All Chapters of Of Love and Lies: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Sebastian's P.O.V.  Sebastian bolted upright, the sharp rapping on his office door rousing him from his unplanned desk nap. "Yeah, come in." He yawned and began rolling his stiff neck and shoulder muscles, silently cursing himself out for nodding off. Between the intense longing for his mate and the stress of arguing with Leadership Council members, the past two nights had resulted in little actual sleep. "Excuse me, Sebastian..." Dale began as he peeked his head through the doorway. His eyes took in the wrinkled gray button-down shirt, messy hair, and bloodshot eyes of his Alpha. Suppressing a grimace, he proceeded to read off his clipboard. "We received word that Miss Giavanna has safely boarded the jet and will be in flight soon. She was, and I quote, 'thrilled' with the itinerary. Grant has confirmed that she is uncomfortable with excessive displays of wealth, so Meadow and Izzy thought the Pink Moon suite would be the best fit for her." Running a ha
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Chapter Twelve
Giavanna's P.O.V. Giavanna stood frozen in the passenger entrance of the Blood Lake Alpha's private jet; her eyes were round saucers as she gazed around the cabin. She had expected to see some plush leather chairs, tables, and maybe a couch. The space before her looked more akin to a full-service day spa than an aircraft. "Move it," Grant instructed as he came up behind Giavanna and gently nudged her through the threshold. "We have to keep on sche..." His voice trailed off once he noticed the interior of the jet. "Alice, what the fuck happened here?"Alice reappeared from behind a curtain a pair of slippers and a robe in her hands. "Our Alpha was feeling rather guilty about requiring so much of Sebastian's attention this past week and wanted to make sure Miss Giavanna felt properly welcomed by the Blood Lake pack." She put the items down on a table decorated with an extravagant flower arrangement and several pillar candles. With a hand upon her elbow
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Chapter Thirteen
Sebastian's P.O.V."Mother, let me go in first," Sebastian instructed, lightly guiding her by the shoulders to move behind him. "Jared and Dad are both shouting, and that doesn't bode well.""Of course, dear, but you know your father would never hurt me." Calista stepped a few paces back and looked expectantly at her son. Sebastian chuckled. "He's not who I'm worried about. Just give me a few minutes to clear the way in for you." Giving the double doors that led into the Leadership Council chambers a hard yank, the Alpha walked into a riotous calamity.  Orion stood at one end of a long wooden table, his claw-tipped fingers leaving deep furrows in the dark wood. He was snarling, flecks of spit dripping from the corners of his mouth as he screamed obscenities. Beta Jared had his powerful arms wrapped around the older man's shoulders and chest, restraining him from behind. From Jared's stony expression, Sebastian could tell that this was not
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Chapter Fourteen
Giavanna's POV"You ok back there?" Grant asked from the driver's seat of the black SUV as it sped down the tree-lined road. "Shouldn't be too much longer until we arrive at the packhouse." "Huh?" Giavanna mumbled. She was tucked into the backseat of the vehicle, covered in a cozy blanket, and had been reflecting on the flight out before Grant's interruption. Gemma and Alice could not have been better company on the jet. Though reluctant at first, both women utilized the plane's amenities at Giavanna's insistence. She had particularly enjoyed giving Grant a manicure finished up with sparkly black polish. "Just checking, you need anything? Bathroom, drink, snack?" Grant took a left turn into the parking lot of a gas station and pulled into a spot near the shop entrance. "I need to use the facilities."She was about to say no when she glanced out the window. Before her was the largest, cleanest, most pristine gas station she'd ever seen. No chipping
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Chapter Fifteen
Sebastian's POV"Oh, I do not care for this one bit. You look so frail and sickly.""Thank you, Mother," Sebastian sighed. She poked his significantly reduced bicep and grimaced. Giavanna was scheduled to arrive in thirty nerve-wracking minutes. His stomach in knots, Sebastian tried to calm himself by making a mental list of their schedule. For her first evening, the pair would have a semi-formal dinner with the Keller and Kemp families, after allowing her time to settle in her rooms and a tour of the packhouse. He had wanted to do more, but Meadow had insisted adding anything else would probably be too overwhelming. "Besides," Izzy had giggled, "scheduling anything more wouldn't allow any alone time for the two of you." Sebastian's ears grew red again, thinking about how vividly he had blushed at her remark. Alone time with Giavanna had occupied his mind since the moment he boarded the plane home. The brief kiss they shared left a smoldering
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Chapter Sixteen
Giavanna's POV"How many more check-points are we going to have to get through?" Giavanna asked, peering out the car window. They were on the very edge of the Blood Lake pack's official city limits, having driven through three guard stations where overly courteous sentries greeted them and directed them to proceed. "That's it unless they created a new one while I was gone," Grant joked. "Privacy and security have always been important to the Blood Lake alphas." He slowed his speed as they entered the bustling town. Giavanna's stomach began to churn in a combination of nervousness and excitement. She was hoping Sebastian would be able to keep his word and concentrate on her and their budding relationship rather than constantly working, though she didn't have much faith if the lack of texts or calls from him the past few days was any indication. But as she began to see the size of the pack land and the number of members their alpha had to manage, Giavanna began un
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Chapter Seventeen
Sebastian's POVSebastian settled more comfortably into the plaid loveseat, his arms spread across the back ledge of the furniture, with a smile on his face that beamed more every time he heard Giavanna burst into a new fit of laughter in the suite next to his. His wolf had been purring non-stop since his mate's arrival, and it was a feeling he certainly didn't want to end. The rest of the packhouse tour had gone well, with Giavanna asking thoughtful questions that Sebastian was only too happy to expound upon and ample opportunities for stolen kisses. They had agreed upon a 90-minute break to allow them time to rest and change for dinner with the Alpha and Beta's families. And as much as he had wanted to remain with her, he knew she didn't need him hovering around while contacting people back home. His attempt to distract himself with a nap had been an instant failure, so he put on his evening attire and waited for the clock to tick down. His mind wa
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Chapter Eighteen
Giavanna's POV Giavanna scampered away from a gobsmacked Sebastian, blushing deeply as she took off down the hall. She hadn't meant to be so brazen, the comment just slipped out, but she couldn't suppress the giggles that rang out as she rounded a corner.  "Hey, you're not going to be able to find the dining hall without me!" Sebastian followed her through the corridor, his laughter echoing noisily.  "You know full well that isn't true!" Giavanna called back loudly, though she did pause in the hallway, figuring it'd be considered rude to arrive at dinner without her host.  Sebastian raced around the corner and skidded to a stop just before he would have slammed into Giavanna. He growled at her playfully and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her to his chest. "That wasn't very polite of you, teasing me and running away like that."  Smiling softly, Giavanna ran her fingers through his hair in a futile attempt to tame h
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Chapter Nineteen
Sebastian's POV Sebastian wasn't quite sure what was happening. He had mentally prepared himself to be a stalworth shield for Giavanna against his father's less than modern opinions all through dinner, ready to deflect a snide comment or mocking gesture at a moment's notice. The current turn of events just solidified how much he had to learn about his mate. Jared and Grant had greeted Giavanna warmly when they entered the dining area, with smiles and tight hugs before his mother took Giavanna by the elbow to introduce her to his father. "Orion, darling, allow me to introduce Giavanna Sperino of the Oak Valley pack," Calista explained as their guest bowed her head in reverence. "Giavanna, this is my husband, Alpha Orion." Her eyes lowered and neck exposed, Giavanna greeted the leader formally. "Alpha Orion of the Blood Lake pack, I thank you for your permission to enter your lands. I agree to conduct myself in a manner that is worthy of this priv
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Chapter Twenty
Giavanna POV Giavanna groaned, the firm knocking on the door to her suite waking her from a deep sleep. Grabbing onto a bedpost, she pulled herself up and trudged to the hallway door. Turning in early last night was a good idea in theory until she had crawled under the covers and tried to sleep. Then all the events from the day flooded her mind and kept her up until the wee hours of the morning. Yawning, she opened the door to find Sebastian dressed in black jeans and a black fishermen's sweater, his face lighting up as she squinted up at him groggily. "Good morning," he greeted happily. "May I come in?" Seeing him put together and functioning made Giavanna remember that she had bedhead, puffy eyes, and rank morning breath. Thanks to her lack of sleep, she cared even less than usual about her appearance and blinked at him blearily before responding. "Mmmmm hmmm," she grunted, stepping aside to allow him entry. Sebastian closed the
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