All Chapters of The Swift Security Series: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
147 Chapters
The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 81Maddox’s point of viewIt's been a couple of hours now, and Jake and the team have already started to move men into the hospital. Three teams have managed to gain access so far and Adam has links to all of the hospital security cameras, so that we can see the teams as they move their equipment inside on the live feeds. The snippers have also managed to gain access to the roof of the building now..It’s just a matter of getting them in position and waiting for the right time.I turn to Jake as I ask, When do we move in, Boss?” I'm beginning to feel antsy; I need to be down at the hospital; I need to be as near to Ruby as I can get. “Zane’s loading the trucks up now; we'll be moving out soon, Maddog”, Is his reply.“Good”, I mutter.Thank good for that I’m going insane waiting around here. He turns back to me and says, “Go and check on Adam. Make sure he has everything that he needs for the communications van,”I nod my head as I reply, “Sure
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 82Maddox’s point of viewI get changed into my full tactical gear, and we run through the necessary checks on each other one last time. Once Jake is satisfied, we can start to make our way around to the front of the building, the closest point where the terrorists stand as they watch over the hostages.It's finally time to make our way to the next point; Swifty, Tank, Bulldog and Bear all volunteered to be by my side on the front line. Of course, my crazy Ass Little Sis wanted to be with us, but she has been through so much lately, and I have enough to worry about keeping Ruby safe. I’m thankful to Adam for convincing her he needed an extra pair of hands with the surveillance van.The time is now 11.45, just fifteen minutes until we hit the building; Jake nods as he whispers, “You Okay, Maddog?” “Yeah, I’m scared for Ruby,” I reply; Jake knows how tough this is from his own experience with his wife.”I take a final look around, watching as th
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddog83Ruby’s point of viewI’m sitting with my back against the wall; between myself and Ian, we somehow managed to get everyone sitting against the wall the way Maddox had asked. I don't think the terrorists have noticed, as it looks as though we are just trying to get comfortable for the night ahead. Iad had managed to find more blankets and pillows as we tried to make everyone as comfortable as possible.After a hushed conversation, we have also decided to keep what we know to ourselves for now, as we don't want the terrorists to become suspicious. There is nothing more left to do as we wait nervously and listen to the seconds on the clock slowly ticking by.Ian turns to look at me as he whispers,“Are you okay, Ruby?”I sign as I reply, “Yeah” although I feel nothing, but I’m worried for Maddox and his team; these people have a lot of weapons and explosives with them.“I just pray that we all get out of here alive,” I say as I turn back to IanIan gra
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 84Ruby’s point of viewHe holds me tight, and I look up to him as I whisper, “I can't believe we survived…you came for me” Maddox kisses my lips as he whispers, “I will always come for you, Ruby…Fuck I love you so much, baby.”I smile as I reply, “I love you too, Maddox.” The tears start to fall now; I guess the adrenaline is wearing off now as the reality of the day finally hits me.Maddox pulls me into him as he says, “It’s all over now, baby, Your safe now” He holds me tight as I break down in his arms. There is chaos all around us, but I never want him to let go.Jake is standing to the side of us, and he clears his throat before he says,“Ruby? We need to get you checked over, honey, you have a rather nasty bruise on your head, and we have a complete medical team with us here.I nod my head as I reply, “okay…Maddox?”He smiles down at me. “I’m not going anywhere, baby.”He gently takes my hand as we walk over to an area where the medical
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 85Ruby’s point of viewAfter hugging Maddox and promising to ring him as soon as I've got Ysabel settled, I walk towards the supply tent, looking for Ian and Ysabel. I smile as I see them sitting at a table, and Ysabel is eating a cake,“So this is where you two are hiding.”I say as Ian smiles and replies, “Yes, second chocolate cake and one in our pocket for later, isn't that right, Ysabel?”Ysabel looks up at me with a smile on her face as she says, “can I go to your house now, Ruby?”I sigh as I take a seat at the table and whisper, “Not yet, sweetie”, She starts crying. This poor child. I take one of her trembling hands in mine as I look her in the eye and say, “Listen, Ysabel, I need you to be a really big girl for me, I know that I promised to look after you, and I meant that, but Mary here is going to do everything that she can so that you can come home with me. I’m so sorry, Ysabel, but that isn't going to happen tonight.”She looks
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 86Ruby’s point of viewMary pulls up outside the front of my house, promising me that she will get things moving as quickly as she can, and hopefully, Ysabel can then be placed in my temporary care whilst the search for any other family starts. I thank her before I turn around and walk wearily to my front door; it's been one hell of a day. I look up to see Maddox sitting on my porch. My heart melts. I’m so grateful for him being here. I really need him just now.He stands up and starts to walk towards me, that cheeky grin on his face as he says, “Hey baby, tough day at the office?”I giggle as I reply, “yeah, you could say that” Before walking up to him, he pulls me into that big hug of his…I already feel better.”He puts his arm around me and steers me towards the front door, “Come on, babes, let's get you to bed. You must be exhausted.”Maddox’s point of view.I take her key from her hand before opening the door and leading her inside, pulli
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 87Ruby’s point of viewWere sitting on the floor of the day room where Ysabal has laid a blanket on the floor as we sit amongst a pile of stuffed toys and a plastic tea set; I smile as I look over to Maddox holding a tiny little tea cup with his pinkie finger held out. He catches me looking at him and sends me a wink, not in the least bit fazed by any of this.It makes me so happy that Ysabel looks pretty comfortable with him, and Maddox is equally at ease with her. I look at him as he smiles back at me to think that I once thought of this man as nothing but an arrogant player; how wrong was I? He's amazing.Carmel returns to the room again, looking at me as she says, “Ruby, Maddox Mary is waiting for you in the office; Ysabel could you be a sweetheart and pour me a drink.” She sits down on the blanket as Ysabel passes her one of the plastic cups pretending to pour her tea into it before she takes a pretend sip. Maddox takes my hand, pulling
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 88Maddox’s point of viewAt last, I pull into the bunker, my safe place. I feel as though I can finally breathe, knowing that I won't have to deal with all of this on my own,I know that the team will keep Ysabel safe whilst we find some answers; I look in the mirror and Smile at Ruby and Ysabel as I say, “Okay, ladies, this is it.”We pull into the underground carpark, and I help both girls out before we make our way into the bunker; Emily is in the kitchen; she looks up as we walk in.“Oh, hello, Maddox; I thought that you were having some time off”, She asks as we waddles over to us; I smile as I look at her; she only has a couple of weeks left until the baby is here yet she is still glowing, I think that's what the ladies say.seeing her puts pictures in my head of Ruby heavy with my child…Woah…where the fuck did that come from?I smile as I reply, “Yeah, slight change of plan. Are any of the team here?” Zane pops his head through the doo
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 89Maddox’s point of viewWe're heading back to the bunker after collecting Ruby's belongings and fitting her house with the new security system; Zane turns to me as he says, “Have you packed everything that she needs?”“I hope so; this is all kind of new to me, I say as he chuckles. I have no idea what a woman needs. To be honest, apart from the sexy underwear, of course, Zane grins as he says, “I hope you packed her some comfortable underwear and not all of her sexy lingerie.” I blush, and Adams laughs as he says, “Haha, your in trouble, Maddog.”“I tipped the whole drawer into a suitcase; I’m not sorting through a woman's knickers,” I laugh. Honestly, though, I couldn't care less what kind of knickers Ruby wears because if I have my, way she won't be wearing them long.Zane shakes his head, “haha, you shithouse, I bet you are quick enough at getting them off though” Mindreader much!I change the subject before they carry on with their ban
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The Swift Security SeriesMaddogChapter 90Ruby’s point of viewWe spent the rest of the evening at the bunker with the team; Ysabel played in her room for a while then she brought some toys into to dayroom; I smile as I look at her and Maddox sitting on the floor surrounded by colouring books and crayons, Erin is sitting next to me, and she whispers quietly, “Ysabel has really taken to Maddox, hasn't she?”“Yes, she has”, I reply with a grin.“So, what's the plan for Ysabel now?” Erin asks, and I sigh, “I’m not really sure, Erin, I promised to take her under my care, but if she has a family, then I don't know what will happen with her; I guess we will just have to wait and see.”I’m not sure how I would feel about that, yes, it would be nice if she had some family, but then that would mean another upheaval in her life, and the thought of her moving away somewhere makes me more than a little sad.“It’s strange with her father, isn't it?” Erin says as she looks over to me.“Yes, it lo
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