All Chapters of The Princess' CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
117 Chapters
Chapter 61- The Confession
Reaching the Ferguson Hights, Jake didn't waste time and rushed up directly. The security guard recognised him and was stunned to see him react that way. He shrugged and continue to guard. Jake knocked at the door heavily for a few times and soon the door swung open. "Jake, what the hell!" Mariot yelled as she stood behind the door. "Mariot, I'm sorry, okay. Is Dohana inside?" Jake asked anxiously. "No, she-" "What do you mean? She left the airport, she must have come here." Mariot looked perplexed, "she agreed to go with you? Then...what did you do to her?" Sensing that Mariot was shocked, Jake knew that Dohana couldn't be in t
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Chapter 62- The Love Birds
"Yes," Jake nodded with a smile. "I will-" Dohana turned to face the ocean and interrupted him. "You chose me even after I released the video and probably bankrupt your company?" Jake sighed and came closer. "Dohana, it all makes sense to me now. I don't need the company, I don't need to be a CEO either. All that is just materialistic. What I really need is you." Dohana had tears building up at this stage. " said you don't like me before, why now?" "I was a fool then, I didn't know what I wanted. I said I wanted someone unique, and you are all that, I mean who could challenge me like you did? Who could have the guts to look at Jake Larson and pour a drink over his head? Which woman it's gods green earth would start a company and actually succeed to bankrupt
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Chapter 63- The Convoy
Perceiving the danger in Dohana's eyes, Jake didn't ask questions. He grabbed her hand and they both rushed up the docks.  "Dohana, I said I'll protect you. Just follow me, okay." Jake shouted as they ran, leading her towards the taxi. The driver was laid back taking a nap when a loud bang awoke him. He saw Jake banging the door repeatedly.  "Buddy, what's wrong?" He said opening the door as Jake and Dohana got in. "Start the car quickly, take us out of here!" Seeing the urgency in Jakes eyes and the sound of his voice, the driver quickly started the car and drove out of the docks. As the boats arrived at the docks, Mark Norman watched the princess and his friend r
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Chapter 64- The Getaway
The couple had just finished their dinner when the waitress served them drinks. Jake stashed some dollars under the bill, leaving a huge tip to go with it. He looked at Dohana with expectancy. Perceiving Jake's stare, Dohana shrugged, "what?" "Sweetheart, I think it's time you tell me what's happening. Who are those men in those ships and why did we have to get away?" Dohana sighed and glanced around, "Jake, I'm not who you think I am. My identity is rather…" "Ah! I knew it," Jake sighed leaning back on his chair. "You are not as simple as we thought. I mean how could you afford to start up such a big company." Jake wiped his excited smile with a frown, "then who are you?" "
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Chapter 65- The Chase
A Buggati parked by the airport gate and two figures got off and rushed in while holding hands. The male had long black hair, a huge moustache that covered the whole face and had a black rope on. The woman wore long blond hair, with heavy pink make up and she looked very pretty. As they walked, they had a subtle conversation. "Dohana, this diguise is so good, I don't think they will be able to spot us." Dohana giggled. "Credits to your driver, he knew exactly where to get these disguises. And now the plane leaves in fifteen minutes, that's enough time to sneak in and leave undetected." "Yeah," Jake cried, "I don't know about leaving here without my clothes and all-" "Jake, your bag must still be at the baggage area, let's go-"
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Chapter 66- The Kingdom
A private plane was speeding on a run way of a private property that belonged to a prominent billionaire. As it lifted off, a couple stared at each other with excitement. "We're finally off to Andorra." "What did I say?" Jake said with a smile, his eyes piercing through Dohana's, making her blush. "Well, how was I supposed to know that Mr Larson is so well connected?" "Mr Larson?" Jake kept the grin, as his eyes sparkled looking at the beauty that sat beside him. Dohana was blushing, causing Jake to continue. "Does that mean I've finally pulled my end of my bargain and delivered? Well, since now you're referring to me as Mr Larson?" "Well," Dohana turned to look at him, her
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Chapter 67- The Identity
The Queen Mother and the various cousins of Dohana stared at her in utter astonishment. Their mouths gaping on the breakfast table. For over a minute, the table was quiet.  'What?' Jake was dumbfounded, 'a King? Did I hear that right?' Jake glanced at Dohana. 'Is something wrong with her? How can she casually say if I'm married to her I'll become the King? What's going on here?' The Queen Mother shook her head before she began a short cackle. When she stopped, she gave Dohana a gloomy stare and giggled. "Dohana, you're really full of humour, when did you learn to make lame jokes?" With a straight face, Dohana quickly answered her back, "it's not a joke, Mother. Since you want to marry me off to a wicked Prince, I decided to run away from home and find myself the
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Chapter 68- The Protests
"Let me get this right, did Princess Dohana really fell in love with that idiot?" Terah asked, staring at his cousins. "Cousin, Terah, really now? Do you actually believe that? Isn't it obvious that the Princess found an actor, and paid him to come here and act like her lover," Dorah added scornfully. "For an actor, he's pretty lousy, couldn't even man up and tell us who he is," Sirah said giggling. Mirriam sneered and said, "my sister wouldn't do such a thing." "Oh, yeah? Then where did she get the pretty boy, then?" "Yes, he's pretty terrible…" Terah couldn't finish his sentence, seeing Dohana and the man coming back to the table. "He came back!" Dorah said laughing. "Well, James...what did you say your name was again? Nevermind, are you here to tell us who you are?" Jake smiled as he and Dohana sat down. "My name is Jake Larson, a Billionare business man from the city of LA. I own a chain of supermarkets and run a few branches of my marketing company, blue sky Marketing. I
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Chapter 69- The Royal Task
"He's got guts, I'll give him that." "Shut up!" Terah erupted, with a bitter smile on his face, he continued, "he's a fool for going down there, they won't hear him out, much less leave those gates." Realising what a perfect plan their cousin had come up with to humiliate the Princess' lover, Sirah winked at Terah and Dorah amused. "Not only that, they will be so enraged that they will break the palace gate and beat him to death." "Sirah, stop it," Dohana said while keeping her complicated eyes on Jake. 'Why is he so courageous to do this? Can he really do it?' Next thing Dohana felt someone grab her hand, she looked down and it was her sister. Mirriam gave Dohana a reassuring smile of comfort. As Jake approached the crowd, he lifted both his hands into the air as a sign of surrender. The people had seen him coming down and some had stopped to watch him. "Who is this person?" "Not even dressed as a Prince. What does he want?" "For almost a month we have been stationed here,
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Chapter 70- The Fiancé
"She's so beautiful."Many who had settled back down stood up to watch, pushing towards the gate. Their claws clenching through the fence as their eyes gleamed with excitement and astonishment.When the Princess reached Jake, she lifted her hand to meet his. Jake took her hand and kissed it before he gently brought her over towards him.Turning towards the crowd, Jake said, "this friend, I hope you have seen it yourself. This is Princess Dohana, the future Queen of Andorra standing next to the Future King."Soon, the people bowed their heads, kneeling. "We have seen your majesty." Jake smiled as he held Dohana affectionately. "Alright, say no more. Go! Tell the people the good news."
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