All Chapters of Unexpected Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Fair and Square (Part1)
"Okay, ready?" Hael asked. "This is the rider, as you can see, the posture of the rider isn't that manly and the body structure isn't manly, so the witnesses can obviously say that the rider is a girl plus points of the pink sneakers. According to the witnesses, she's near at the university at exactly seven hours and one minute. One of the witnesses, said that the rider opened her helmet, the witness saw her eyes, the witness saw how she closed her tightly, the other witness said, there's a hesitation on the rider's eyes. One of those witness came near to the rider heard her heart that beats so fast, one saw the birthmark on her hand, one had her bracelet. One witnessed how the rider intentionally wants to hit the original subject and the other had the rider's plate number."Rovi can't believe of what he had heard. He felt unbearable pain on his chest that made him touch it. "Grace, I know you can really do that but why?" he said to the air as his tears kept on falling on his
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Fair and Square (Part2)
He saw JL walking on the hallway. JL stopped in front of him. "I'll do everything to make her forget about you."That hit him but he just smiled with confidence in his eyes and walked away. "You little, you can't erase the fact that she still loves me although she can't remember me. I trust her and I believe that maybe her brain forgot about me but never her heart." he said unto himself although he wants to shout it out.JL saw Grace lying down on the bed while reading an old black book but not that old. He can see that book kept properly but it’s still obvious that time made that book old. "How are you?" he asked.Grace immediately close the book and keeps it under her pillow. She smiled. "I'm fine. I'm doing well, you don't have to worry that much."He smiled. "That's the smile that I really wanted to see. Can you stand now?""Not yet. All I can do for now is to lie down and sit." she said with her soft voice that made it like a melody unto his ear.
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Fair and Square (Part3)
"...forever." he unconsciously said. He saw Grace opened her eyes. "Sorry, did I wake you up?""No. What time is it?" she asked.He helped her from lying to sitting. "It's two in the midnight.""I see... Where's Nurse Dy?" she asked once again."He had an emergency so I'm the one who's in charge to look after you.""Hmm... Then, it's time for me to take some snack to eat and take my medicine like the way you said."He’s stocked. He forgot that. "Sorry, I didn't mean to forget about it."Grace laughed. "Just kidding, I’m awake ahead through the time I need to take some snack so I could take my medicine."He smiled. "Here."He saw her opened the packaged of the bread he gave. "You want some?" she asked."No." he politely said."Okay. When it's only me and Nurse Dy, he kept on accompany me while eating this late.""Why?" he asks due to his curiosity hit him."He said; it's lonely when eating alone which is tr
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Fair and Square (Part4)
It was after lunch when Nurse Dy reached the hospital. Rovi had to take over of taking notes of all the process for Grace's therapy. He can't get mad because he enjoyed a lot although he was lacking on his job as the doctor of the hospital. After the therapy, he thanked all of the nurses and doctors who cover him on the time of his rounds. He sighed. "I can't say it's okay but I hope next time, this won't happen again."He saw how Nurse Dy was upset on what had written on his face. "Thank you very much." Nurse Dy said then went inside the room with a smile on his lips after he saw how he's very upset."Nice shifting of mood, uh... Resemblance of Hael, you really are his friend." he mumbled. "Speaking of him, he hadn't given me a look after we last talked, not even a phone call after. Being very busy, huh..."He's excited to go unto her room to check her although he was with her all night and half of the day. When he opened the door, he saw her holding a familiar ca
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Report (Extra Chapter)
It was midnight when Nurse Dy heard his phone ringing. "Yes?" he answers with soft voice."Can you go here?" said on the other line.His expression became clueless; he checked who's calling him. "Hael, do you know what time is it?" he asked monotony."I know, Win. It's just that I have to hear your report about Grace before I'll leave the country later.""Later?!" he asked."Yeah, later, call Rovi but never tell him that you'll be meeting me." Hael said then turn off the line without him a word."You're making things complicated for me." he whispers then sigh.He looked at Grace and went towards her bed. "Grace, I'll be going out, I'll be back before your therapy. I'll just call Doctor Jimenez to look for you, okay?" he whispered on her ear. He saw her nod as a respond. "Thank you."He calls Doctor Jimenez. "Hello?" he said on the line."Can you look for Grace? I—" he heard the line cut; all he have to do is to get ready.H
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Memories (Part1)
"Hi!" said the familiar voice through the door. She saw how he respects her family. He looked at her and smiled. "Well, I just went here to look if you’re okay now. It seems you’re even finer than I imagined. How's your feeling?""I'm fine." she politely said. She saw how he looked at her family and her family went out. "Nurse Dy, its okay if you'll stay here. I want her to feel comfortable just by you staying." Dr. Jimenez said that made her relief. He looked straight to her eyes. "I know, it's difficult to understand so I'm here to give you this." he gave a thick black book. "I'll entrust my journal, just by reading those with book marks and high lightened sentences. In addition, I'll entrust you this card, when you feel like reading it, go and read it. Moreover, I need you to read it silent and secretly. You can read it with your family, Nurse Dy and the therapist is around but please keep in mind that you have to keep it when there's another person or people were here. Do
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Memories (Part2)
"Why would I lie? He's still on a business trip but as soon as he came back, he would like to see you walking."She smiled. "Thank you for the motivation.""You’re always welcome. You're doing great." he complimented. He looked at Nurse Dy at her back. "I'll just ask you later on her progress. I'll be back after her therapy. I'll just do my rounds."It's been one and half months since she started walking once again, she can now walk but with accompany. "Are you sure I don't need those stuffs for my therapy?" she worriedly asked Miss Li."Yes, you can just use this walker whenever you feel like walking but make sure Nurse Dy was watching you." Miss Li said happily."Does that mean this is our last day?" she said sadly."No. Approximately, we still have one or two months and one month of assurance that you're really okay. We'll be seeing each other every day starting next week.""I see... I have a lot of questions, you know." she said."
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Memories (Part3)
"I'm jealous but I don't have the right. I'm jealous because that man can be with you and help you to find the one who made this but I'm still grateful that you asked my help to look and take care of you so, you can still come back.""I love you so much that I can't help but to always check you." "Hael said, if I won't be the man you're going to choose, he'll do everything he can just to get you from that man and let you love him but I opposed, because I know, I'll be the man you'll be going to choice. If not then, I won't stop until you choose me.""I'm glad that you're awake now. I pray that you won't be sleeping that long because I feel this anxieties that it might not gone.""I'm so happy that you're doing well although you still can't remember me but I'm praying for your happiness.""I won't give way to that guy, no, never! My confidence is fading away but I'm still hopeful.""I saw that card, I'm sorry I didn't gave that directly to yo
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Memories (Part4)
"Yeah." she heard Hael said. "I'll be back later. Doctor Moon, you shouldn't bother yourself coming here at the first place, you know."She saw them leave her room. "Have you noticed that Hael is acting weird recently?" She heard Rovi asked Nurse Dy."Are you friends with him, Nurse Dy?" she asked.Nurse Dy looked at her and smiled. "Yes, we are friends. Miss Li also was a good friend of him." he answered. She saw Nurse Dy faced Rovi. "He's always acting that way.""Well, I just find it weird but if you say so... By the way, how is she, Miss Li?""You can tell by the way you see." Miss Li answered.She's standing in front of Nurse Dy while Miss Li is sitting on her bed. She turned around and smiled at Miss Li. She walks slowly because it's her first time walking without the help of her walker."Hmm... I can see that you're doing fine now. We’ll be doing some tests then, if you’re clear that's the good sign that you're fully recover. Now, I'l
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Rejection (Extra Chapter)
Rovi heard some knock on his occupied room at the hospital. He opened the door to look who's knocking. "What are you doing here?""We need to talk." said JL."Come in." Rovi shortly said. "Sit down.""I'll just make this quick, I want you to b—""I will never back off! I'll fight and I'll definitely win her heart, absolutely!" Rovi said firmly. "If you’re losing your confidence then, I must say, you must be the one to back off! I'll fight for our love and I will hold on unto our love.""Can't you see? See doesn't remember you?" JL said firmly."She does and she will; not only me but the love in her heart for me." Rovi said and looked at his wristwatch. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have many patients to look for." Rovi added and left JL alone on his room."You really have the guts to say that, while you were the one who made her cry before the accident? I just didn't see her because Hael said, I might confuse her that's why, I made myself som
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