All Chapters of The CEO's little wife.: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
149 Chapters
Chapter 101.
Victoria POVI knew perfectly well that this was going to happen, so that's why I refused to come here at first because I... I didn't want to see my mother.But still, I'm here now, there's no way I can leave, so I have to at least put on the best attitude I can until I get a chance to go back home with Dominik. And of course, I'm calm now, but when I get home, I'm going to kill Dominik, definitely, because he lied to me by telling me that we were only going to stay for a moment because watching him cook outside with my dad and committing to staying for lunch is not a moment, Dominik made us stay for a long time.I'm going to kill him for lying to me by coming here."So how's school going, Tory?" my mom asks me suddenly.Me standing in front of the open refrigerator, putting in some of the meat sauces Dominik had bought, trying to refrigerate them so they don't spoil, I reply to my mother, "How am I doing? You came to my school two days ago, I gues
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Chapter 102.
Victoria POVWith a sigh, I lower my gaze, as I stand with my arms crossed in front of the refrigerator. Seriously, very seriously, what am I supposed to do now? I still feel upset, my mind and my heart are furious about what happened in my house so many days ago already, but I just... I... I don't know what else I should feel...I love my family, I really love them very much, not for nothing I practically risked my whole life and my future for them by marrying Dominik, I'm not kidding when I say I love them all very much. However I think it still hurts me a lot, what happened hurts, and I don't know if it's something I can forget... But it's something that maybe I can forgive.I know we are not perfect beings, as humans, we all definitely make mistakes, many mistakes, but that is not why we deserve to be judged and suffer as much as my younger brother is doing. Why now I understand that he didn't do this as an act of hate, he is just a kid, and without realizin
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Chapter 103.
Victoria POVAnd just like that... The last school year of my life is ending, as I close this book on the last class I will have for the semester.Several weeks had passed since I met again, weeks that turned into months, and ended with the end of my last school year, in what is probably the best time of my life.My relationship with Dominik is practically perfect, with slight ups and downs because of the fights we sometimes have, but without ever getting to be anything too serious, and only ending in just that, normal little fights that all couples have. It's strange, but in all this time that we've been together as a romantic couple, Dominik and I have practically never fought, or at least we haven't had a fight so serious that I could fear and think that we would break up. Dominik and I ended up getting along better than expected, and now I don't hesitate to say that I love him more and more every day, while still being by his side.On the other hand,
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Chapter 104.
Dominik POVSighing softly, I look at the envelope with Victoria's graduation invitations sitting on my desk. After arriving from the restaurant where we went to celebrate together for the completion of Victoria's classes, I decided to work a bit, since I had to go out with Victoria to celebrate the completion of her classes, I didn't finish all my corresponding work for today.So after arriving home, leaving Victoria to take a bath, I went to my private office, ready to work and do all the work I could not finish today in the afternoon. But something strange happened, for when I got to my office and stood in front of my desk ready to work, I couldn't do it. My mind kept wandering, as I looked at the envelope I had taken from Victoria in my car this afternoon, thinking about her graduation and... Prom.I know Victoria has all her reasons and right to not want to go to that prom, her time at school hasn't been very good, especially now after the news of our marri
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Chapter 105.
Victoria POVSmiling as I feel all the cameras in the audience focus on us and take various pictures of us, I continue to hold my diploma open, as well as my other classmates, letting our parents and the various photographers capture this exciting and supposedly important moment.And here we were, at the end of the road. Before I knew it, in what had possibly been the shortest week of my entire life, the long-awaited day finally arrived, my freaking graduation. I know it's no big deal, but I can't help but feel nervous now, that I'm already in the middle of the ceremony, with my diploma and my gown, it feels so unreal...As with all graduations at the school, the weekend morning was set up in the school auditorium, which is near the gymnasium, where there was restricted passage only for family members and special guests of the graduates, since the auditorium is much smaller than anyone would think, and there is no room for too many people inside.And bein
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Chapter 106.
Victoria POVFeeling very tired, after a day full of so many emotions, I feel relieved when we finally arrive at our apartment. I don't want to lie, today after so much I just want to take off this stupid graduation gown, take a bath next to Dominik, and then sleep the rest of the night."I'm dead" I complain after a sigh, approaching the living room, where I throw my cap wearily.Following me a short distance behind, Dominik replies, "Very tired?""Very tired..."Sighing again, I walk over to one of the larger sofas in the house, where I lazily lie down, feeling very comfortable after such a hectic day. Dominik carefully crouches down next to me, stroking my head, making me smile at his sweet caresses."It's a hot day..." I say to Dominik, looking into his eyes."Summer is coming, and it's already starting to show in the weather.""I know, it's nice. Let's take a bath and order something delicious to eat, some burgers..."
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Chapter 107.
Dominik POVAfter finishing getting my outfit ready, I leave my private room. For this "special" occasion, I had bought a tuxedo to match the dress I bought for Victoria, in a navy blue shade similar to her dress, and which was elegant, but not overly formal. After all, I am not going to a high society event, so I don't have to wear my best clothes, but it is an important enough event to have bought a suit for it.I planned this event very carefully behind Victoria's back since a week ago, when we had that little discussion in my office, as I did plan to take her to that ball at any cost. It wasn't difficult to buy a dress for her, it's the kind of thing she likes and also her size, so the only complicated thing for me in this situation was to find the perfect design, for which I went to my sister, who gladly helped me to find an elegant but modern design, perfect for someone like Victoria.After that, the rest was pretty simple, since I sent one of my messenger
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Chapter 108.
Victoria POVStill jumping to the beat of the music, of that up-tempo song that I love so much, I hold on to Dominik carefully, as I look into his eyes as we dance. Just like all the other couples around us, we are in the center of the gym, dancing eagerly and happily, mingling easily in the middle of all the crowd, and soon getting into our own world. I'm surrounded by all my classmates and schoolmates right now, but for me in this gym, there is only Dominik.I'm not going to lie, it was a little awkward at first, as I arrived I felt everyone's eyes on me, with some looking surprised that I was there, and others even disgusted. But what bothered and surprised me the most, was to see how several of my classmates were looking at Dominik.I don't consider myself a "jealous" person, but I can identify well when one person looks with desire or even love at another. And in the case of many of my classmates, I noticed that they were looking at Dominik in that way, in
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Chapter 109.
Victoria POV"So did you have fun?" Dominik asks me, looking up at me with a smile.Leaning lazily against one of the elevator walls, I smile too and reply, "Yes, I had fun."There was no point in trying to deny it since it was true. Maybe because I went with Dominik and I always have fun next to him, or because the party was much better than I thought it would be, but for whatever reason, I can't deny that I did have a lot of fun next to my husband at the graduation party."It was much better than I had imagined," I tell him."Well, there was good music and hardly anyone bothered us, the party organizers went out of their way.""Yeah well... It wasn't as nice as the parties we went to on our honeymoon, but I wasn't expecting much anyway. Still, I hope I can turn 21 soon so I can go with you to more parties soon" I say perking up.It was a shame, but I was still a minor for some things in the country, I was of age, but I still couldn'
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Chapter 110.
Victoria POVHearing my confirmation, Dominik doesn't wait any longer and roughly pulls down my underwear. Surprised, I can only let out a gasp of surprise, while my legs and my whole body tremble, feeling this harsh treatment to which I am subjected. I have never made love with Dominik behaving this way with me, being so... Harsh. But I can't deny that besides intriguing me a lot, I find it hot, since the thought of him dominating me this way and making me feel good, just causes me a great desire towards my husband.Without giving me time to process everything that was happening, Dominik abruptly grabs my wrists, pulling up my hands that were still on the wall, and puts them over my head, immobilizing my entire body in front of the bathroom wall."Hold still" He whispers from behind my back, running his lips down my neck before taking a bite on my skin, which makes me flinch and let out a gasp of surprise.Dominik usually doesn't bite my skin, but feelin
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