All Chapters of Damian Anderson: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
58 Chapters
Chapter 30
I woke up the following morning to find Damian still sleeping, but as I was about to get up, I noticed someone was standing by the door staring at us. On a closer look, I discovered it was Sophia shooting dagger stares at us. After a while, she walked out slamming the door after her. I couldn't help but think about what Sophia was capable of, especially now that she has seen Damian and me in bed together. I should probably just start making my last wishes. Damian woke up as his hand searches the bed for me. "Good morning," I said trying to fake a smile. "Good morning" he replied. Using his right hand to pull me closer to himself, he serenades me with kisses "where do u think you are going?" he asked circling my nipple with the tip of his finger. "I have to go get ready for the party, remember?" I said trying to sound as normal as possible so he doesn't notice the building tension in my voice. "Something is off, are you alright?" He asked bringing my face closer to himself, his ey
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Chapter 31
Eight years laterErica's POV Wake upEricawake upI sprang up from my bed panting heavily.It was a dream, thank God, It was a dream. Damn!These dreams seem to be reoccurring these days, it's been eight years and yet it feels like yesterday.Some people dream about their worst nightmares, I have lived mine in reality. And no matter how hard I try to get it off my mind, it's buried deep within me, it haunts me now and then.The eight years that drastically turned threw me into a world I wasn't prepared for. I learned my lessons the hardest way anyone could imagine, and the greatest lesson of all was, that love is overrated.People fall in love for selfish reasons and fall out of it as soon as their expectations are meant."Mum are you alright?" Alex, my seven years old son asked while he stares at me, his little blue blues laced with worries and concerns. I love my son with everything I have, but he is also my constant reminder of how stupid and naive I was when I had him.It was a
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Chapter 32
Erica POV I entered the office with my team members and we were welcome by the uproar of happy cheerful staff. We clinched the project from Oasis company against all odds. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, jokes, and smiling faces. As I worked towards my office I checked to see if Mr. Wallace was in his seat, but could not see him. Mr. Wallace is the CEO of the company. It is very unlike him not to be in the office on a Monday. As I got to my office, I sat down and was about to pick up the phone to call Mr. Wallace, just to check up on him when Frank, one of my colleagues, entered my office. He is the head of graphics design. He is in his early thirties, fine face is of moderate height, and is very good at what he does. Other than that, he is a jerk. He has been bugging me about us dating him for some time now. And he is not taking a no for an answer. He thinks I do not know about his escapades around the office, he has been rumored to be frolicking with most single ladies
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Chapter 33
Eight years before Erica's POV "Erica, what is wrong with you?" my mum asked, her voice all laced with concern after watching me run out for the third time to empty my stomach in the restroom. I was losing strength as a result of all the energy used in throwing up. I had woken up with a terrible headache, nausea, and a bad stomach upset. "I think, I am having an allergy," I said, to my mum who seem to be inspecting every part of my body with her eyes. "You will come with me to see the doctor this afternoon," She said. "Mum, I'm fine, I'm sure it's nothing," I said, spitting out the bad taste that lingered on my tongue into the washing sink. "Then you have nothing to be scared of, we are going to see the doctor and that's it" She snapped back. ***** We got to the hospital and after some time, the doctor came to ask me some questions which I felt were unnecessary. After which my blood sample was taken for the test. We sat down there, my mum and I were lost deep in our thoughts a
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Chapter 34
Third person's POV It's been eight years since she last saw him, eight good years since he just left her without a word whatsoever. She remembered how she was made jest of, spent days in police detention, watching her parents sell their valuables to help her out, for accusations she knew nothing about. He never for once came to check up on her, if not for Lucas she will properly still be wasting away in jail. Seeing him now brought back so many bad memories she has tried so hard to forget. He is a monster and all monsters need to be treated as one. "What's up with you Erica?" Frank asked staring at her from across her desk. He wanted to know why she was looking all stunned and unable to compose herself even in his presence. Frank had never seen Erica in that vulnerable state before, he wished he could do more but still did not want to overstep his boundaries, she was still his superior after all. "I'm fine Frank, just having a slight headache" she finally said after what felt lik
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Chapter 35
Seven years agoFlashback "Congratulations, it's a boy!" The doctors said as they showed me, my baby. He looked just like the photocopy of his dad and that made me cry. How can I be the one to suffer alone all through and the baby comes out looking like the dad? It's not fair. Two months later "Mum, the baby is crying," I said, as I hurried up to get dressed to go to the bar where I worked as a bartender "Just breastfeed the baby darling, I'm sure he wants to sleep," Mum said from where she was washing the baby's clothes. "But my nipples are hurting bad and I need to be at work," I said amid tears. "It's OK pumpkin, just bring the baby and his formula to me," daddy said. As soon as my dad carries him, he becomes quiet. "See that wasn't so hard," daddy said with a big grin spread across his face. End of flashback Now "Ma'am, Ma'am, we are here," the driver said, as he opens the door to the car. The ride was a long one and I must have slept off at some point. I opened my eye
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Chapter 36
Erica I have been at home since that unfortunate night at Damian's place. I had called in sick on Friday and was just using that to stay away from seeing Damian. Childish? I know, I can't believe how helpless I am when I am with him. Alex had gone out earlier to visit his grandparents downtown. The house was boring and lonely, and being by myself was not helping my course. My cell phone rang, and I checked to see that it was Frank that was calling. He has been bugging me about being my date for the farewell party for our former CEO. I sighed deeply as I picked up the call. "Hello," I said. "Hey Erica, where are you, I will be at your house in thirty minutes to pick you up, be ready and beautiful," he said, and before I could say something he ended the call. I know I have to go to the party if for nothing, but for my former CEO's sake. I mean, that maas a heaven-sent. He was the first person to give me a shot after I graduated from school, after so many companies turned me down
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Chapter 37
Erica Being at the same table with Damian Anderson, was not definitely on my get the ex jealous plan, when I decided to come out and party this evening. I don't even understand why I have to get him jealous, I don't want him because I freaking hate his guts. Can you believe that he is even engaged? How am I going to make an ex getting married soon to a beautiful model body girl jealous? "Erica, Erica" Frank called out. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to see why he was calling me. I turned to see him wanting to give me a piece of cake, I stylishly turned him down, but been that it's Frank we are talking about, he insisted, and I had no option other than obliging. As if in the queue, Damian and his girlfriend walked in. "You guys can't seem to get your hands off each other" Cassandra said with a smile. "I love her a lot but she wouldn't give me any chance because she is scared of heartbreak," Frank said while looking at me, which made me smile a bit. "Aww so sweet," Cassand
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Chapter 38
Damian's POV It was difficult sneaking out of the party, some so many people wanted to see me discuss business. I don't understand why people feel that the best place to talk about business is at a party. I was glad when I finally had the opportunity to disappear and I made a run for it. By the time I returned from the party she was already fast asleep. I watched her sleeping beautifully and only God knows how much I have truly missed this sight of hers. I took off my shoes and jacket before helping her take off her sandals. I used the blanket to cover her properly as she stretches a bit. I wanted to wake her up, so we could talk, but even I seem lost for words. When I did ensure she was comfortable enough, I walked over to where the fridge was and brought out a chilled bottle of fruit wine. I poured some into an empty glass while I took a little sip from it. I sat down on the only chair available in the room. My mind drifted to the events of that unfortunate evening eight years
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Chapter 39
Erica I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache, my throat was hurting like hell. I struggled to get out of the bed, as everything appear to be blurry as I walked out of my room. I managed to get to my kitchen, after which I opened the fridge to get a chilled bottle of water to drink. Hopefully, it cures me of my hangover. It's Sunday morning and I have nothing planned, I sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen as my mind drifted to the events of the early hours. It felt good to be able to pour out my heart to him, and the alcohol was very instrumental in achieving that. My stomach started rumbling for food as I stood up and walked towards the fridge and opened it to see that there was little or no food inside, That could quench my hunger. With Alex and his nanny gone for the weekend, there was no foodstuff at home. I planned on going grocery shopping in the evening. I was still contemplating what next to do when my doorbell rang, I quickly threw on my housecoat a
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