All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
304 Chapters
Pt 3. Chapter 64
 997 word(s)Published240 Gripping her hips in his hands, he looked up and found her eyes hot on him. "You like that?" "Y-Yes," Danika panted. He did it again. He swiped his tongue up and down, and barely aware that he was probably bruising her hips where he held her, he ran his hands down and then up to hold the essence of her open to him. Her taste, her scent were a lure he couldn't deny, and he knew now, his craving for her would never go away. Damnation. Wanting more, the King trailed his fingers up to the silk of a nipple and tugged at it, running it between his fingers and thumb until it turned into such a turgid little peak that it almost drove him crazy. She made the mewling noise in the back of her throat again and lifted her hips, begging him for more. He complied, trailing his hand back down, and with his teeth tugging a
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Pt 3. Chapter 65
 954 word(s)Published241 Danika woke up by mid morning at the persistent pull in her bladder. She rose reluctantly and walked to the bathroom. When she came back to her bedroom, she laid back on the bed. She looked around the empty room, her eyes glassed over with memories of the night before. At the emptiness of the room, she'd almost—for a second—thought she imagined it. But the pleasant ache of her body dismissed the thought as quickly as it began. A smile touched her lips. A blush made it's way to her cheeks. Last night was most beautiful! A knock came at the door. Baski's head stuck in, she was wearing a beautiful smile on her face. "You're awake, thank Goodness. I have checked on you countless times!" "Nooo..." Danika buried her face on the bed and groaned out, "You can't be the first person I see this morning. I
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Pt 3. Chapter 66
 1017 word(s)Published242 Danika stood in front of the court. The ointment and herbs Baski gave her helped a lot to ease the ache in her body, but dread filled her belly. Her throat so closed up, she can only swallow tightly. Memories of the second to the last time she was here threatened to overwhelm her. Sally. Her poor Sally. These Kings had unleased their animalistic lustful demands on her small body, they'd almost killed her Sally, thinking they had Cone's daughter.. By God's bones, she misses Sally so much. The door opened and a guard matched out. She peered inside, it only increased her dread. Four Kings. Those four Kings she knows very well were there. How many other Kings were there? What is happening today? "You have to go inside, My Lady." A male voice said behind her. She turned back to see the gua
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Pt 3. Chapter 67
  887 word(s) Published 243   The King paused, everywhere in majestic silence. He finished in repeat, "I crown you, the new Queen of Mombana!"   There were gasps everywhere. No one expected it. No one expects a King to ever give back a land he conquered. The other Kings were more dumbstruck.   Danika stood in a trance while the King's words replayed themselves in her head over and over again. A free woman...? A Queen...? There's a crown on her head.   Tears filled her eyes. By the gods...!   "Are you sure this is what you want to do, King Lucien? Give her back her family's throne?" King Phillip asked curiously.   King Moreh and King Pasih are not looking happy about this development at all.   King Lucien overlooked them and stared at King Phillip. "I already gave it." He replied smoothly, turned away from Dani
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Pt 3. Chapter 68
 1080 word(s)Published244 Sally was sad. She stared at her husband who was making a fire in the kitchen, her heart felt heavy with burden. Isn't it time she gets pregnant yet? This question bothers her greatly. She has been in marriage with her husband for five months now. Shouldn't she be with his child now? Am I a barren womàn? Tears burned the back of her eyes and she sniffled. Chad heard the familiar sound, he swiveled his head to her direction. The relaxation of his face was replaced by sadness immediately. He left the woods and walked to her, "My dear wife. Don't." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She rushed out, "I shouldn't be doing this. I just can't help myself." He took her small hands into his, "I just want you to be happy, Dear Wife. Your increasing sadness everyday
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Pt 3. Chapter 69
 927 word(s)Published245 Sally rose from the bed, watching her husband still sleeping. She spent the next few minutes watching the rise and fall of his chest. Her own chest constricted. He'd taken her to bed after her emotional breakdown and made sweet love to her, her body tingled in places, her heart swearing with her love for him. If only she can give him a child. Heavens please, let me be able to have a child. We have suffered so much in this wicked world, don't we deserve a small reprieve? Her eyes stung, but she was determined not to cry again because it will only change her husband's mood if he wakes up and see her this way. She went to the bathroom and took her bath. Afterwards, she reached the cloth basket and picked out some clothes which she put on. Then, she made her way to the kitchen. Time passed. She has finished co
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Pt 3. Chapter 70
 1201 word(s)Published246 His eyes squeezed shut. "Yes, you do. I know you love your people, and I know you missed them badly. I know you're craving to know how they have been all these while. I know you want to be their leader, because Royalty cannot be denied. I know all that, and I respect you for it." "You're not wrong, I do want to fulfill my duties and responsibilities, and fill the throne that has been in my generation for centuries." She sniffled, "I do want to fulfill them, but I want to be with you more. I don't want to part from you, I don't want to leave Salem. I want to be with you." "You know you can't have both. You have been crowned. Your people will be so disappointed that you rejected them, not even a day after accepting them. I know you don't want to do that." "I don't." She admitted firmly, "My father did a lot of bad to your people and also to our peo
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Pt 3. Chapter 71
 880 word(s)Published247 Sally was searching fanatically for her princess, as she ran into the palace with an ear-splitting smile on her face, she saw Danika hurrying away from the hallway that leads to the King's Chambers, and her princess was crying. Her smile dried away to be replaced by worry. "My Princess!? My Princess!?" At the familiar sound of Sally's voice, Danika hurried towards her and threw herself in her friends arm. "Oh, Sally...? You're here...?" "Of course, I'm here. I came immediately I heard that you were freed and crowned.the new Queen of Mombana! By heavens, I was so happy!" Danika held her tight, crying her heart out. It was hurting too much. "Please, why are you crying, My Princess, you're scaring me! You know you can tell me anything!?" She whispered, leading Danika away from the hallway. 
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Pt 3. Chapter 72
 1234 word(s)Published248 Queen Danika rose the next morning in an unfamiliar bed, but a very much familiar room. Memories of the day before filled her head. She's in her bedroom again. Her childhood bedroom in Mombana. Before she'd arrived the new guards and the new maids had put everything in order for her. When Mombana was merged with Salem, most of the new maids and guards had been working at the palace. Now that it's separated again to two different Kingdoms, King Lucien had hand-picked the Mombana guards and maids, according to the Head Guard, Rogan. They'd wanted to move her things to the King's Chambers, which is her father's former bedroom but she'd declined. Instead, she asked them for the favor to clean out the Princess's Quarters which is her old bedroom and they'd obliged. She wanted familiar ground. As she rose from
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Pt 3. Chapter 73
 943 word(s)Published249 Coza was so angry, he was seething. From his cave, his anger can start a fire in the mountains if anger was a living being. He glared at the maid, "He made her a Queen!? She's now in Mombana!?" He raged, "This has ruined my plans, dammit to hell!" "It's not really so bad, we can still—" "Still do what!? Salem and Mombana are separated, no longer a joined Kingdom! I want to conquer that man Lucien and rule both Kingdoms, dammit! Now that it's no longer a joint Kingdom, I won't have two Kingdoms when I conquer Salem!" He was raging. The maid bristled. He was right. "Also, I'll have to go back to Mombana." "Not for now. Find a way to delay your going. I need you here in Salem. Blazes, I shouldn't have waited to conquer Salem! I should have done it a long time ago." "You have to calm
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