All Chapters of Guilty pleasures : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
Chapter 61
I didn't expect much from Jacob. I thought that we were still in love with each other.I thought that there was nothing wrong, although there were signs and I knew of his affairs with Shontell and many others, I chose to hold on that maybe my mind was playing games with me.Until....I opened a message from Shontell, she had screen grabbed at message from Jacob to her that said:" I don't even love my wife. I don't know why I even married her. She is a horrible person."There was more nasty things said about my, but this was what stuck in my mind forever.Now, twelve years later, those words ring in my head.2014Jacob suffered a back injury. It was a slipped disc. I took him to hospital and he was admitted. I was already pregnant for my baby girl. But his injury caused me stress. First trimester, the worst by far. He was discharged but returned with cellulitis to both his arms. He was admitted again and although I had morning sickness all day long, I still made an effort to visit
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Chapter 62
From smoking Marijuana to sneaking out at night, Jacob became more brave. He now just lazed around all day whilst I handled life. Soon I was on maternity leave and Jacob promised to handle the house, financially.He called up his step brother and made arrangements for a job.It was the most miserable days to come.Every morning, the fat old bloke would come to my house and I would have to make him coffee and breakfast.It actually started of by Jacob asking me to send coffee in a flask each and every morning.I could not understand how this had become my duty when the man had a wife and a mother.If I didn't, Jacob would curse at me. The foul language that past his lips at me was definitely something to be avoided.After almost two months of working at this job for most of the day and night, taking away precious time from our babies, Jacob was not compensated for anything. My car was a mess, he had transported dirty car parts for his step brother, with my vehicle, my gas and my time.
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Chapter 63
My baby girl was here.I stayed at my parents place for almost a week. Two weeks seemed too long to be an in-house maid. The day after the six day prayer, I left to go home with Jacob. Just like the previous pregnancy, Jacob was at home but things were not done. He rarely visited us at my mums house. I got home to cleaning up a messy house.It felt as if there was a bachelor living in this house.The rental had now increased and I was on maternity leave.With just two thirds of my salary to keep us afloat, I knew I could not just sit by and watch us go without food. Although our neighbor helped us out, we could not rely on them forever.Jacob made no attempt to look for a job. After leaving his brothers workshop he was just staying at home, living his life freely.Two weeks after delivering our baby, I applied to work part time.I was given afternoon shifts. I was still breastfeeding and that made my breasts large and swollen. The feeling of when my baby cried for milk and was hungry
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Chapter 64
I bash myself emotionally everyday, trying to figure out where I had gone wrong. What had I had done wrong to be an option in his life.As the days went on , I concentrated on my kids.Sarah,oh so strong and stubborn Sarah was now just a choice in Jacobs life.One busy summer's day,I received a call.Jacob had told me he had lost his job."victimisation was his excuse." I questioned nothing further. I believed his words. I rushed from work to give him my car so that he can apply for another job that he had said was already lined up.Little did I know the job lined up was the woman he had lost his job for.Jacob sat at home,whilst I worked and paid bills.I did not mind. I thought this phase would pass.Until he had set up a hijacking with his friends and his brother.Looking back at it now, he had done so much wrong behind my back. Things I had learned off later on in life. Like such a criminal activity ,such as hijacking,car theft which he had made many thousands from.Money that I d
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Chapter 65
Sarah closed her eyes and started to fantasize in her head. Her zodiac sign was a pisces and that made her into a creative and imaginative person. images formed in her mind and a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she imagined her life being transformed for the better.But this time it was more unusual that her usual daydreams. She chose to be someone else and her image was much different. She wanted to feel free, to feel loved, to feel some sort of control in her life. And so she chose to block out the world the reality of her world.Daydream beginsI lay underneath the blanket of stars waiting for my mate. The full moon illuminated the sky. It was a sign of our full strength as wolves. My mate, Seth Rollins was the most beautiful creature I had met. The alpha, next in line to be the leader of the pack, he promised that I will always be his one and only love. I knew that he was promised to the daughter of the neighbouring pack. It was promised at birth to keep the business
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Chapter 66
I snuck into the house, like a thief, making sure not to awaken my mother. She did not know that I had snuck out just hours ago. I looked at the silver clock above the arch , it was already 5am.Jumping straight into the shower I scrubbed myself until the skin broke and droplets of blood oozed out. The pain from the bruising could not compare to the pain o felt inside.I dressed in my pajamas and headed straight for bed. Drawing the blinds shut, I drifted into a dreamless sleep.3months later.I spent three months of my life crying. Who would want a pregnant ,tainted woman like myself. I was spiralling down into a deep dark place. If it was not for the baby I carried in my womb, I would have ended my life.It broke my mother's heart when I finally found the courage within me to tell her the truth.I never went back to the mansion after that day. My mother,being a single parent was like a superhero but I felt the depth of her wound. She blamed herself for my misfortune." I have made
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Chapter 67
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but aunt Tess's words were still swimming in my head. This is a game changer for Seth. I am a Luna. He thought he could break my heart and get away with it but he can't . I won't let him. He will regret the day he had left me. Vengeance crept into my heart. I did not know how I was going to make him pay, but I was going to." Breakfast is ready," I heard aunt Tess's jovial voice from the dining hall.I was barely even dressed, I hurried as fast as I could almost tripping over my own feet."You should be careful. I don't want you getting hurt now.""Sorry aunt Tess." I said as I sat at the table .Taking a slice of toast I coated it with strawberry jam. Today was the first day that I actually felt hungry. I was starving. After three months of morning sickness I was now feeling like myself.We arrived at the coffee shop and it wasn't as little as aunt Tess has said, it was the total opposite.She gave me the grand tour and showed me how to work the ma
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Chapter 68
"Wow, look at your face." Tyler clapped and laughed loudly." Can't I make a joke. Is it only you who can be humourous?"I didn't know why I was surprised. I shouldn't have cared if he was angry , but somehow I did." So, you aren't upset that I am pregnant?""Of course not Larna. I had known the very first day I met you."I wondered how, I knew only a male wolf would smell my pregnant scent but he was a man." But how?""Your aunt Tess." Tyler smiled.Silly me, how could I possibly think this kind man was a wolf. He was too plain and simple. He smelled of fresh lavender and sunshine. Every possible way a human male smelt and behaved." To be honest, Larna, I really like you. You make the most putrid tasting coffee but I will still drink it."I burst into laughter," my coffee is horrible but you still want to drink it? Why would you possibly want to torture yourself."" Yes. As long as I get to see your pretty face. Anything made by your hand is special."" Tyler, I hate to be a buzz k
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Chapter 69
Tyler walked in to the coffee shop ordering his usual. One putrid coffee made by me. This time I tried to add more cream and less coffee.I poured a little in a cup and kept it aside. He took a small sip, tasting it slowly." Wow this is delicious." The cream lined the top of his lips and I took a napkin and dabbed it off.He smiled at me and I went back to the counter taking the cup I set aside. Since he said it was delicious I decided to take a big sip, emptying the contents of the cup into my mouth.As soon as it touched my tongue, I cringed. My nose wrinkled up and I wanted to puke. It was awful. It has no taste of coffee at all, just a coffee smell with milky taste.I spat it back in the cup and rinsed my mouth. It doesn't take rocket science to make coffee but why was I so bad at it." You really think my coffee was divine?" I questioned Tyler."My taste buds think that anything prepared by your lovely hands is divine." Tyler teased." Why do you even bother to torture yourself?
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Chapter 70
The alarm went off at seven and I rolled out of bed. I had started getting used to moving much slower than usual as my belly started to grow. Saterday had literally jumped up on me,the three days went by so quick, I didn't have time to prepare myself mentally. Every day for the last three days, Tyler reminded me of this day. It has become like a chant. In the past three days my coffee just got more pathetic and he still drank it .I had a warm shower and dressed into some comfortable clothes as he had told me. He asked me not to have breakfast so I sat and stared at myself in the mirror for a while, trying to figure out what to do with my long, brown hair. I still had twenty minutes before he would arrive and I spent all twenty minutes, braiding, twisting, tying and plaiting my hair. I eventually settled on a high ponytail once I heard him hooter outside. My heart was beating so fast ,I thought it would pop out of my chest. It felt nice to just be a normal girl, amongst humans in th
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