All Chapters of Unperfect Marriage: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
265 Chapters
Chapter 221
The night before..."Did you hear me?" Steve asked Darla on his cell phone."But why? Why should I interfere with your grudge against your enemy? I have nothing to do with him." Darla on her hips after leaving the club. Loud music makes it difficult to think clearly. Darla swore that now Steve was making her life even more difficult. After Steve has sex with her in the office, Steve makes an offer with Darla. Maybe this shouldn't be called an offer because it sounds more like an order or a threat."Aren't you curious about what happened to your father?" Steve once again emphasized the sentence and it managed to make Darla speechless let alone argue.Darla smoked her cigarette in annoyance. She did want to know about the real cause of her father's death, but this step was not an easy one. Steve was using it more and more."Nothing's free, honey. When I give you something, you have to give it in return," Steve said again.Darla closed her eyes
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Chapter 222
Next to Darla was Sean. David had just left them a few seconds ago in the taxi. Sean kept muttering incoherent words in his drunken state. Now even Sean was banging his head against the taxi window."Miss, can you stop your boyfriend from breaking my car window?" said the taxi driver in an annoyed voice."He's not my boyfriend," Darla replied, shifting her seat, then she touched Sean's head so Sean wouldn't bang his head against the taxi window again. Darla's cheeks actually turned red because the taxi driver thought Darla was Sean's girlfriend. To Darla it sounded like a compliment."And I don't want your boyfriend to throw up here." The taxi driver kept complaining all the way to a hotel.Darla didn't really listen to the taxi driver's voice because Darla's focus was only on Sean. Darla even had to see Sean because Sean's behavior was so funny. Sean is like a 5 year old kid. Sean's lips mumbled a bunch of words Darla couldn't understand what he meant, b
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Chapter 223
"Yes, last night you did come here with the girl," said the security, showing the CCTV footage. "I even helped you walk up to the elevator."Sean scratched his non-itchy hair in annoyance. The CCTV footage did show that Sean came with Darla in a taxi. Sean looked so drunk that he had to be helped by the security to walk. But why can't Sean remember anything?"Who reserved the room?"“As I said before if the room was booked in Darla Anderson's name. Your girlfriend ordered a room right after when you came to the room," said the security for the umpteenth time."She's not my girlfriend."Sean was annoyed and he got up from his chair. It turned out that going to the cctv room didn't help much, in fact Sean was getting angry with himself. So he chose to leave the hotel building. Once outside the hotel, Sean looked for his a car key in his coat but he couldn't find it. CCTV footage proves Sean came here by taxi, besides that last night Sean left t
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Chapter 224
After Sean left, Darla just lay on the bed crying. She stared at the money Sean gave her before she threw it all on the floor. Darla knew it was wrong to bring Sean here, but all Sean's words really hurt her. Maybe Darla didn't have to agree with Steve's request from the start.Darla's phone vibrates and a message pops up.'Good job, Darla. Sean seemed very surprised. Next, you have to get him to like you within three months.'-SteveFor God's sake, Darla felt like throwing her phone away. She'd just spent the night with Sean, but her feelings were already going crazy. She couldn't imagine having to make Sean like her, especially when three months was not enough. Darla couldn't possibly make Sean fall in love with her. Just last night Sean mentioned Angel's name. It was more than enough proof that Sean still loved her very much.Darla repeatedly typed and deleted the contents of her messages erratically. She was in a position to decide whether to c
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Chapter 225
Sean tossed over the folder Darla had signed as soon as he got to the office. He should have felt relieved that he had managed to persuade the girl not to divulge their secret, but instead he seemed uneasy. However, Sean still feels guilty to Angel. This is like a great unforgivable sin. Now Sean was staring at the window from his office. The atmosphere of the street outside is quite busy and there are many activities carried out by people. He tried to relax his mind, but all in vain. The face of a girl named Darla always appears in his memory, moreover Sean had a few moments to find the figure of Angel in Darla. “Fuck!” shouted Sean, hitting the window. Realizing that it was useless, Sean finally sat down in a chair to get to work. The focus is gone, then comes back. Sean's bad mood affects his staff. Countless times he had scolded his staff just because their reports contained typos, fonts not size 12, and other trivial things. This made the staff surprised
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Chapter 226
Darla carried the paper bag that Sean gave her lazily. She had forgotten to return the check which had been in the paper bag when they met at Hyde Park. Darla was already odd enough to get a dress that seemed so expensive, so a check with a very large nominal amount was an exaggeration. Surely Sean gave this check as a form of keeping Darla's mouth shut so as not to spread the news last night. Uh, why would she spread such a thing?"Darla, it's rare that you come home from work this afternoon," Noah said as he washed the dishes. Before moving here, Darla had bought three steps, so that her little brother wouldn't complain about having to wash the dishes. Even though Darla never asked Noah to clean the house, it was just that Noah always insisted. "Your dress is very pretty." Noah praised this time."Yes, this is a gift from my boss. I was the best employee of the month,” Darla lied. She did her best to make Noah believe that she did work in a bookstore."I
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Chapter 227
After bathing, Darla applies the skincare that she always uses diligently. As she patted her cheeks lightly, Darla's eyes fell on the dress on the bed. She couldn't stop being amazed because the dress Sean had given her was so pretty, but she didn't want to have this. So she chose to fold the dress, then she put it back into the paper bag. She didn't know when she would be able to meet Sean again, most importantly she needed to put this back where it belonged. One day, Darla will definitely return this dress and check to Sean.Tonight Britney gave her a permission because she didn't come to the club. Early tomorrow morning she and Noah have to catch a bus at 6 am and Darla doesn't want them to be late. Luckily Britney let Darla off work today.Darla climbed into her bed to lie down immediately. She fiddled with her cell phone for a moment, then she looked through her gallery. Sean's photo is still there. Darla's finger touched the screen of her phone like she was admir
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Chapter 228
"Noah, come on, wake up. It's already 5 o'clock," Darla said, shaking Noah's arm.“Hmmm… I'm still sleepy.”"Okay, if you sleep again then we won't go to dad's grave."Darla's threat made Noah widen his eyes. He glanced at his older sister in annoyance before sighing. Noah still wanted to sleep a little more, but it was his request that they visit their father's grave."Why do we have to leave so early?"“Our plans for today are solid. If you want to go to restaurants, malls, and father's grave, then we have to get up early in the morning." Darla grumbled, then she pulled the blanket Noah was using. “Take a shower and get ready. We'll buy breakfast before boarding the bus."Darla came out of the room leaving Noah's door open, otherwise Noah would probably hide under the covers again. Their schedule today can be all messed up."Uh, I want to sleep again." Noah whined for a bit before he got out of bed. Re
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Chapter 229
“Why did you have to lie like that, Darla? We visited Dad's restaurant, not Grandma," said Noah as he ate his bowl of ramen. They have returned to London by bus and they are currently enjoying ramen which is quite the talk of the town. "We don't even know what grandma's face looks like.""Do you remember that dad has a lot of debt?" Darla asked again after she took a sip of her ramen.Noah nodded his head. "Then what is the connection between your lie and dad's debt?""I'm just afraid when Dad was alive he borrowed money from Harvey."“We used to live in Essex, Darla. And London isn't as narrow as you think," Noah replied and he sounded like an adult."Then if they know each other and Dad borrows money from him, will you pay the debt?" Darla asked sarcastically.Rather than thinking about that possibility, she avoided having the dependents to pay for the forest from her late father. It's not like Darla won't pay, but in fact she
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Chapter 230
Sean couldn't keep his word. The fact that last night he couldn't sleep at all and that made the bags under his eyes even more visible. His dizzy head makes him easily irritated by the people around him. In the morning, Harriet invites Sean to have breakfast together, but Sean ignores that and he heads straight out of the house. Anne, who saw Sean's behavior, was shocked.Anne tries to catch up with Sean, but her eldest son is missing in his car. Really, she just saw that Sean when he was in college. Eyes full of irritation, front door slamming, and indifferent to the surroundings. Oh, this must be just Anne's feeling. Sean seems to be having a lot of work so his mood is also messed up."Grandmother?" Harriet called to Anne, tugging at the hem of Anne's T-shirt."Yes, dear?""Did I have something wrong with daddy? Why does Daddy look angry at me?” Harriet's face, which was full of smiles, turned sad.Anne smiled as she shook her head. "How ca
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