All Chapters of The CEO's little wife.: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
149 Chapters
Capítulo 71.
Victoria POVAbrí los ojos con cansancio, y sintiendo el tibio ambiente a mí alrededor, toqué junto a mí en la cama, encontrando el lugar vacío.“¿Dominik?” Pregunte confundida.Me sentía algo aturdida, así que sentándome lentamente en la cama, observé a mí alrededor. Me encontraba en la habitación de Dominik, un lugar con un estilo muy sobrio, con las paredes pintadas de blanco y muebles simples de color gris, además de que su habitación no parecía tener decoraciones o cosas así, solo muebles y sus objetos personales. Y aunque este sitio me parecía bastante frio, como en general lo es Dominik, también me hace sentir muy contenta y no puedo evitar sonreír, ya que estoy feliz de haber pasado una noche a su lado en su habitación.Poniéndome de pie de la cama, tomo la misma ropa que use ayer cuando lle
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Chapter 72.
Victoria POVConfused, I look at the magazine Dominik has just handed me. I recognize it right away, because even though Dominik hands it to me showing me only the back cover, I have had several of those magazines in my hands before, as they are very popular among kids my age, and they are magazines that talk about rumors of famous people and showbiz, Jenny is a big fan of this kind of magazines.Why does she want me to read this? Still not understanding why she's giving me that magazine, not understanding how knowing rumors about celebrities is going to answer my questions, I finally turn the magazine over, to see the main cover.Then I practically stop breathing.Incredulous at what I'm seeing, I have to blink several times full of confusion to realize that I'm not dreaming, that this isn't a damn dream, and that I'm really holding in my hands what I think I have. Printed on the typical glossy paper these magazines are printed on, I see pictures of me w
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Chapter 73.
Victoria POVDo you know what usually bothers me the most about my family? That when I have a problem, whatever it is, they only focus on what matters to them, i.e. the things that bother them or that they think are important, leaving aside what I think is important or what is truly worrisome to me.Like right now."So are you with that man?" my mother asks me.Sighing softly, trying to remain calm despite how upset I am about everything that is happening right now, I reply, "Why is that important right now?""Should there be something else that matters to me?"Walking into the living room of my former home next to me, my mother walks through the door and stands in front of me, looking as angry as I am right now. But I sense her anger is misdirected, as in this case, she seems to be upset with me just because I am with Dominik, not because someone published my true identity as his wife and why they ruined my life, it seems that is of lesser
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Chapter 74.
Dominik POV.Closing my eyes, I can only feel Victoria's loud crying in my chest, hugging her in my direction trying to soothe her. I don't know how long she's been crying like that, but I've already started to worry, and that she definitely can't stop crying in that heartbroken way."I want to die..." she sobs into my chest, hugging herself tightly against me."Don't say that everything will be okay baby, you'll see..." I assure her trying to calm her down.We have arrived several minutes ago back at my pent-house, and although it is mid-afternoon, Victoria and I haven't eaten anything yet, which is also worrying, because of all the things that happened today morning Victoria hasn't even had breakfast before we went to her parents, without a bite to eat since last night's dinner.I never guessed things would go this bad in her family's house, I guess it was a little silly of me not to realize that, but there is just too much going on around us, so
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Chapter 75.
Victoria POVSighing, I finish fixing my hair into a ponytail, on the top of my head, giving myself one last look in the mirror as I finish."You don't have to go to school today... If you don't want to," Dominik tells me, standing behind me in the doorway of my room.Smiling softly at his disguised intentions to protect me, I turn in his direction and say, "What, are you giving me permission or something?"Smiling at me as well, Dominik walks over to me and says, "No... But technically yes, since if you misbehave at school or get into any kind of trouble, they will call me as your husband, no longer your parents.""It's a shame I'm a good student and there aren't many parent meetings, I'd die to see you there listening to my teachers' nonsense.""I wouldn't mind, since it's something I'd be doing for you."Blushing a little, I feel Dominik carefully wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my neck, giving me his usual affection. Domini
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Chapter 76.
Victoria POVTrembling, I stand in front of the door to my geography classroom, not daring to enter. It's relatively early at this hour, but knowing Jenny and Roy well, I know they're there right now, sitting at their desks talking to each other or reviewing for class. And I'm just so scared... I don't want to think about what they are going to say to me when they see me, as I begin to fear the cruel words they might say to me, which I know I deserve after everything I did.However I know I can't stand in the school hallway, where I have so many students around me, many of whom must surely be looking at me now. So taking courage, I push open the door to my class for the day, finally entering. Just as I expected, there were few students in the classroom, who immediately look at me as I enter, stopping talking and staring at me. They all know me, I have been their classmate for almost all my life until now, and I am sure many of them must be judging me in their minds aft
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Chapter 77.
Dominik POVSilently, I stopped my car in front of the front door of my parents' mansion, getting out of the car slowly, I couldn't help but look at the big Meyer family house, the one that long ago had been my home, where I grew up and spent the worst moments of my life. It's funny, but I don't think I have a single good moment in this place, it's as if all the memories of this place were only sad and lonely moments in my memory, memories so traumatic that I always have a bad feeling when I come here as if it was a haunted place or something.Approaching me immediately upon seeing me arrive, one of the mansion's employees says, "Good afternoon Mr. Dominik, would you like me to take your car to the mansion's garage for storage?""No need, I won't be too long" I reply, closing my car door and starting to walk inside the mansion, "Where is my mother?""Madame Adelaide is in her reading room, would you like me to announce her arrival?""No, if you do
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Chapter 78.
Dominik POVArriving quickly at my apartment, I waste no time and go straight to Victoria's room, where I know she is, "Victoria?" he asked entering the room.Just as I expected, I count her in the room, sitting near one of the windows, looking outside in a slightly melancholic way. From her face I can see that she has been crying, as her eyes are very red and her countenance very sad, that worries me, as it gives me to understand that something very bad has happened to her at school, as I feared."Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her calmly, approaching her and crouching down next to her on the floor.Lowering her gaze, Victoria answers me, "They are mad at me..."Keeping silent, I finally understand the reason why Victoria looks so sad. I'm trying to understand her, I'm really trying my hardest because deep down inside I think it's silly. I guess Victoria is still young, but when you get a little older, losing friends or them fighting with you stops mat
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Chapter 79.
Victoria POVIt gets easier with each day.That's what I tell myself every morning when I leave Dominik's penthouse and have to go to school. It seems strange, but even in these bad conditions, I've been doing so many things that time flies by, so much that I don't even realize when a whole week of classes is about to end, my first week of classes after everything that happened, something that turns out to be a relief since at least I can rest a little at home away from everyone.As I expected, things at school between my former friends and classmates have not improved. Since what happened on the first day, when I was rejected in such a horrible way by the friends I adored the most, I decided to stop trying so hard, whether it was with them or anyone else at school, I don't think there's any point in apologizing or feeling bad about getting married anymore. It's not like I killed a person, I just got married for a contract to save my family, do I really deserve
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Chapter 80.
Victoria POVSeeing my countenance change immediately, Aneliss immediately says to me, "Dang... Did I say something I shouldn't have?"The truth is that yes, in an ill-intentioned way or not, Aneliss had revealed her brother's cheating to me. And that is something extremely painful for me, because all this time, I was looking at Dominik as the only support I had left, how the hell should I start looking at him now after knowing this?"You know what? Forget everything, it was a mistake, don't mind me, I'm crazy" Aneliss says immediately, trying to make amends for her mistake."It's ok, don't worry, it's just that... Dominik hadn't told me anything" I confess to her still discouraged and sad to know the truth."Yeah, I... I figured that out."Why did he hide this from me? To see Aneliss so desperate calling him nonstop, I realize that it's not something simple, it's something very complicated that both of them have been working on since we arr
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