All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 2571 - Chapter 2580
2612 Chapters
Chapter 2571
Only now did Rowan relax. Next, they began to discuss the details of what to do. With every word Jasper said, Rowan’s eyes lit up.“Dang, Jasper, you’re really planning to hold them in a chokehold,” Rowan said with admiration. “Even the most perfect plan can go wrong. You must be careful. Safety comes first, before everything,” Jasper reminded.He was worried that Rowan would get carried away. Rowan was crucial to the success of their plan. If anything happened to him, they would be facing immense consequences.If it were up to Jasper, he would never put Rowan at so much risk.Alas, time was of the essence, and they could only be cautious and wish for the best.“It’s alright, Jasper. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” Rowan waved him off confidently. His whole mind was filled with his imagination of leading a company and becoming a legend of his own. He did not have the mind to listen to caution. Jasper sighed but swallowed the words of caution on his tongue. He knew that
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Chapter 2572
“No, not an exchange center,” Jasper shook his head, “An exchange center only appears to have control, but it doesn’t truly.“You’re still playing by others’ rules.“What I want…” Jasper paused and said slowly, “Is to create a Securities Regulatory Commission in Qari.“You can have as many exchange centers as you want, but all of them must run according to my rules. “It’ll still seem like they’re fighting for themselves, but they play by the same rules. If everything is safe and fair, investors and potential companies who are looking to be listed can participate without fear. And…” Suddenly, a woman’s voice interrupted Jasper, “Jasper, are you trying to gain bargaining power from this?” Celine, who must have walked into the room some time ago, looked absolutely stunned. “Bargaining power? What?” Rowan was confused. He did not understand how Celine’s mind jumped from rules and regulations to petroleum prices.“And when did you even get here, Celine?” Celine ignored Ro
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Chapter 2573
Rowan's eyes widened as he looked at Jasper and Celine in confusion.He understood everything Jasper said but did not understand what Jasper had in mind. All he had was a vague inkling that this would be a very epic plan that would bring order to Qari’s petroleum trade.“Grand as your plan is, how can you guarantee that Qari’s companies will recognize and follow through?” Celine looked at Jasper hopefully. She was not doubting him, no. Jasper had repeatedly proved that his plans were well thought-out and almost always succeeded. Jasper was not one to act without proper planning. Thus, Celine was very curious about how Jasper planned to resolve the issue she proposed.As smart and strong as Jasper was, he was still a foreigner. A good Securities Regulatory Commission would provide structure and regulation to an entire industry and bring unlimited potential to its future. Coincidentally, the huge credibility gained during the establishment of such a commission would also be
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Chapter 2574
“Yup, those two,” Jasper admitted openly.“And, according to the catfish effect, once I’ve gotten the two largest and dominating families, the other families and enterprises of the harvesting and processing industries should follow in their footsteps. “So, even if a few small companies refuse to join us, there’s not much they can do to affect us anyway. “They’ll be faced with two options. To struggle and slowly die out, or… “To join us.“From there, Qari’s businesses would truly come together and form trusts that are based on or even go beyond the idea of profits and common interests. All because they follow a regulated securities framework. “This trust comes from the abiding of the framework’s regulations, and any defiance against the framework resulting in a total loss—something they cannot afford.“That way, anyone who tries to meddle with their businesses will be facing not only the backlash of one family but the entire industry.”Celine’s eyes were filled with respect.
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Chapter 2575
This reminded everyone that they had yet to decide on a name for the company despite having discussed their plan for so long. Everyone began to pitch ideas. Even Julian seemed to have quite a few suggestions as well.After a heated round of discussion, they decided on a name—Laynard Securities. Because Jasper still had to keep a low profile, it would not do much good to have this new company blatantly tied to him. At the very least, one should not have Fred in mind just by hearing the name of this company. Otherwise, all Jasper’s efforts to stay hidden would be for naught. However, everyone still wished for the company name to have some essence of Jasper, so they were stuck at an impasse. Until Rowan suddenly had an epiphany and decided to take some aspects of Jasper’s and Celine’s names. That way, they would have a name that did not blatantly shout ‘property of Jasper Laine’ while still showing tribute to its founder. Rowan was excited that everyone agreed with his sug
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Chapter 2576
With the new company settled, Jasper went to discuss it with Mr. McNeal. While Jasper was able to settle every part of his plan alone, he required the support of the Somerland Government when it came to the most crucial detail—using Somer Dollars as a settlement channel.Without Somer Dollars, Jasper’s securities alliance would crumble at the littlest impact from the United States. Profits and common interests were the basis of all business alliances, but what use were profits if partners could not liquefy them?Jasper wanted to establish a new securities regulation for Qari, and the new equity participation regulation would surely be against the United States’ interests, especially once their army set up base here. Without a strong monetary defense policy, the United States merely had to spread some rumors about the trading currency, and all resolutions within the new regulations would be discarded. Only by removing the US Dollar from being the only trading currency would th
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Chapter 2577
Mr. McNeal’s voice raised slightly, “Do you mean it, Jasper?“This isn’t something to joke about!”Jasper was shocked by Mr. McNeal’s response. He had not even told the other his plan yet.However, after some thought, Jasper understood why Mr. McNeal was so excited. The United States had been more blatant in the ways that they restricted Somerland’s technological advancements. Even Mr. McNeal could feel it too. Mr. McNeal must have been hosting meetings all the time to discuss this issue. It must be why he sounded so tired.“I mean it, Mr. McNeal. I think it could work.” Jasper proceeded to tell Mr. McNeal his plan in full, with much more detail than what Rowan said earlier. While Jasper had no experience in finance, his memories of his past life allowed him to list the different strategies that had been proven to work. These were strategies that have survived the test of time and remained.Mr. McNeal was an expert in finance and business. He had worked in monetary economi
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Chapter 2578
On the other end of the phone, Mr. McNeal pondered for a while and said slowly, "In principle, as long as your idea is helpful to Somerland, I will help promote it, especially if it can solve the energy crisis."However, after hearing what you said just now, I think your plan is very feasible."Jasper was delighted to hear this. "So, Mr. McNeal, are you saying that you agree to this plan?"Mr. McNeal shook his head slightly."No, this plan involves too many ministries and commissions. So, we have to discuss this with the central bank first."Jasper was not surprised by Mr. McNeal's concerns and hesitations.As Mr. McNeal said, too many things would be involved, so they could not implement it easily.Mr. McNeal never mentioned the United States' counterattack once this whole time, and this satisfied Jasper.At least it showed that the government was not actually opposed to this plan. At most, they were just considering the cost."Okay, I understand. This is not urgent, and I wi
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Chapter 2579
‘People in high positions were indeed different,’ Jasper sighed in his heart.Even though his idea was for Somerland’s sake, his starting point was always business-related, while Mr. McNeal skipped this and looked at a hundred years into the future.What Mr. McNeal wanted was a long-term plan; Temporary gains and losses were not within his scope of consideration at all. “Then… What about the United States?”Mr. McNeal heard Jasper’s cautious question and smiled.“They’re not a concern. When we do something, we should not consider the difficulty but whether it is worth doing.“Just go ahead and do it with all your heart. We will support you.”Jasper asked, “Then, should we still use our company’s name when we finally take the lead on this matter?”“Of course, we still need to do this well. We cannot allow them to find any flaws, so you should come forward in this matter so this can be done secretly and not get revealed.”After saying that, Mr. McNeal seemed to realize somethin
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Chapter 2580
Soon, the two were almost done talking. Just when Jasper thought Mr. McNeal was about to end the call, he heard Mr. McNeal say unexpectedly, “Jasper, there seems to be something you haven’t told me. I originally wanted to wait for you to tell me, but you never brought it up. Why? Can’t you trust me?”Jasper was stunned.Apart from this, there was nothing else he needed to ask Mr. McNeal for.Mr. McNeal knew that Jasper really had no such plan after Jasper did not say anything. So, he smiled and said, “It’s about Wendy and Anna. Some time ago, when I was talking about the development of Harbor City with my subordinates, I happened to mention you. Then, my secretary told me that Wendy and Anna encountered some trouble in Harbor City.“I can offer some help if you need me to. I can’t help much, but my words still hold some power.”Although Mr. McNeal was being modest, Jasper knew that once Mr. McNeal brought it up, it would be as simple as a few words.This was a great gift and a re
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