening to me.....why me? I reduce my head to a squatting position digging my nails deep into my hair. 
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Chapter sixty seven.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) I head for the bathroom as an escape route but a hand raps around my mouth before I could make it. Then it all goes dark again.  'what the fuck.'  "Let us go you prick." The words rings in my head and I bury my head in my palm. "You son of a bitch.....they are going to come for us and when they do you will regret ever been born." Uh.... What's with all these people talking.... My head...what the fuck happened? I open my eyes only to meet an alurimg darkness. "What the fuck....." " are awake." A voice calls and with adjusting my eyes to the dimly lit room I make out a figure of Tin tied up less than two feets away from me.Piper is also tied up next to her but she looks unconscious. seems like am the only one that is not tied up
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Chapter sixty eight.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) "Come out Skylar." Nathan ticks his slow footsteps contrasting to the rate at which my heart is drumming against my ribcage. "I know you are here. And alone." "Don't worry Desmond will be bringing your friends over soon." He assures. "But you know we can just let this slide, pretend like nothing ever happened. All you have to do is accept my proposal.... together we can own the world." Another stupid villian. Huh....crazy ass. They all have the same mentality,to take over the childish.  "You don't want to come out..... That's okay." he ticks then the footsteps stop. "Then I will enjoy the game of hide and seek." Where did he go? Have he gone yet? No.....I don't think so...but then there isn't any footsteps.  I slowly stick my head out of my hiding place scanning the area f
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Chapter sixty nine.
Skylar's Pov (continuation.) "Rise and shine people." The curtains draw open introducing streams of sun rays into the room. Kayden. neck hurts. "What do you expect, you slept in a sitting position through out the night." Tin let's out a yawn pushing her cover off. "So stubborn."  "Sky was just worried I doubt she'd able to sleep anyway except been close to you." Kayden teases grabbing a chair. "I wasn't worried." I scowl in defense. "I stand with her in case this psychopaths show up again." "Don't worry they won't." Kayden assures. "They are locked up and awaiting trail. Grayson made sure of that." "I hope so." Tin mumbles in a small voice. Me too. "I got breakfast." Piper walks in too followed by Niel. "We meet at the hospital en
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