All Chapters of My Teacher's Daughter: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 Chapters
Chapter 21
Seeing Miss Esther text brought me mixed feelings, what does she mean by it's time to pay, I was worried but also excited to know what she meant, I took my phone and texted her back        ***What's the price***I got a reply saying,                       *** come outside***Holy shit! She is outside my house, so I quickly showered and dressed up. Then I came outside but I didn't see Miss Esther.Is she joking or what? Just then my phone rang, It was her calling, I smiled as I picked the call.“Hello babe."“Hello sweetie." She replied.“I am cool. What's up with the game of hide and seek? where are you?" She giggled.“I can see you but you can't see me."I quickly turned around to check where she might be calling from but no sign of her anywhere.“Really you can see me? What colo
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Chapter 22
There was a sense of excitement in the air, today is the day we all have been waiting for. Wednesday and Thursday had passed, and with each passing day the more excited I became, we did some sports activities during these days like long jump and high jump. Football was also played as YELLOW HOUSE and RED HOUSE advanced to the final which is to be played on the main inter house sport on Friday.YELLOW HOUSE currently lies second while RED HOUSE is topping the table, but I haven't lost hope yet as there remains Racing, March pass and football final to be done before they can know the final winner.But I know it won't be easy especially when Emeka is in the team of red house, I should be very careful playing I don't want to end up with one leg. Mr President had finallychoose who will be the king and queen of YELLOW HOUSE obviously his daughter Sandra was the queen but when it came to picking the boy for the king he reluctantly announced the name, and I heard my name c
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Chapter 23
10:30am the Event is about to start, the Principal had taken his seat in the high table with some special  guests you will know they are people of high profile even without knowing them personally with the way they are dressed and the kind of BEAST that drove them here, Emeka  father was also one of the guest on the high table as he was barking orders to his boys only God knows what he was telling them.The DJ has been busting some hot jams, as he kept on switching from one hit song to the other, I was nodding my head to the beat of the songs. Damm this DJ is Good!Finally the time is now 11:00am and Miss Esther took center stage as she is about starting the program. Typical African time...“Good morning, to you all ladies and gentlemen, mummies and daddies. My Name is Miss Silver Esther and I would like to welcome you all to BRILLIANT INTERNATIONAL GROUP OF SCHOOLS INTER HOUSE SPORT." Miss Esther said.To start I will lik
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Chapter 24
Everyone in the crowd was amazed by the fact that Yellow House came second to Red House in the march pass. Some of  them gave there sign of frustration at the judges by booing at them, I couldn't believe that we didn't score higher than red house, I looked at the scoreboard red house had 45 points in total,blue house had 32 points, green house had 24 points and yellow house have 41 points in total.If we win the final match we will gap red house with one point, but it's not an easy task, as Red house is blessed with talented footballers who could change  the course of the game in no time also they play the game as if there life's depends on winning each match which leads them to make dangerous tackles, I can still remember what they did to a player of GreenHouse, it was by God's grace he was able to walk again.Another fact is that Yellow House doesn't really have many talented players, I am the only skillful player in Yellow House, the rest are just discipli
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Chapter 25
The crowd couldn't believe what just happened, even I couldn't believe what just happened. All Red house players had their hands on their heads, and their faces revealed their frustration. They kept arguing among themselves whose fault it was that we were able to stage a remarkable comeback for them.Sandra was full of joy, as she ran into the pitch to meet me, her arms wide open as she gave me a tight bear hug..“Chris you did it, how is this possible?" Sandra said, extremely joyful.“I don't know, but I think it's because of you." I said“Me?? How?" She looked surprised.“Yes you, I couldn't bear to see you cry. I am winning this match for you."“I love you," she said“I love you more." I said, staring deeply into her eyes...I had to leave Sandra to meet my coach Mr President, he also was full of joy, even though he tried hard to conceal it...“Boys I know you are very h
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Chapter 26
 Baby I, dancing in the dark, you between my arms, bare foot on the grass listening to our favorite song, I have faith in what I see, and I know, I have met an angel in person and she is perfect, I don't deserve it, darling you are perfect tonight.......... Ed Sheeran song kept playing as I held Sandra, it felt peaceful being in her arms, we both stared deep into each other eyes..”You are really beautiful. It's like Ed Sheeran wrote this song just for you," I said and Sandra blushed.“I wish I could also write songs, I will only write songs about you. You're my angel and_"Sandra didn't allow me to finish what I was saying as she kissed me, right in front of everyone dancing,i also kissed her back. Some we're excited at seeing us kissing is just as if they were watching a romantic American movie especially the girls as they were all blushing even though they were not the one's I was kissing, or should I say they were not the one's kissing
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Chapter 27
 The doctor removed the plug and called the time of death 11:26am the electrocardiogram machine that reads Ayo's heart beats became flat, as Ayo heart stopped beating. tears was rolling from everyone eyes at this point including Ayo's Dad, as a nurse covered Ayo body with a white clothe she didn't show any sign of pity or sympathy towards us, she just acted as if it was a normal thing, Ayo was only 15 years old and now he is no more. I felt like dying as I kept screaming “Ayo wake up” please don't go, people will think I was related to Ayo the way I cried. Doctor: am sorry for your loss, we did all we could, let's hope he is in a better place now.They were about taking Ayo's body away but I asked for a minute with him, the doctor agreed as everyone left the ward with me and Ayo's lifeless body remaining, I just lay my head on his body and cried...“Why God? Out of the 7 billion people in this world why do you have to take this o
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Chapter 28
Monday morning, 7:37am the school assembly was in progress as our vice principal was thanking us for the success of the just conducted inter house sports, the taste of victory was still fresh in my mouth likewise the agony of defeat was still fresh in Emeka's mind, as the vice principal was still giving his speech, a Honda accord made its way into the school compound, which distracted everyone from what the vice principal was saying, as we wondered who could be that.Ayo step out of the car, accompanied by his father, the whole school was happy to see Ayo as he walked gently to the assembly, everyone was applauding him simultaneously...It's so great to have you back Ayo, you have been missed, and while you were gone the whole school kept praying for you and God did answer our prayers...." The Vice Principal said.It was finally Mr President's turn to give a speech being the leader of yellow house.“Good morning students," he started and we all retu
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Chapter 29
 Emeka took everything too far, he wanted to have his revenge on me so badly, that he was never happy despite him having everything you could think of. Emeka couldn't bully me cus he knew I would beat him in a fight, so he made sure he tried to take any girl that I liked, just like Jessica.“Jessica? I never knew you and Jessica dated," Sandra said looking shocked.“Yeah that's because we really didn't date, I had a crush on her but it never led to anything serious." I said.“Really why?"“Well that's because Jessica loved money and Emeka had a lot of that, so both of them dated each other," I explained.“Why do I feel you are hiding something?"I laughed, “I am not. Just forget about Jessica, okay?"“but do you still feel something for her?" She asked and I could trace slight jealousy in her tone.“No I don't. I feel nothing for her," I said with conviction. 
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Chapter 30
 “Let me get this straight, you are going out with both Sandra and Miss Esther at the same time?"“Yeah man. I told you it was crazy, right?"“This is beyond crazy man!!! I thought you loved Sandra?"“Yes. I do love Sandra."“So you don't love Miss Esther?" He asked.“I also love her, it's kind of complicated, I thought you all would understand." “Come on man, it's not that complicated. I think you should leave Miss Esther and stay with Sandra," he said.“Man I can't do that, I don't want to hurt Miss Esther."“So you are okay hurting Sandra?"“Man, I haven't hurt her feelings, have I? She will not find out."“Guy, I have watched many movies about this kind of stuff and the girl always finds out. I know Miss Esther is hot!! I mean super hot!!!. But she is older than you in everything man, you are still a minor. she isn't right for
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