All Chapters of It's a dream! : Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 Chapters
~Chapter 11~
I laid down in my very uncomfortable sleeping bag. You would think after a month of sleeping here I would be used to it by now. That was the opposite of what I was feeling this sleeping bag was just as uncomfortable as the tent. Some find this padded bag warm but it shouldn't be consistently used in place of a bed in my opinion. Oh, the things I would trade to be able to sleep on my comfy bed at home. I have been thinking about home a lot. Not like I had anything better to do. I was stuck in a tent, given three square meals daily and I only step out when I want to shower. I haven't even been to the old building since the first time and I don't intend on making such long trips to see a house. Being left on my own has given me enough time to think. I still haven't figured out how I got here or what I would to get back. I am as clueless as I was one the first day I got to Charlaedon. Nobody had answers for me, I didn't have answers for myself. We were all sailing the boat of cluelessne
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~Chapter 12~
“ How can Charlaedon not exist? That's utterly ridiculous. We have school but even Balmoh is done. It's just for children between 1-7, he is 8. But detention sounds exhausting, it must be impossible to sit still for more than an hour.”“ Yes, detention sucks but now I will like to have detention for the rest of my senior year if it means that I can go back home. I'm pretty sure that Charlaedon didn't exist before. It wasn't even on the map of the world.” It must be semi-formal education, they will be sent off to learn a trade or acquire a skill. I guess school is for basic everyday knowledge. Poor guy, it's almost impossible to understand that your home only exists for you. If a month ago, someone had walked up to me and told me that New York doesn't exist, I would have laughed so hard in the person's face that I will be arrested for disturbance.    “ Charlaedon is not a map? It has always been on the map.” He scratch
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~Chapter 13~
“ Isn't your governor doing anything about the incidents? I'm guessing a lot of things have been destroyed. From the way, you people basically abandoned your home to live on the top of a cliff I'm guessing it's pretty serious. Having one governor should rather be an advantage for you guys. He should have done something but instead of you guys rallying around to save yourselves. And the whole war thingy is still confusing, nothing has happened since I arrived here. Just running and no casualties.” I said, rubbing my throat. Suddenly, I wished I hadn't drank all the water at one go. I get uneasy when I'm parched. “ Governor Roan? We have reasons to believe so”Rolling my eyes, I face-palmed at his response. The amount of faith they had in that guy was a little too much.“ What exactly has he done? His people can't be suffering and he's watching from wherever he is. Shouldn't you guys{The northerners} have the upper hand because
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~Chapter 14~
“ Is anyone in here?” Aghan called out talking to me. I poked my head out of my sleeping bag, slightly irritated that my peace and quiet had been interrupted. Honestly, this felt like déjà vu. Oh yeah, Layefa did the same thing a few days ago demanding answers. Talk about siblings... “ I'm coming” I mumbling incoherently, not bothering if he heard me or not. Crawling out of the bag, I unzipped my tent with a frown fully plastered on my face. I have gotten accustomed to staying here now, my tent is almost like my bedroom at home. Rather sadly, I would NEVER be a fan of sleeping bags!“ Geez, quit glaring at me. You look like you want me to be dead.” He teased, upon seeing my unamused expression. Why bother to hide how pissed I was? I was greatly pissed and he needed to know that. Nobody, absolutely nobody interrupts my ‘ Zoa time ’. Such precious time.  “ That's because I want you to
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~Chapter 15~
“ I sent Sloane to deliver this letter to you. Some supplies will be sent to you soon, that way you wouldn't have to leave where you are. It has come to my attention that you still make regular visits to that building and I want it to stop immediately. There is no reason for you to risk your life just to behold a house -”“ That's easy for him to say” Adrian mumbled, interrupting his sister's reading. She shot him a look to stop talking but he ignored and continued speaking. “ He just sends supplies and occasional letters and expects us to stay here forever. All we do around here is to remain locked up in a tent. That is way too depressing. Not everyone is like Zoa, some of us want to know that people are alive. That is not just an ordinary building but our home, it's not fair.” He broke down into gentle sobs, sniffling. Dera tossed the letter aside and flung her arms around him pulling him into a forceful hug. I glanced around
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~Chapter 16~
Sitting under my favorite tree, the sky gloomed in darkness. The moon was not in sight, with just a few stars providing light. Resting on the stump of the tree, my hands were balled into a fist. How efficient can a tree be when used as a punching bag? It would be a really helpful way of venting out. Sadly, I don't think my hands are strong enough.“ Hey Zoa” Another figure joined me to sit under the sky. “ Leave or I'll leave for you,” I said in a stern voice, still greatly pissed. “ I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me.”  “ You don't know what came over you when you were beating up your brother! Your 13-year-old baby brother. Honestly, your presence irritates me” There was no strength left inside of me to yell or even rage.He didn't say anything, only sat by my side and leaning on the tree. I didn't either. Why this bothers me so greatly I have no idea. It's just
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~Chapter 17~
I watched from a distance as Adrian was comfortable in his position while I suffered from exhaustion. It should be me being given a piggyback ride. In all fairness, he is the one who might need medical attention not me. Probably, the reason his brother chose to carry him while the rest of us walked. I was losing the few pounds I didn't even have enough of. We were on our way to a hospital for Adrian. Somehow, it felt like the nearest one was miles and miles and miles away. It was forever to get there. We walked past a lot of junkyards, which I was told wasn't originally a junkyard. Sadly, it had been reduced to pieces of metal, scraps of steel, bits of wood.  “ Aren't we there yet?” I asked wearily, pausing in my tracks.   “ Nope we'll get there soon”     “ You said that about 30 minutes ago” I reminded Aghan, crossing my arms. Surely our definitions of soon must be extremely diffe
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~Chapter 18~
“ WHO ARE YOU?” Balmoh demanded, shouting on top of his lungs.“ Calm down Balmoh. I mean no harm, see?” The person raised both hands above his head.“ You even know my name. Who sent you? You can't kill me, stay away from me!” Picking up some stones, he attempted to throw them. “ Don't harm me”“ Come any closer and I'll be forced to kill you. I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it” Intending to show his seriousness, he pulled out a pocket knife from his back pocket. Pointing the blades to the supposed threat. Just as he was about to plunge forward, I walked in on his crazy idea of defense.“ What do you think you are trying to do Balmoh? Are you crazy? Put that down this Instant!” I commanded, crossing my arms in exasperation. Can't anything be normal around here? Now it's an eight-year-old wielding a knife, threatening to kill someone. An absolute str
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~Chapter 19 ~
“ I think there's some flour at the back. Can you go check the storage room?” Adrian asked of Balmoh.“ Sure, there's a key there right?” He nodded answering himself, heading to do as his brother had requested.“ So, who owns this bakery?” I muttered my question aloud. I woke up earlier than I usually did, thanks to Dera's shrieks of excitement. Dragging me along with them, we came to a locked bakery. They had the keys and got in without any problems. When I tried asking what we were doing here, Aghan responded rather cryptically. For all I know, our presence here involved what our donations towards the food bank will be. Nothing more, nothing less. How helpful.“ It belonged to our parents and now we own it,” Dera answered cheerfully, still excited.Meanwhile, I was rooted to the spot, frozen in shock. This was the first time I heard any of them talk about their parents. I was starting to think they didn't
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