All Chapters of Dangerous Desire: The CEO's Hidden Woman: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
234 Chapters
Chapter 121: Deep Affection
When Scarlett got in the car, she held the grumpy baby and said helplessly, “How dare you to be so grumpy at such a young age?”“Mrs. Sandler, would you like me to drive you home now?” The driver asked.“Let’s go to the office and ask his father to coax him!” She said as she pinched the chubby face of the baby.As the baby was nine months old now, Scarlett’s hands had been sore from holding him, so she wanted to rest him on her thighs, but he refused and struggled to stand up on her knees.“Stop it!” She warned him seriously.The baby glanced at her and began to jump up and down on her thighs. When they arrived at the office, Scarlett was told that Francis was in a m
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Chapter 122: Where Is Our Dear Grandson?
She woke up and said in anger, “Leave me alone. I want more sleep. Why are you bothering me? It’s not like I’m getting a lot of sleep these days anyway.”“Come on, babe, it’s almost nine o’clock now. It’s time to get up!” He said as he set himself down next to her and attempted to tickle her.“Are you not going to see your parents? Just go! And let me sleep.” She grumbled and said angrily as she wriggled around under the quilt.“You heard that?” He didn’t know how she could’ve heard all that.“Of course I did!” She said.“So, aren’t you glad to hear that?” He said as he pulled away from the quilt and hugged
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Chapter 123: Where Is The Baby
Francis put down his cup of tea and tried to explain, “Oh, don’t think anything of it, mother. She is not angry with you. She was feeling under the weather this morning, and that’s why she’s not here with me right now. You’re overthinking it. Please, mother, just relax. You will see your grandson in due course.”“So, Scarlett couldn’t come, and Carlos wouldn’t either?” Francis’s father was doubtful.“He wasn’t feeling the best either.”“Have you taken him to see the doctor?” His father asked, concerned. Francis’s father cared for Carlos deeply– after all, he was Francis’s first child. In addition, he didn’t think that Scarlett and Francis’s match was scandalous like the rest of the family did
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Chapter 124: You Are My One And Only
The summer brought soaring temperatures to Irving City. As Carlos crawled around the house at ever faster speeds, Scarlett found herself finding profusely just trying to catch up with him. Nonetheless, it was finally time for them to go on vacation and escape the heat.“You naughty boy, behave yourself, otherwise, I’ll have to teach you a little lesson!”The baby turned around to take a glance at Scarlett. Then, he reached his small, fat hand up in rebellion. As Scarlett rushed to him to make sure he didn’t fall over, Carlos burst into a fit of the sweetest sounding giggles.“So, have you packed up all of your things?” Francis said as he walked into the room.“Yes, everything has been readied for your trip, sir!” Grace said
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Chapter 125: It’s The Most Effective Way
“I did a few searches here and there. I know the two of you loved each other dearly. If not for your mother, wouldn’t you have gotten married to her? Don’t lie to me, Francis.”Scarlett knew this information because of the warning she had received from Leah. After that, Scarlett had begun to pay close attention to stories in the media about Francis’s past lovers. As she dug deeper, Scarlett was surprised to find that Francis and Mary had been in a serious relationship for a while.After all, Mary Patel was a well-known film star at home and abroad. While Scarlett had been struggling to make a living and support herself as well as her brother, Mary had been winning film awards all over the world. If not for Chuck, Scarlett would never have had the chance to meet Francis. They belonged to completely different worlds.
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Chapter 126: Was He Not Afraid Of Death?
“Except the threat, which part of what you said is useful to him?” He said.After a second thought, Scarlett said, “You are straying from the point. Anyway, you should not contradict me in front of him like that! That’s all I’m saying, okay? End of discussion.” She huffed.“Alright, fine. It’s my fault. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” Francis relented easily because he knew that he wouldn’t win this argument with her.Scarlett nodded her head happily and waved at him, “Well, I’d better leave you to work now and take our son outside for a little stroll. I can tell he’s feeling restless. He wants to go outside.”Although it was nine o’clock, there were still many people
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Chapter 127: I Just Want You To Fall For Me Like That
“Before the results of the trial were announced, he even said to the jury, ‘Do you know who I am? I was sent here by God himself to enlighten you, and now you are trying to punish me? You are so naive. With my contribution to Athens, you should not punish me. Instead, it would be best if you were celebrating my marvelous legacy. You should be showering me with untold gifts.”Upon hearing that, Scarlett laughed very loudly, and then he continued,“Because of his grandiose words, the jury was pissed off. His attitude just didn’t fly with them. So, the jury decided to take a vote, and the result this time was 360 vs. 140. As a result, he was sentenced to death. There was no amount of money or gold he could’ve given them to make them reverse that decision. And later, as everyone knows, his students bribed the prison guards to hel
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Chapter 128: I Have No Choice
“Hey, Carlos, come on. Wake up! You’re usually so happy to wake mommy up bright and early, aren’t you? Come, let’s take a short swim together. What do you say?”Carlos would usually wake up at 6 am– unprompted– and demand his first meal of the day from Scarlett. Today, however, he didn’t wake up until seven because he had gone to sleep quite late the night before. He was still not fully awake and stayed quiet in Scarlett’s arms, rubbing his eyes and resting his hands on her shoulders.“Where is daddy?” Carlos murmured.“Your daddy doesn’t like swimming, so let’s go to the pool quietly by ourselves, okay?” Scarlett said.The swimming pool was half-hidden amongst the tall trees and wa
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Chapter 129: I Don’t Want You To Worry At All
Scarlett sat up and grabbed his collar. “Listen, I’m entitled to my feelings, okay? Everyone knows you were a ladies’ man before you met me. I want to put an end to that.”Francis touched her arm and said, “Baby, I know. But don’t hesitate. I don’t want you to worry at all.”Francis threw Scarlett onto the bed in the guest room. “You’re mine, alright? Only mine. And I’m yours.” With that, the two fell asleep arm in arm. It was as if they had never even argued.The following day, Francis got up later than usual. He was full of energy. He woke Scarlett up gently and then pinned her down under him. His desire knew no bounds.According to the experiences she had had thus far, Scarlett knew very well how
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Chapter 130: It’s Not Difficult To Admit That You’re My wife
Francis pulled her into his arms. With his hand on her waist, he whispered into her ear.“You know Allen?”“No, not really. We met once before, I think.” Scarlett stuttered, struggling to get the words out.“Oh, really? Then how did you get in here?” Francis was obviously suspicious. He figured there had been some foul play. How else could Scarlett have gotten into the exclusive cocktail party anyway?Now that he caught her lying, Scarlett had no choice but to give Chuck away, so she told him everything about Chuck’s plan.“Model? Who is Chuck talking about?”“She is the pretty one… with big boobs. Ring a bell?&rdq
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