All Chapters of My Obsessive Ex: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
61. Love and Hatred
The hardest thing in loving a woman is to keep her feelings. *** Ansel was like a possessed person. He repeatedly rang the bell of Qeiza’s apartment door. Its sounds roared hard so it could reach the neighbors’ apartments. Some of them opened their apartment doors. They altogether poked their heads. They were curious about what’s happening. Otherwise, they also felt annoyed with the guest who didn’t know the etiquette. It’s after midnight. He shouldn’t have made noise. “You don’t know how to respect others’ privacies, huh?” An old man snapped at Ansel. He seemed very annoyed because his sleep was disturbed. Ansel glanced at him slightly. He didn’t respond to the man’s scolding. His heart and mind were too messed up to behave reasonably. He rang the doorbell again. The next seconds, he sighed in disappointment. The door in front of him still closed tight like a stone wall. Those—who were seeing how desperate Ansel was—could only shake their heads. As fellow men who had ever been y
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62. You'll Be In Trouble If You Disturb Me!
You will live a happy life if your heart is filled with gratefulness and clear from jealousy. *** The toilet lights were flickering. Occasionally, the hiss sound was heard when the light in there getting darker. It was as if to be a sign of the presence of astral beings. They were accompanying the steps of three women who were approaching Qeiza. Aleta—with two of her women—stood three steps away from Qeiza. Her scornful grin looked so creepy under the dim light. Qeiza looked up at one of the lights that stopped glowing. The strangeness coincided with the appearance of the three women with ugly aura. Their souls were so bad, even the lights could no longer turn on. Qeiza pretended not to be affected by their appearance. She grabbed her bag from the sink table. “Ouch!” Aleta screamed in pain. “Shit! You hurt me on purpose, didn’t you?” Aleta glared at Qeiza. She didn’t think the woman she hated would throw her bag on her back, right at the time she intended to pull her shoulder.
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63. There's Something Wrong With My Body
Sometimes, what we feel is only stored in our hearts. *** “Get lost! This is working hours,” said Boss Song. The line of the employees was in disarray. They disbanded and went back to their own office. “You’re an exception, Miss Aleta!” Boss Song stopped Aleta’s steps. Aleta wanted to deny, but Boss Song’s cold stare froze her tongue. “Y–yes, Boss!” She nodded. She walked with her legs trembled. She followed him to his room. Aleta’s heart pounded. She was freaked out when she imagined the worst possibility she would face. “I want you to pack your belongings right now!” said Boss Song with no doubts. “B–but, Boss ….” Aleta was dumbfounded. Her face instantly got pale. She had predicted that she would get a punishment as a consequence for her wrong doings. However, she never thought that Boss Song would directly kick her out of the company. Aleta slammed herself on the floor. She knelt in front of Boss Song. Her head lowered. “Please forgive me, Boss!” she begged. “It’s my fau
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64. Don't Be Crazy!
Maybe you have failed in love and feel heartbroken. You don’t have to be stuck in sorrow forever. Just believe that you will find the right person when the time comes. *** Dae Hyun walked downstairs. Both his hands were hiding in the pockets of his trousers. For a while, he took a deep breath. He stood in the middle of the stairs. His gaze directed to Ansel who was still in the living room. Qeiza’s ex-husband seemed not to awake yet. His head was swung. Dae Hyun walked in silence. He didn’t want to surprise Ansel. He shook his head. He couldn’t believe that Ansel would maintain his sitting position though he was sleeping. “Hey! Wake up!” Dae Hyun kicked Ansel’s toes. Ansel stuttered. “Qeiza!” he exclaimed. When he saw that Dae Hyun who was standing in front of him, Ansel rashly got up. He bowed, giving a respect to Dae Hyun. “Sorry. I thought you’re Qeiza,” he said. “She has gone away,” said Dae Hyun. “Just go home!” “Huh! Why did you wake me up now?” Ansel grumbled. He rushed
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65. The Hunt Started Again
Hate anyone to an extent, because we will never know when the hatred turn into love. *** The light of blitz flashed countless times. It shined on the faces of the bride and groom who were doing a pre-wedding photo session. Many times both of them changed positions according to the photographer’s direction. Qeiza watched every scene with a satisfied smile. Joanna looked very stunning in the wedding dress she designed for her. “Okay. We’re done!” shouted the photographer. Qeiza immediately helped Joanna with her wedding dress. She lifted up its tail with much care. Standing applause welcomed Joanna when she walked towards the fitting room. “I don’t remember I’ve ever invited you to come here, Xander,” said Joanna. Xander smiled awkwardly. “You didn’t,” he said. “As usual, I escort your naughty cousin whenever he goes.” “If he’s coming here just to make some troubles,” said Joanna. “You’d better ask him to leave. I don’t wanna him destroy my happiness.” It was the last session o
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66. Why Did He Always Disturb Me?
Now or later, I can’t stop loving you. ~ Ansel ~ *** Knocking on the door followed by the appearance of a man at the age of his thirties made Chin Hwa turned away. He was tall and a bit thin. He bowed at Chin Hwa. Chin Hwa handed two bags to him—his bag and Qeiza’s. After taking over the bags from Chin Hwa’s hands, the man immediately turned around and left Chin Hwa’s office. Chin Hwa took a deep breath. He looked at Qeiza who was still sleeping soundly. With a very careful movement, he lifted up his fiancée’s body. He carried her in a bridal style. Arriving at the parking lot, Chin Hwa found out that the man had opened the car door for him. He sat Qeiza on the seat behind the driver. His movement was so quiet. He didn’t want to wake her up from her sleeping. After Chin Hwa circled the back of the car and sat beside Qeiza from the other door, the man started the engine. “To your apartment, Sir?” he asked. “No,” said Chin Hwa. He mentioned Dae Hyun’s address. Thirty minutes la
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67. Glad To See You Again!
Friends are not always sweet. But at least, they don’t pretend to be nice either. *** Qeiza smiled in satisfaction. Her desk was neat again. She could leave the room with no worry about losing some of her things. She slightly looked out through the window. The sky was cloudy. The weather in the fall was really changeable easily. It also often rained. Luckily, she had promised Dae Hyun not to work late. If not, he would deliberately be very worried about her. Qeiza left her room with light feeling. Her designed was done. She just needed to send it tomorrow morning. It seemed she was impatient to know the result of the fifty top selections then. Drrrt! Drrrt! Qeiza’s cell phone vibrated. She immediately reached into her pocket and checked an incoming message. “It’s still cloudy,” she whispered, looking at the sky from the distance. The sender of the message invited her to meet in a café. Qeiza was so eager to go there. She had been ages not see the one who sent her the unexpected
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68. Good Evening, My Princess!
People can change over time. So, everyone has a right to get a second chance. *** Dae Hyun landed the corners of his eyes look on the hand that gripping his shoulder. His gaze continued down that muscular arm all the way to his face. His sight captured an oval face with a sharp jawline. Black and thick eyebrows sheltered a pair of dark brown eyes which stared at him sharply. Dae Hyun hid his surprise behind a slight smile. He didn’t understand why the man looked at him with a hatred gaze. The guy even didn’t smile back at him. “Don’t misunderstand me!” said Dae Hyun. “I don’t forbid you to be friend with Qeiza, but … it’s almost evening.” Dae Hyun thought Adnan held him because he was still unwilling to let Qeiza leave the café. Vany pulled Adnan’s shirt and whispered. “Don’t be crazy, Ad! All people here are looking at you.” Adnan proved what Vany said by paying attention to his surroundings. That was totally right. All eyes in the café were now pointing at him. He quickly lowe
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69. Come With Me!
Qeiza was on her way to the office. She drove her car. She wanted to arrive at the office earlier. She still wanted to recheck her design. Today was the day for her to submit her work for the prestigious competition. Arriving at her office, Qeiza walked fast to her room. As soon as she got in, her eyes rounded perfectly. The room was messy. The pieces of papers and her drawing equipment were scattered everywhere. “What happened?” She rushed to close her desk. She took the pictures of the room mess from different angles. After gathering enough evidence in form of pictures and video recordings, she started cleaning up the mess. She picked up her equipment that was scattered on the floor. “Oh, no!” Qeiza screamed when she remembered the design she would send. She then put back the things in her hands on the floor. She ran back to her desk. Her fingers were shaking when she switched on the computer. Even, she didn’t think to sit. She kept searching the file of her design, moving from
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70. I Need You
Qeiza still couldn’t free her waist from Chin Hwa’s arm wrap. Their eyes glued each other. It caused her feel uneasier. The rhythm of her heartbeats was now like the beat of Tamatam. It was a kind of a Dol hitting techniques—a traditional musical instrument from Bengkulu. The tempo was fast and constant. It’s just that speed was not born from a cheerful mood, but rather anxious. Someone knocked the door loud enough. Qeiza was grateful. The sound of the knocks made Chin Hwa pulled free his hand. Qeiza quickly stepped backwards then intended to go out of her boss’ room. “Good morning, Miss Kim!” Freud greeted Qeiza. He didn’t expect that she was with the boss. Qeiza just smiled slightly and nodded. She was standing on the left side of Chin Hwa’s desk. “You got it?” asked Chin Hwa. He turned away his gaze from the computer screen to Freud’s face. How smart he pretended. “Here you are!” Freud gave him a flashdisk. “Did you watch it?” “Yeah.” “Then, you know what you have to do ne
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