All Chapters of Dangerous Desire: The CEO's Hidden Woman: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
234 Chapters
Chapter 171: I Agree To The Divorce
“How ungrateful he is! You helped him get rid of those two annoying women, and now he blames you for not caring about his feelings? That’s nonsense. How dare he ask for a divorce?” Eve stomped around angrily. She couldn’t understand why Francis was behaving so strangely all of a sudden.Scarlett leaned back on the sofa and stared at the tray of fruit on the table, and said, “You don’t understand. What I’ve done has provoked his ego, and it’s not the first time. I guess no one can endure me. I’m going to die alone.”“But he is Francis Sandler, I thought he was going to be different… and mature.”Scarlett looked up at her and said calmly, “There is no difference! He is still a man. Men are all the same, aren’t they? It doesn&rsq
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Chapter 172: Be Good My Sweetheart
Scarlett knew he was lying because it was impossible to break a pen so easily– unless you were full of rage.He sat down in front of Scarlett and said, “I will ask the lawyer to handle the division of property, but I only have one condition, I want custody of Carlos.”“Okay,” Scarlett nodded in agreement and added, “Actually, I can do it without taking your money. After all, it’s your money, and I feel kind of guilty about taking your money for doing nothing, so I’d better not.”When he heard her, Francis was almost going crazy for being pissed off; one more word with her, and he might faint with anger and get taken to the hospital.“You don’t want custody of our son?” he asked again, trying to make
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Chapter 173: Why Not Give It A Try?
Scarlett had her head against his shoulder and just smiled, “Won’t you blame me for being too impulsive?”“Of course not. It would be best if you always did what feels right to you, Scarlett. I trust you. I’m here for you, no matter what. You know that, don’t you?” Scarlett tightened his arm on her shoulder. Scarlett said, “Everyone will make mistakes in this life. If we don’t have the opportunity to make our own mistakes and learn from them, then what’s the point of living life anyway? We might as well have done. Besides, getting a divorce isn’t the worst thing in the world. I can recover from this, move on, and still live a full life. I’m still young, after all.”Skyler smiled as the breeze outside the cab caressed his hair, “That’s right. We would never have survived wi
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Chapter 174: Coaxing His Son
Skyler just said, “Just give it a try and leave here for a while. By the way, your absence will help get this matter out of the limelight that much quicker, don’t you think?”Scarlett took a lighter and a cigarette out from nowhere, and then she lit it up and took a small puff of her cigarette. She stared at the spark between her finger and said, “I haven’t smoked for a long time because of Carlos. I’m about to quit smoking...”“It doesn’t matter if you want one now,” Skyler said.Scarlett smiled helplessly and puffed a smoke ring, and said, “Sometimes, I think we need to change ourselves a lot to cater to someone else. When I woke up on that huge bed at midnight, I had this deep, unsettling feeling that I’m not even me anymore.”
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Chapter 175: Can You Live With That?
“So, what’s going on between you and my uncle anyway? I want to know exactly what’s been going on these days,” he said, “Don’t you think that the two of you made a major decision way too hastily? What’s wrong with you? You’re parents to a baby boy now! You have to be more responsible, don’t you think?”Scarlett turned her head towards him and said dryly, “You should talk to your uncle about that. He is the one who asked for a divorce. Why are you coming out here interrogating me? The one you want to be asking all these questions is Francis.”“Well, I really want to ask him about it. But considering the good relationship I have with you, I wanted to talk to you first. Just tell me, what exactly is going on? My poor young cousin has been crying all these days, don’t you feel sorry
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Chapter 176: Why Don’t You Go Now?
He wasn’t capable of that, so he just gave up.“Let me know if you need my help. Even though you no longer have a relationship with my uncle, we are still friends. You know that, right?”“Thank you!” Scarlett smiled as she got out of the car.After that, Chuck drove away along the road, and Scarlett watched with her hands in her pockets until the car turned the corner and disappeared. *** In the morning, Skyler got breakfast ready. He poured some coffee out of the French press into a to-go cup and left the rest for Scarlett to drink.Skyler quickly headed to school while Scarlett was rushing to the bathroom to get ready for
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Chapter 177: You Are Really Something
Having left her phone at the apartment and with the remote for the television far out of reach, Scarlett had no way to entertain herself and kill time. All she could do was close her eyes and pretend to sleep so she wouldn’t have to interact with Francis too much.Because she was weak, Scarlett managed to actually fall asleep amid all the pretense. When she woke up again, it was four in the morning. Francis was long gone, even as the scent of his cologne hung faintly in the air.At night, Scarlett felt more emotionally fragile than she had in the past few weeks. Lying in the hospital bed, Scarlett held the quilt that smelled strongly of disinfectant and couldn’t help but cry.She cried for her ridiculous persistence and for the loss of a good man. She c
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Chapter 178: My Good Boy
Unexpectedly, Carlos just burst into tears. He cried very loudly and looked up at Scarlett.Scarlett patted his back to comfort him. She also wanted to cry, but she held back and said, “I’m so sorry, my sweetheart, it’s all my fault that I haven’t been able to come and see you in such a long time.”Chuck was usually annoyed in the presence of crying children, but right then, Carlos’s crying made him more sad than irritated. Chuck sat down on the little sofa and remained silent.Carlos was a strong boy, and he wouldn’t cry even when he took a fall. But he was crying so hard that blue veins appeared on his forehead.He put his arms around Scarlett’s neck and was almost out of breath from crying.
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Chapter 179: I Miss Mommy
Scarlett played with Carlos all day, and because of that, Chuck had no place to go, so he became bored and started playing video games.Scarlett gave Carlos a shower, and after that, she put a cute yellow robe on him that made him look like a little king.After that, Scarlett lay down beside him, and she started to tell him a bedtime story in a low voice. In less than ten minutes, Carlos fell asleep and started snoring.Chuck stretched himself and took a look at the time, getting ready to look for Scarlett.“Shall we go back now?” He asked. “Isn’t Carlos so cute? He is so cute, and I really don’t want him to grow up.”  Chuck cou
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Chapter 180: Carlos First Birthday
Sarah grabbed Bell and said, “Let’s just leave her alone. Let’s grab something to eat first. I’m starving.”“Hey, you really don’t want to have lunch?” Bell asked again before she left.“Just go without me! It’s fine.” Scarlett said.After sitting there for more than ten minutes, Scarlett couldn't control her mounting restlessness. She wanted to get out of there and go see her dear son. She grabbed her purse and hurried out. She did not want to miss Carlos’s first birthday– not even a second of it. Scarlett walked around to look for a gift at the shopping mall. Everything she saw looked appealing to her, so she wished she could have just bought out the entire store!
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