All Chapters of Her Obsession: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Chapter 31
Dakota POVI cannot believe what I have managed to get myself into tonight, all because I lusted for Tonya. I thought Melanie would talk to me. I had no idea she would pull this shit on me. The police take me in to book me into jail. I sit in a room waiting for what seems like forever. Finally, an officer comes to get me and takes me to a space to search me. He takes my clothes for evidence and gives me a set of scrubs to put on. The officer walks me to a smaller room and makes my picture. He then walks me down the hall to an interview room. He opens the door for me. He walks behind me. I sit down at the table. He takes off the handcuffs. “An investigator will be in shortly to get a statement from you and go over the charges. You will see a judge in the morning about bail,” the officer says.I do not ask him anything. There is no point. No one is going to believe me anyway. These bitches got me right where they want me now. I sit waiting again. They
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Chapter 32
Melanie POVI leave the hospital after they exam me. They took samples from every part of my body to prove that Dakota is a rapist. At some point, I will love to tell Tonya all about what I did to him tonight. I have been more than confused about him, but the more I thought about how he jumped up mad when he realized he was fucking me, I knew I had to make him pay. I had no idea it would be so easy to get him. The dumbass walked right into my apartment and made it so easy for me to set him up. I cannot believe I could think so quickly when I woke up, and he was in my bedroom. The funny thing about all of this is he will not be angry with me, and he will blame Tonya for all of this. Hell, he probably thinks it was her idea. No one will ever think she is to blame for anything. No one will go after her. The more he tries to blame this on her, the more he will sink into shame for what he did to poor little old me. I get into my car and start it. I take out my cell phone
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Chapter 33
Dakota POVThe morning comes, and I wait for someone to come take me to see the judge so that maybe I can get out of here. No one comes to take me. I watch out the tiny window as others are taken but not me. It feels like hours pass when an officer finally comes to my door. He opens the door. “Dakota, please follow me,” the officer says. He takes me out the front and hands me my clothes and other belongings. “Your ride is waiting for you out front,” the officer says.He hands me a paper with court information on it. I take it and all my things and go out the front door. I look around but do not see anyone that I know. Who the fuck got me out of here, I wonder. At least someone knows that I am not guilty of this stupidity. I begin walking down the sidewalk. I can walk home. I just want far away from here. A car pulls up beside me. “Hey, need a ride?” I hear a voice say.I look down into the car. It is Jade. “Y
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Chapter 34
Tonya POVI work from home again today. I do not feel like getting out with everything that is going on in the area right now. Heath has checked on me constantly to make sure I am okay. I have assured him a thousand times that I am fine. He is charming. It is kind of weird for me to have someone in my life that shows concern for me. Melanie has text me a few times, but she has kept her questions short and sweet. She is pretty odd. Which she is strange, but this is more than the usual. I would love to know what happened between her and Dakota. I cannot believe for one second that he would hurt anyone. She was willing to be with him and wanting him. Something about all of this does not add up to me. I feel like there is something I am missing in all of this. I pull up my search bar and begin to search Melanie Black. I want to know if this girl has ever been arrested or has been involved with anything unusual. Her name begins to come up with several pictures and
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Chapter 35
Jade POVI spend most of the day going through the cases. Dad sends me. I already know about most of these, but there are a few here that I did not know about until today. I need to find a way to trip her up about the rape to get Dakota in the clear. Dad has gone through a lot of the security footage from the resort, trying to find her planning anything, but there was nothing. He did find out a lot about his new interest in that woman that Dakota was tangled up with, and now he is tangled up with her. That is none of my concern, and I am trying hard to stay out of it. Dakota is trying to keep focused. I know it is hard on him to just sit here in this house and not get out and clear his name, but if he only stays out of my way, I can handle this independently. Dakota comes in as I am finishing going through everything dad sent me. “Learn anything new?” Dakota asks me.“Yeah, I did,” I say to him.“Anything I can help you with?&
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Chapter 36
Jade POVI leave Dakota alone at my house. He promises he will not leave the house. I hope he is doesn’t do anything stupid like try to contact Melanie or leave the damn house. He has no idea just how crazy she is right now. I am sure her focus is on him, and possibly Tonya too. I drive across town to my dad’s house. I pull into the drive and park my car behind his. I do not see Tonya’s car. He must have brought her here. I wonder what exactly happened that made him make that rash decision. Please do not be in love with this tramp, dad. I walk into the house's front door to see the two of them almost on top of each other in the kitchen. “Dad,” I say.“Sorry, sweetie, I did not hear you pull up,” Heath says.“Of course not, you were occupied,” I say.I walk over to the kitchen bar and sit down with the two of them. I will be pleasant. She is going to help me with this situation. “W
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Chapter 37
Melanie POVI call the cab to pick me up at Heath’s house. I hope this goes the way that Jade thinks it will. I know she would have no problem sacrificing me to save Dakota’s ass, but I am not really in the mood to die today.Heath comes to the bedroom to let me know the cab is there to pick me up. He takes me into his arms and holds me so gently. These new emotions and feelings are so unusual for me. It is strange to have someone care for me. I hope I do not fuck it up. Heath walks me out of the house to the cab. I get in and give the driver the address for the diner. I am nervous. I feel like I may be sick, but I need to pull myself together. I have to be my usual sassy self when I meet her at the diner, or she will know that I know all about her.The cab pulls into the diner. I see Melanie sitting inside, already waiting for me. I pay the driver and get out of the cab. I go into the restaurant. She waves me over. I go and sit down with her.
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Chapter 38
Heath POVJade and I sit outside the diner listening to the conversation between Melanie and Tonya. I know what Jade is thinking and why she wants me here. I know all about Tonya’s past. She told me everything about how she seduces these twenty-year-old men for flings during the summer. She was even honest with me about how she began to feel for Dakota and how she was cruel to Jade. What Jade does not know is the Tonya is genuinely trying to change. She knows she made a mistake and that she let a little dick fuck her mind up over the summer. If it does not bother me, then she needs to let it go. I asked Tonya for honesty, and she gave me the whole truth. That is more than anyone has ever given me. “Are you listening to this tramp?” Jade asks me.“Stop being so judgmental, Jade,” I say to her.“Okay, I just hope whatever the two of you are doing is worth it when she flips out on you,” Jade says to me.“Jade, sh
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Chapter 39
Jade POVI drop my dad off at the hospital. I do feel bad that Tonya was injured; I hope she is okay. I do not want that on me. I have a terrible feeling he is in love with her. Hell, he barely knows her. I know him, and I see that look in his eye. He falls quick and hard. I only hope she does not hurt him. I pull into my house. I have to let Dakota know that he will be a free man by the afternoon. I am sure he wants all of the details. I also have to call my client. I do not want her to get the information from anyone but me. I hope they find Luke’s body. My client will be able to put this behind her once she knows what happened to her son. When I get out of the car, Dakota is standing at the door. “I guess it is safe for me to be outside now?” Dakota asks. “Yes, I think your murderous admirer is occupied and will be for a very long time,” I say to him. I smile at him and he smiles the sweetest smile back at me. “I gu
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Chapter 40
Heath POVIt is two weeks before Tonya gets out of the hospital. I stayed with her throughout her stay. I did not want to leave her. I have to admit that I have fallen in love with her. I know I have not known her long, but I need her in my life. Over the two weeks, we had many deep conversations. Tonya was happy when I told her that Dakota and Jade are getting serious. I wanted to know how she would react. I needed to know she was over him completely. I was surprised that Jade did not throw a fit when I told her that I was moving Tonya in with me. She decided to sell her beach house and move in with me. I know it is quick, but there is something special between us. I decide to cook Tonya a special dinner her first night home. This is a special night for us, and I want everything to be perfect. I am not a good cook, but I managed to make something memorable for the two of us. I help Tonya into the dining room. I help her to sit down at the table. I fix h
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