All Chapters of Saved by the Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Nine ▏The Weapon
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼ I stare at the man who claims to be the King’s brother. I have seen King Odion a couple of times through images, and up close when we were entering the gates of Gailis. The resemblance between them is pretty clear. Not uncanny, but really hard not to miss. He tries to step forward, closer to me, but I stop him by raising a hand. “Do not come any closer.” Osman stumbles back abruptly and almost knocks over one of the mannequins. “I’m so sorry, please do not kill me.” “I won’t do that,” I say, making my way around the place slowly, not taking my eyes off of him the entire time, especially when he lowers his hands. “You said you’re going to show me where the King is?” “Yes!” he answers breathlessly, sinking into another deep bow and falling forward. He lands on his knees, and in the same jerky manner, he straightens up, brushes himself off, and bows again, but much carefully this time. “But I have one condition, sir. Just one
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Chapter Seventy ▏The Balcony
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼ Elora is here. She’s alive. Osman was lying. But he’s also about to fulfill all his lines of deceit by ending her right then and there, before my very eyes, after I worried so much about saving her. And I can’t just lay here while all of that happens. As quickly as I can, I get to my feet and intercept Osman before the blade can come remotely close to Elora. I pull her out of the way, flinging her to the side where she cannot be touched, then I turn to Osman and try to smack the knife out of his hand. However, he steps back just in time and avoids my blow, still holding on to his precious little weapon. That simple motion alone makes me realize how fast he can go, and it’s nearly equal to a wolf level. He ends up pressing himself against the wall, smiling at Elora and I. I position myself in front of her, determined to put her away from harm as much as possible, no matter what. My blood is singing with renewed fervor just s
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Chapter Seventy-One ▏The Bunker
⇼ E L O R A ⇼As soon as I say those words, a chill runs down my spine and spreads all over my body. Suddenly the memories of what I have seen in the cabin begin to overwhelm my head, making the entire room spin in my vision as I back away against the balustrade. I look up at the sky, catching my breath.“Elora,” Alistair says, alarmed. He reaches over and touches my shoulder, so gently and softly. It’s almost like he thinks I would break. Which I just might. “What’s wrong?”“Queen Zuri is pregnant,” I tell him, rubbing my hands on my face even with the blood of my Father still on it. “It’s not the King’s child. It’s Uncle Osman’s.”His shock is almost tangible. “How did you know?”Taking a deep shuddering breath, I stare at his eyes. There’s nothing but pure concern there. I know he would never judge me for making the choices I made today, but I s
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Chapter Seventy-Two ▏The Queen
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼ The path down has absolutely no amount of illumination, not even the tiniest one. The light from the throne room isn’t sneaking into the hole, which makes me think that it’s nothing but a black hole gaping at the floor of the dais, with nothing inside it. But Elora is just making her way down as though this isn’t a problem. I want to stop her and ask if she is certain, but the determination on her face and her slow deliberate movements are the answer for me. I peek down and notice that she’s holding onto metal bars and not just floating down, but this does very little to assure me. The darkness reminds me of shadows. And shadows remind me of my magic. The magic that killed those innocent guards. The magic that poisoned them to death, blackened their veins, and mangled their bodies. . . . “Are you going to follow me or not?” Elora’s voice, thin and fragile and barely audible, snaps me out of my reverie. I quickly nod
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Chapter Seventy-Three ▏The Beginning
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼The Queen holds out her arms for me to bind them, but I’m empty handed apart from the cannon I stole from a guard just moments ago. I look at Elora, and she cuts off a strip from the hem of her shirt and ties it around the Queen’s wrists before pulling her up to her feet.Around us, the handmaidens all get to their knees, touching the ground with their foreheads as they face us. For a brief second I have to wonder what they are doing exactly, but then it occurs to me that this is their sign of surrender. They are changing their allegiance. They are showing that they are now ready to serve us since we basically dethroned the Queen and invaded the whole palace.To be frank, I don’t know how to feel about all of this. I want to tell them that it’s alright, that they don’t need to bow, but I can’t find the right words to say.Would it even be alright to show some kind of consideration or sympathy after I
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Chapter Seventy-Four ▏The Prisoner
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼The way to the prison cells of the palace is steep, dark, and incredibly eerie. Jossie and Kalem are right beside me as we walk along the narrow hallways leading down, but I feel alone. I feel cold. It’s as though this part of the palace is full of invisible hands, slowly pulling me under a pool of freezing water.After my talk with Elora, Jossie found me and informed me that I must oversee what’s being done to the new prisoners.“We need to know how we’re going to do all these things and just . . . make a process,” she said, her confusion very apparent on her face. “I honestly don’t know what we’re going to do with all these people, Alistair. I don’t know if we can trust them to be here when there are still soldiers around. Even the soldiers of their own city-state are here too.”“I understand, and don’t worry, I will find a way,” I told her then, pretty con
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Chapter Seventy-Five ▏The Infirmary
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼The sheer shock that thundered inside my body is enough to make time seem to slow down. I watch numbly as the Queen’s hand, still clasping the fork, draws closer and closer to her swollen belly. . . .I sweep closer, landing on my knees in front of the prison cell. I slide my hand through the metal bars just in time to move my hand right between the fork and her pregnant belly. She ends up stabbing my hand with enough force to let the tines sink into my palm with an abrupt squelching sound.The pain makes me gasp, but I take this accident as an opportunity to grab the fork and take it away from her.With my hand dripping blood, I turn to Jossie and Kalem, who are both horrified at the scene. “Do you have the key? Let’s take her—”“NO!” Queen Zuri shrieks, ramming against the metal bars. “It’s evil! Evil, I tell you! Get me out of here, please . . . I am begging you. Just take
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Chapter Seventy-Six ▏The Body
⇼ E L O R A ⇼Coldness creeps into my body, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Madam Mara’s eyes are filled with nothing but pure and cold fear, the kind that will petrify you on the spot. For a vague moment I wonder what she actually knew, what she has seen and heard that still makes her shake like this even though Uncle Osman is already dead.But when she said he’s not human . . . I felt that was true.It was in the way he fought Alistair and I. We’re both Supernaturals, and I know we’re not used to fighting, but we should have been able to overpower him in a second, no sweat. But no. He was prepared. He was resilient. He was fighting back. And at some point he was even winning. It really wasn’t normal, and I was definitely thinking about it, but I don’t think I truly considered the possibility of it until Madam Mara came to me.And now she’s staring at me intensely like she’s going to explode
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Chapter Seventy-Seven ▏The Nightmare
⇼ A L I S T A I R ⇼“No,” I hear Elora whisper, and my heart just cracks for her. She sounds so broken and so lost that I forget just how confused and afraid I am. I go up to her side and put a hand on her shoulder, and she wheels around to face me. “Are you sure this is the place?”“Yes,” I say, my voice low. I point at the smear of blood scattered along the massive elevated platform in the middle of the circular room. “Kalem said that they gathered the remains of the King’s brother and put him in the catacombs behind the chapel, in the room at the end of the tunnel.”Even though I remember what Kalem said perfectly, I still look around just to make sure we are indeed in the right place. There’s no other room in the catacombs, just these hallways with cubby holes on the walls, each containing either porcelain jars or wooden boxes with peeling gold paint. Apart from the blood on the slab of rock, there
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Chapter Seventy-Eight ▏The Chapel
⇼ E L O R A ⇼I want to scream, but no sound escapes me. It’s as though my voice completely vanished, and now I’m left here staring at my dead uncle as he grabs my arm and forces me to walk with him.And the weird thing is, I can actually feel his hand clasping my ruined wrist. It’s almost as though he’s more solid than anything in here, more solid than me. It’s like I’m a dream but he’s in a higher form of reality that conquers mine. This notion only gets stronger when I try to struggle but he just doesn’t budge. He’s solid. He’s stronger than me.“Why do you want to leave so bad?” he asks me, his voice as gentle and as good-natured as I remember. He points at the chapel with his other hand, and as if on cue, the lights from inside glow brighter. I can actually see silhouettes of people from the windows, and they’re not moving. They’re all just standing there, completely still.
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