All Chapters of Watch Out, CEO Daddy!: Chapter 1591 - Chapter 1600
1747 Chapters
Chapter 1591
“Don’t they have a child? Their child is pretty big. I don’t think it’s as simple as a rekindling of a past romance.” “It must be. Otherwise, why would President Eugene marry her after getting divorced?” “Sigh, perhaps every man’s first love will always be the one they’ll yearn for.” The guests kept gossiping about both of them. Sharon was helping out in the makeup room. After working on Fern’s makeup for almost half a day, she finally finished her makeup. Fern had changed into the wedding gown as well. “Sister-in-law, I must admit that you’re really too pretty today. If I were a man, my heart would flutter because of you,” Sharon exclaimed. “You’re exaggerating.” Fern laughed at her antics. “I’m not exaggerating. I’m telling you the truth. My brother has a keen eye. The wedding gown that he designed for you looks great.” If Sharon said that it looked great, it must really look amazing. “He spent too much on it.” Fern thought that having a simple wedding gown
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Chapter 1592
Fern lost her breath as he kissed her. She pushed him away forcefully and said, “You’re smearing my lipstick.” Eugene stared at her lips. Her red lips were indeed smudged with lipstick. He spoke to her in a low voice, “I’ll help you re-apply it.” She looked at him suspiciously. “Do you know how to do that?” He shook his head honestly and said, “No, but this shouldn’t be a difficult task.” After speaking, he picked up the lipstick on the vanity table and prepared to help her touch up her makeup. Fern believed in him and stood there without moving to let him apply the lipstick on her. Eugene stared at her lips intently like he was about to sign a contract worth more than a hundred million bucks. He used the lipstick to outline the shape of her lips meticulously. He then applied the lipstick on her lips carefully. “Are you done?” She wanted to look at her reflection in the mirror. “I’ll be done soon. Don’t move.” He moved her face to an upright position and continu
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Chapter 1593
Fiona was the one who had shouted just now. She was pushing the old master, who was seated in his wheelchair, toward them.Fern knew that the old master did not like her. He had always been against Eugene and her getting together. Was he here to stop their marriage? Eugene frowned when he saw his grandfather’s appearance.Before the wedding, he had invited his grandfather to attend but the old master did not reply to him. He thought that the old master would not attend the ceremony. Did he suddenly come here to stop him from marrying Fern? Eugene took hold of Fern’s hand to give her strength and let her know that he would definitely complete the ceremony with her regardless of what the old man said. “Old Master Newton is here.” “I heard that the old master doesn’t approve of this wedding. President Eugene was the one who insisted on marrying this woman whom he could not forget.” “Does this mean that the old master is here to stop their wedding?” The guests lowere
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Chapter 1594
Right then, everyone’s attention was on the old master. The old master still had an irritated and stiff expression on his face. He seemed unhappy. “Fernie has already called you her grandfather. You need to show respect to your granddaughter-in-law in front of so many people,” Eugene whispered into the old master’s ear as he stood beside him. The old master cast a sideways glance at him and huffed. “Did I allow her to address me that way?” “You’re already here to attend our wedding. That means you’ve accepted her. Shouldn’t she address you that way?” Eugene asked with a smile. The old master glanced at Eugene, who was being gentle and courteous toward him. He huffed. He knew that this rascal was just speaking with such a dignified air to make him stay. Rue came over and held the old master’s hand. “Great-grandfather, I’ll be extremely upset if you don’t stay back.” She then pouted and showed him a sad expression. The old master looked at them. He knew that he would
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Chapter 1595
The old master was sent into the emergency room. Everyone was waiting for him in the corridor. Fern was still dressed in the wedding gown. She had come over together with Eugene. The old master fainted during their wedding ceremony. Naturally, she had to come over with him. A few uncles and aunts from the Newton family came along as well. They looked at the tightly shut door of the emergency room, then at Fern, who was still dressed in the luxurious wedding gown. One of them could not help but speak up, “It’s no wonder I heard that the old master has always disliked her in the past. This is the reason why. She’s a bad omen.” “I heard that too. The old master thinks that she isn’t a good woman. She isn’t a good match for Eugene, but Eugene didn’t listen to him and insisted on marrying her.” “She looks like a seductress. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to charm Eugene to this extent.” “I think that the old master didn’t really accept her. He was simply afraid tha
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Chapter 1596
Eugene caught sight of the old master lying on the bed after entering the emergency room. There was a ventilator covering his nose and mouth, but he was panting heavily. He seemed to be in critical condition.“Grandfather!” Eugene took a few steps over and held the old man’s hand tightly. A sense of heaviness enveloped his chest. Old Master Newton fixed his muddled gaze on his grandson. He held his hand with all his might. His lips trembled as he spoke, “Eugene…” He had been waiting for him. “Grandfather, it’s me. The doctors are going to treat you. You’ll be fine.” The old master understood his own situation well. “I understand my body better than they do. Listen to me… After I pass on, you must look after the Newton household…” The more he spoke, the more he started panting erratically. Eugene’s heart lurched painfully. “What nonsense are you saying? Nothing will happen to you!” “Did you hear what I said?” The old master held his hand tightly. He was losing the streng
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Chapter 1597
Eugene suddenly let go of her and turned around to look at the doctor coldly. The doctor left the room in fear at once. Fern held him back and comforted him in a soft, gentle voice. “Eugene, let Grandfather pass on peacefully. We need to prepare for his funeral now.” Eugene lowered his head to look at her. He pursed his lips without saying anything. She could tell that he was extremely upset from the stiff expression on his face. She reached out to hug him. “Death is a natural phenomenon in life. Grandfather has gone to another world to continue living. Don’t be too upset.” His gaze darkened as he fixed it on her. Perhaps he had decided to listen to what she said. “Sorry, I should be giving you an unforgettable wedding today, but you need to prepare for a funeral with me now.” She deliberately showed him a rigid expression and said, “You’re wrong. I’m your wife. Of course, I must do everything by your side.” Her words made his heart flutter. His gaze on her darkened as h
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Chapter 1598
Quincy realized that Dayton had suddenly fallen silent. She raised her head to look at him. She then noticed that he was frowning. There was a heavy and cold expression on his face too.“What’s wrong? Was I really bad at making friends in the past? Did I not have many friends?” She minded this a lot. Dayton touched his nose and refused to look at her. He nodded slightly and said, “Yes, you were pretty poor at making friends.”“Why?” She had a look of confusion on her face. Did she have such a lousy personality in the past? “Because…” Dayton played with the strands of her hair using his long and slender fingers. “As a young miss, you had a terrible temper. Nobody dared to offend you, so everyone avoided you.” Quincy frowned. She tried her best to recall the past, but nothing came to mind. Did she really have such a bad temper back then? “Tell me about how bad my temper was.” How could she not even have a single friend? Dayton fixed his dark, almond-shaped eyes on her and
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Chapter 1599
All of the family members of the Newton household were here to send the old master off one last time.Everyone was dressed in black. There were white flowers pinned on their chests as well. Almost a hundred family members of the Newton household crowded in front of the old master’s grave. As the head of the household, Eugene stood in front. Meanwhile, Fern stood beside him. They had just completed their wedding ceremony, but they had to hold a funeral today. It was pretty inauspicious. However, Fern did not mind it at all. Although the old master was not really accepting of her in the past, he was Eugene’s grandfather, which meant that he was her grandfather as well. It started drizzling after the funeral ended. A subordinate held up an umbrella for both of them. Eugene held Rue’s hand with one of his and wrapped his other arm around Fern’s waist. They all left together. Just then, they heard someone complain, “That’s her. I heard that she’s a bad omen. When the old ma
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Chapter 1600
Eugene swept his cold gaze across everyone present at the funeral and said, “This is my last time saying this. I don’t want to hear anyone bad-mouthing my wife anymore. Otherwise, don’t blame me for falling out with you. If anyone wishes to leave the Newton household, I’d gladly honor your wish.” All the family members of the Newton household took a sharp breath after hearing what he said. They all exchanged looks with each other. They did not dare to say anything although they were still unwilling to accept his words. After Eugene finished speaking, he ignored the expressions on their faces and left the cemetery with his wife and daughter. They then got in the car and left. Fern looked at Eugene, who still had an unpleasant expression on his face. She could not help but ask, “Weren’t your words too harsh?” “What words?” Eugene turned around to look at her. He then raised his brow and asked, “Do you mean when I asked them to leave the household?” He did not think so. “Sinc
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