All Chapters of The CEO's Amusement : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
117 Chapters
The two of them ate in silence, only it wasn’t uncomfortable this time. Every so often the blissful sounds of indulgent, soft moans could be heard. It wasn’t long before they finished every bite of their slice. Emma jean looked up to see Kenji was also looking at her. The pair of them looked from each other to the cake then back at each other. A hearty laugh erupted from Kenji. Emma Jean covered her mouth to stifle the giggle coming from her. Jacqueline came back into the dining room to see what the laughter was all about.Her hands were on her hips in a motherly position. “I hear laughter. It was so quiet in here just a few minutes ago and now the two of you can’t keep from laughing. Were plotting to steal my cheesecake?”That caused them to laugh even harder. Kenji leaned back laughing while Emma jean doubled over clutching at her stomachs. Jacqueline narrowed her eyes at them before taking her cheesecake off the table. she huffed at the
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She looked from Kenji to Johnny laying on the ground. “What do you mean? What happened?” Kenji pulled her away from the scene to keep her away from Johnny. Emma Jean couldn’t help but to be curious about what had happened. She didn’t think Kenji was in the wrong, it was most likely that creep Johnny. She allowed him to pull her. When the two of them were farther away from where the altercation took place, she pulled her arm out of his grasp to dust the bottom of her feet off and place her shoes back on. She leaned against him for balance as she slipped into them. “Will you tell me what happened? Did he come to the docks to start trouble with you? If he is employed with the company, I’ll fire him immediately.” Kenji placed his finger over her moving lips hoping that would silence her long enough for him to speak. He didn’t want her to know the truth that he went seeking Johnny out in the hopes to find out some dirt on Emma. “No, that wasn’t the case. I actuall
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Revenge in Motion?
The pair of them headed back to the yacht. It was quiet on the second have of their walk. Jacqueline reached them just outside on the docks. There were two cloth bags filled with her food. “Now, make sure you eat up or share it with family. But don’t neither one of you ask for my cheesecake recipe. I’m not sharing it. It’ll go to the grave with me.”Emma Jean frowned at her, “You have to pass it along to someone. It would do the world a disservice if you didn’t.”“Yeah, I agree. I may not be appropriate to have it but you should pass it along to your children or someone in your family.”“You two kids make great points but I’ll think about it. Now where are you going next?” She looked down at her own watch. “It’s a little after ten. There’s still time to do something else. Just not THAT something else.”Emma Jean blanched at what she implied. Her mouth dro
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Kenji turned away from her, he didn’t like the fact that she was teasing him. He huffed and puffed out his chest. “You tease me when I’m older than you. What are you a kid?”She scooted closer to him, draping her arm around his shoulder. She spoke in a sing-song voice. “The big man, don’t like when the wittle brat teases him? Ah poor baby. Should I stroke your ego?” She moved her hand closest to him to the top of his head. “is this where the baby wants his ego stroked?”Kenji grabbed her hand pulling her into his lap. The two of them were now sitting there facing each other. “If you want to tease me, remember I can do the same thing too.”He moved the hand of hers he was holding closer to his lips. She could feel his warm breath against her skin. It caused her to shiver. Her eyes locked with his. Those grey eyes drew her in, stealing her breath away. The pilot had to speak to let them know they we
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The rest of his weekend seemed to drag on, his mother walked around with her shoulders slumped. While his father tried everything, he could to console her. Seeing the way, his parents were acting made him want to do something special for them. He thought about leaving the house so they could enjoy alone time but that wasn’t enough. Kenji searched the recesses of his mind to find the perfect desert to make for them. The one that stood out the most was the delectable Opera Cake. Layers of almond sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup with ganache, coffee French buttercream and covered in a chocolate glaze. Yes, that’s the perfect one for them.Kenji worked hard through out the day to make the cake. When it was completed, he placed it on the counter then left the house with a note. “Gone to see Kimmie, enjoy.”He reached his sisters house within the hour. The twins were eyeing him with suspicion. It had been a few weeks since they had met their uncle.
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For the first couple of hours, families passed by him intrigued by his sign and boldness. Little kids kept begging for deep fried mac and cheese. Their parents refused, constantly saying the same thing “If you want food, I can get you some at the park.” Kimmie and Kenji mostly sat around, waiting for someone to take a chance.Kimmie rested her hand against her chin looking out at the highest roller coaster in Kari-Hope. “Can’t we just go in and ride the rides? Or at the very least drum up business?”Kenji who was cleaning the stove top for the umpteenth time looked at her. “If we do that one, we could get in trouble and cause problems for Kemari. Two if someone does come by and we’re inside they will walk away. Let’s give it another couple of hours.”She sighed loud and bored. “Fiiine, we’ll do it your way. But someone better come to the truck soon. There’s nothing to do.”Kenji
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Her arms were folded across her chest. Anyone around them could feel the tension suffocating the air. Emma Jean closed her eyes to take a deep breath. Hoping by the time she opened them back she would be calmer. Kenji watched her and waited for her to speak. After a few minutes Emma jean opened her eyes and spoke. A deep breath came out first. “I’m really happy that you found something to do in the meantime, I know I hadn’t come back with an answer about employment but did you have to park just across from my business?”He reached out to touch her face but his hand stayed in the air just inches away from her. “I thought it would be a good idea considering I got to see you.”The apples of her cheeks became more pronounced as she tried to hide the smile threatening to form. “Flattery will not get you anywhere, especially since you are taking money away from my business. Is there anyway you could move to a different location?&rdqu
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Kieran's Return
Emma Jean looked up to see Sam walking in her room. A small smile tugged at her lips. She tried to think rationally. The kind of guys she normally goes for always end up being the ones that hurt her. She had hoped this wasn’t the case for Sam. He reached the edge of her bed staring at her as if she were a delectable pastry to be devoured. Emma jean loved that look in his eyes. She launched herself into his arms, stealing multiple kisses from him. The two of them worked quickly to divest the other of their clothing. Sam laid her back onto her bed. Emma jean gazed into his eyes as they became one.It was just in time for her alarm to go off, that she ended up waking up a few minutes before it. Her body felt weighed down causing her to panic just a little bit. When she looked to her right, she seen it was Sam laying in bed next to her with his arm protectively around her middle. It felt strange and warm to have someone do this to her. When she thought back to what they had
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By the time Sam came back to her place, she as dressed and ready. Kieran came racing up the stairs to greet her. He practically knocked her over in a tizzy to have her in his arms again after a few days. Kieran yelled in excitement, almost rupturing her eardrum, when he spoke. “EJ!! Don’t ever make me feel alone like that again. I’ll work even if I’m on my death bed.”Emma jean tried to push him away to give herself some space and breathing room. He was much stronger than usual. Her hand still touching his chest, gasped to get his attention. “Too hard, can’t breathe.”He released her from his grip, looking her over for potential bruising. “Sorry, I just missed you so much.”“Is that right? I wouldn’t have guessed by the way you nearly stolen all the air from my lungs.”He helped her out of her house. Pushing her to hold on to his cast. “So, have there been any changes sinc
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Sam came back after doing her errands for her. He knocked on the door and listened for her to speak. “Enter.” He was hesitant to go inside. Emma Jean didn’t look happy, nor did she look sad. He just felt underneath her cool exterior she was ready for war. He walked inside to see her on the phone. He felt relieved to have a moment to calm his nerves. What could she actually do to him or about him for lying? Emma Jean motioned for him to site while still on her call. A few minutes later she hung up. The two of them sat across each other starring for a few minutes. Then she spoke. “So, you’re engaged? That’s wow.” “No, we’re not engaged. She doesn’t have a ring. She’s just I don’t know.” He placed his head in his hands. Emma Jean didn’t want to listen to his excuses. The faster she ended whatever it was they had the better. She knew she couldn’t fire him it would cause a sexual harassment suit if he wanted to get revenge. “Listen Sam, no Samuel. I said I would r
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