All Chapters of Im -perfect : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
128 Chapters
chapter 71
It was past midnight and I was still tossing and turning in my bed, now that Chris was gone and I was done with my homework, there was no more distractions for me to keep Jacob out of my head . Pangs of hurt and regret had my heart aching , I knew that after what he had done , I should be done with him. And the so called rumours that Chris just told me should have been enough to let me know that I should create some distance between him and I , however , as contrasted as it sounded , I was even more curious , I wasn't disgusted by those rumours . Though I did sincerely hoped that whatever Chris told me were nothing more than rumours but my stomach was still twisted with disgust , I threw the cover over my head and rolled closer to the wall . I had picked up that there was something wasn't quiet right with Jacob's family especially when I heard that Mrs Knight had physically abused Annabeth until she was traumatised but I had never considered this . Against my better judgment , I fel
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chapter 72
" I can fix this let me fix this please " Jacob pleaded " Why ?" finally I couldn't  withstand his pleading, something ugly , something  that had been waiting to get out for the entire  day , snapped  in me " so you can fuck it all again  ? What do you think I am Jake ? I'm  human ! I'm  made of skin and sinew  , not fucking steel  and  iron  , I  didn't  strap on iron man suit  every fucking time you hurt me ? I feel hurt ! Do you think  I can  survive  the blow again  and again ? " My heart  ached at the pained expression  of his , Jacob was looking at me like  I sucker punched him in the gut . Urge to soothe him bubbled inside me but I shove  it down  right at the back of my head , Jacob  was hurting  but I was hurting as well maybe  even worse than  him." please  , this will be the last time " he
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chapter 73
♡ Jacob ♡  My rational side screamed at me to let Bella go , to step out her way and talk to her after she gets a little more calmer . Atleast she hadn't thrown her books at my face like yesterday night when I refused to leave her room but my stubbornness didn't want me to let her leave , it was real damn hard to have her this close to me but not being able to touch her .  " Alright , I will let you go but then after you are done with your classes , you will have lunch with me this afternoon "   " Yeah I totally love to go on a lunch date with my ex boyfriends " her sea green eyes hardened as she pursed her lips and stared at me like I was some lunatic that ran out of the asylum .  I didn't put her right , that I was her only boyfriend , now ex boyfriend ( the jury is still out on that , because I sure wasn't taking that title on my head ) and I will b
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chapter 74
" Oh my god , what have you done to yourself ?"  Greta literally shrieked her head off as if an abdominal snowman was standing in front of her rather than her own granddaughter , freakfuckingtastic .I was pretty sure that Greta and I was meeting each other for the first time in the last six or seven years , the last time I saw her was when she came to ' grace ' us with her presence at my nanna 's funeral - and I have hated her since then . " Good to see you too , Greta " ignoring her hair raising scream , I gave her a cheery smile like her stupid comments didn't bother me at all . And , Greta didn't like it at all .  She didn't like me either which could be the only explanation why she was looking at me like I was a dung beetle crawling out of well whatever . " you look so - I don't even have words for you anymore , Bella …Jesus , what is your mother feeding you ? You look like that stupid big white robot " gasped Greta a
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chapter 75
♡ Jacob  ♡ This wasn't what I expected Conan to say and I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to hear it. " You like her Jake , you really like her , like her for what she is , you don't ask anything of her in return , you just like her - I mean like her , Like " Conan emphasised the word like as if I couldn't hear it clearly " I have never seen you acting so possessive and jealous , you have never been so hot for someone before not even Mila , But right now you would definitely punch any guy who approach Bella in your absence " He was wrong I would definitely not punch that guy , I will fucking obliterate him . " If this was anyone else , I wouldn't have bothered about them at all but its you , and you have more issues than a normal playboy . If I don't give you a push in the right direction you might take the trail down the wrong path and you will regret it " wincing slightly Conan scrubbed his face with his hands " that's w
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chapter 76
" Oh come on Kyle we are having so much fun , why do you have to ruin it like that ? "I offered with a gleeful smile " You and I both know that Jacob Knight does not date "" what's with that runny eyes expression " he asked looking up from the foam covering dishes " what runny eyes ?"" That's the expression you make when you don't want to talk about something " said Kyle all too wisely , like he knew me like the back of his hand and maybe he did , we have been working together for like three years and this much time was enough for someone to understand a person's habits . "I'm not making runny eyes but you are right I don't want to talk about Jacob right now " or ever , Jacob Knight had ruthlessly clawed out my heart and had eaten it for a snack , I couldn't even imagine a  decent scenario where I would be willing to forgive him .  He had proven to me that he might be an excellent person to waste your time with but if you were look
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chapter 77
" Don't move " said Jacob from behind , if  there wasn't an angry highly Likely poisonous snake in front of me , I would have definitely responded with a snappish retort something like ' yeah , Like I can -' you know what forget it , because I was so petrified that I could no longer think straight .  I had seen snakes before but we had a rather thick glass acting as a barrier before , never have I seen a snake up so closely . And the fact that I was down right scared of slimy , ugly reptiles like the one in front of me - my legs have turned jelly , I couldn't move even if I wanted to run shrieking my head off .  " stop clutching on the door so tightly Bella , I can't pry your fingers off the latch " still whispering Jacob tried to remove my fingers from the door latch , on which I was clutching on with a death grip.  " I can't " I moaned , I didn't know how I even made a sound when my entire heart seemed to be lodged in my throat . 
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chapter 78
♡ Bella ♡ Pain lanced my chest " what are you talking about ? Why do you keep saying this again and again?" Jacob Knight as messed up as he was , I knew that he was a confident man , It was kinda disturbing to hear him repeatedly speak such words " I just don't understand what you mean by this ?"" I just want that promise ,princess . It does not mean anything , its not like I'm asking for much am I?"Bullshit " you do realise that your not much , is a lot ?"" is it ?"" If you know me that well as you make yourself sound , you would have known that I don't care about anything - except the truth . You say you want to show me the real you but you are still hiding things from me , your promises are nothing but excuses " he looked like I had slapped him , he sucked in a deep breath running his fingers in his hair " I'm not trying to hurt you Jake but you are hurting me , don't question my feelings so constantly and if you don't have that ounce
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chapter 79
" What happened to your car ?" Asked Chris as I  entered the living room and walked around the sofa to get to the kitchen for a nice , warm drink . Honestly , I didn't want to tell him what happened but seeing that I no longer have a car right now and my plea to hitch a ride with Selina was unanswered because her cell phone was switched off , I could only turn to Chris for a ride to school tomorrow morning . And my brother was just as nosy as he was gorgeous , so - I was kind off certain that Chris won't agree to let me share a ride with him until I come clean .  Heading to the kitchen, I brewed myself a hot cup of cocoa, and took a sip . Only with that one scalding hot sip , did my insides unfroze and a warmth spread around my frozen limbs that were still working a little jerkily , because of the scare that they received today . Taking another sip of my hot cocoa , I strolled back to the living room where Chris was still watchi
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chapter 80
Surprised I blinked then - " I thought I wasn't invited " I said raising a brow at Jacob who had the audacity to wince slightly probably remembering the time when he forced me to be the school 's outcast by bullying me worse than ever , in fact I still had a sick suspicion that he also passed down the order that if anyone so much as invited or was seen together enjoying with me , they too will be on his hit radar .Probably because he wanted to give me a hard time , probably because he was afraid that he might get jealous and let the cat slip out of the bag , knowing Jacob maybe it was both . " You are invited now " said Jacob quick as flash getting rid of the  unusual bashful expression , he threw his arm around my shoulder . Chris gave him a stinky eye , his gaze locked on the arm that was wrapped around my shoulder , however Jacob didn't tense or even made an effort to remove his arm , apparently totally unaffected by the agitation
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