All Chapters of Blue Blood: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
The cursed throne
Immediately after I got out of the ballroom and out of their scrutinizing gazes, I broke out into a run, taking off my glass slippers in the process. I had to send a message to the King.But the problem is.. where is he??I have no idea about his whereabouts...Entering my room, I pace for a while and in the process, spot a black shiny book under my pillow. I walk to my bed in haste and reach under the pillow to find that it was a phone.I couldn’t help but squeal in delight and appreciation. The first thought that crossed my mind was to reach out to Dante but quickly brushed it aside it could be a trap and doing so will be me falling into it.Opening it, I was stunned to see my picture as the wallpaper- A picture of me sleeping peacefully in my room at dusk. I unlocked it easily and searched through the phone to see it was new and void of information.Except for a contact no that was saved as Mate.The king’s no...I sneered in contempt and let out a sad smile while thinking if I sh
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Shattered heart
His loud voice boomed and fear gripped my heart uncontrollably, because of it. All his cabinet that stood before me instantly cowered at his voice and parted as he walked up to me in a few large strides when the throne room was as large as five or more queen-sized bedrooms.I calmed my heart and just coolly observed and watched him get closer. He reached out to gently grab my hand the minute he got to me and pulled me up twirling me around, desperately looking for any injury.Do NOT get irritated, do not get irritated.I chanted within me.His touch irritated me because no matter how attractive he might seem, he kidnapped me and acted as he pleased toward me. Besides I wasn’t one to fall easy because of a pretty face.Yes, I get attracted to a pretty face, but what matters to me the most is one’s actions and personality.I stepped back from his embrace a little to smile up at him.“I’m alright, thank you for your concern,” I spoke quite softly to him, looking up at him in what seemed
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You can bark all you want
I looked to see Zane supporting my weight in panic and concern. I turned to him and requested something I needed very urgently.“Can you please take me to my room?”He lifted me up and sped to my room as fast as he could.He got to my room, opened the door, and dropped me on my bed. He covered me with the duvet and wished me a good rest before quietly leaving the room. I stared at the doors for some minutes before turning to sleep, the situation with Dante wearing me out immediately.***I woke up much later feeling more refreshed but not wanting to interact with anyone because I had done more than enough these past two days. I looked at my phone to see that I had slept for about four to five hours and it was evening already.I rolled over to stretch and remembered I had a book to read. I couldn’t help but pine for my family and to distract myself, I reached over to the bedside to notify the kitchen staff that I needed my dinner up here instead alongside a cup of hot chocolate.I dra
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as long as you don't have a hidden agenda you will be safe
We need to talk.That statement kept ringing continuously in my ears as I wondered what is it that he needed or wanted to discuss with me.I didn't give him a response and just kept staring at him for a while as he waited for my response.However, when he saw that I wasn't going to give him any anytime soon, he spoke up, "You! leave." He said harshly to the maid beside me causing her to jump to her feet in fright before scrambling out of the room hastily.Watching her retreating figure, I looked up from my seated position and glared at him.Why will he scare her like that? What is his problem?Who did he think he is to badge into my room demanding and commanding as he deem fit?All these were the angry questions that flooded my mind and I dare not say them out loud for fear that he might get angry and snap at me, and only god knows what will happen when he does.Closing my eyes, I took in deep breaths to calm myself before opening them and looking up at him."What is it that you want
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fuming with suppressed anger and frustration
However, the more thought of his words, the angrier I became, and eventually couldn't keep my emotion in check.Seeing the change in my expression, he took some steps toward me showing a bit of concern, and asked, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"I raised my hands to stop him from getting closer to me.What's wrong?I snickered out this time around before looking at him squarely in the eyes, "Your words, that's the problem, your highness." I said the 'Your Highness' in a sarcastic way. before continuing."You assure me of my comfortability in your clan only 'if' i do as told like a puppet without a mind of her own and in the same sentence, failed not to threaten me if I decide to have a thought of my own or don't follow every instruction given to me. Am I not quite laughable with this situation and conditions in which I, someone whom you so much as confess your undying love to, am currently in?" I continued my words in a drag sarcastic tone.As I spoke, his expression gradually changed f
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The Unknown POV
I watched her scurry past me and going to stand in the middle of the room- trolly in hand.I sighed and requested what I needed while trying not to check the time.“What’s your name?” I asked her calmly,She hesitated briefly before whispering her name.“I can’t hear you.”“Shanghai.”My eyes widened in surprise, “You don’t look Chinese!”Her giggles filled the air as she said, “ My grandmother lived in China for a while before she was notified of my mum’s pregnancy with her mate- my dad. She rushed back and when I was born, she named me Shanghai.”I laughed at the story and nodded in acceptance.“Okay then, Shanghai. I need a new pack of razor blades and a pack of panty liners, the ones that absorb much.”She looked at me weirdly and I laughed out loud at her expression making her blush. Motioning to her to follow me, I made my way to my wardrobe and opened it wide.“This is a hack I learned in college.” I walked to my vanity mirror and fished out the nest perfume and body spray.Fle
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Makeup disaster
LorelI couldn’t help but be emotional because the song reminded me of Liam and how past relationship and could not help but refer to him through the song at the same time. Also, I could feel part of myself referring to Zane which came as a surprise to me. Speaking of which, my eyes widened and jolted in surprise when I remembered I'm supposed to be preparing for my date with him. I shook my head, pushed all the emotions I was feeling aside, and rushed out of the bathroom, bumping into Shanghai on the way. “I’m so sorry, Shanghai!” I apologized.She smiled kindly at me and turned to gesture to the outfit on the bed. I walked closer and saw that it was a long-sleeved mini bodycon dress with an opening in the chest area and a mini slit in the front.Touched, I looked at her gratefully and rushed to put it on. Seeing that iI had my shower cap on, I carefully took it off and then shook my hair to create the full fluffy large curls that made me look exotic.I didn’t react as I heard Sh
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River of tears
His face was priceless and he could not stop staring at me and what I wore. Not uncomfortable under his gazing eyes, I waved my hands in front of his face. “Hello..?” I said uncomfortably. His eyes snapped up to mine with a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry.” He rubbed his neck and motioned for me to walk in front of him out of respect. I just scoffed and walked ahead before coming to a stop to glare at him, “So you want me to let me lead?? To where?? Where are we going?” He sighed and took my hand but I snatched it back and narrowed my eyes at him. He sighed once more and took it, grasping it tightly so that I couldn't snatch it out of his hold not letting go even when I tried to snatch it again. “let go of me, you jerk!!” Ignoring me, he kept walking as though my actions toward him meant nothing. I started to hiss at him in spite before yelling. “You’ll break my wrist, you brute!!” He abruptly let go of my hand and turned in concern and seeing that as an opportunity I started to
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I struggled effortlessly to swim to the surface of the ocean but the more I struggled, the more I sink further down the bottomless pit. My will and struggles become weaker and eventually, I had no energy in me to fight against the torrent of the waters I sank deeper into the ocean feeling myself lose my consciousness gradually, and before I knew it darkness encircled me, and drew me within itself. For what seemed like just a few minutes later, I let out a tightly drawn gasp of air and flew my eyes open but what met them was total and desolate darkness. The same that consumed me when she was on the verge of losing consciousness. However, I could feel that I was no longer surrounded by water but rather I was lying down flat on what seemed like a concrete floor.Trying to control my emotions and not allow fear to consume my being, I move my hand around me the floor not truly knowing what I was looking for in my doing so."Hello, is anyone there?" I called out hoping that someone was t
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Hallucinations, thoughts and memories
“What...Who...” He stammered, not sure if what he was seeing before him was real or not. He raised his hands to rub against his face hoping that after doing that and he eventually opened his eyes, everything would be just a dream, or an illusion, or trance, or something to indicate that what he just saw, the person before him, was all a lie and not natural. But unfortunately, when he did remove his hands and opened his eyes, the guy standing before him, who looked exactly like him, was still standing before him, smirking or trying not to laugh at him or at how his actions were rather funny. Dante I still got the flowers that you sent My head shot up from my palms. Music? Lorel? And the note you wrote that said that we were meantTo be foreverAn’ I keep them all as evidenceIn a drawer under the mirror With each word from the lyrics, I felt my heart ache. Like a guitar, each word strung my heartstrings. I clenched my chest, trying my best to stand up but unable to because my h
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