All Chapters of The Billionaire's Weakness: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
Episode 31
Ria had no single smile on her face as she drove to her fathers house, she had went home for a quick bath and to change over to another dress, it was evening already and she doesn't mind sleeping over if that would warrant her request being accepted, her heart burns in rage, she won't just stop hitting the steering, recalling what Adrian did to her made her heart grow more heavy and covered with rage, he was the only man to hurt her and she can't help but hate him the more, "Why did  i ever met him in the first place??..why the fuck did dad bring him into my life..." She cursed increasing the speed, all she want is a total breakup, she won't want to set her eyes on him every again...She shut her eyes for a second taking deep breath to calm her fury but instead someone's image flashed through like a bright light, she hissed and rolled her eyes...Why him??.. She muttered feeling vexed at herself, each time her stupid mind brings his picture to her min
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Episode 32
The slap was just so loud that everyone shuddered at it, they were all stunned, just so shocked to even make a single sound from the mouth, it was all agape with their eyes popped out, Adrian stared transfixed at her gut and detest that made her slap him even in front of his dad.."Don't you ever dare to touch me with those filthy hand you fool!!!" She yelled with her expression exuding pure hatred that made him shiver,"" He spluttered with shock and confusion at her reaction, it was true that she is harsh and has no feeling of pity or love but for her to slap him this hard without considering his father was just so shocking that for some seconds he was transfixed.."I'll slap you again and again if you touch me with those filthy hand of yours, don't you dare in your life come close to me!!..fool!!" She cursed with those expression that shatters the heart into piece.."Ria!!" Brad her father called out her name as he was also str
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Episode 33
Ria got into her room and slumped on the bed tiredly, she had really used almost all of her strength to pull hard on Adrian who she even hates calling his name, she can't tell why she hates him so badly, normally, she should have considered his father, she could have forgave him and only break the merge without restricting him from entering the company but it wasn't that way, she could literally believe something caused it...Adrian had mentioned the reason as Ryan, he might be right but it would take a year before she can accept that..She took a deep breath and shut her eyes only for his image to appear, this time she didn't opened her eyes or wagged her head to shove it away, she enjoyed the view, her mind was just replaying those moment of then together, she felt her lips curved to a smile when it flashed to that moment she fell on his body and their lips touched..She can swear his lips was so soft that she felt like kissing more, her mind drifted to when t
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Episode 34
"She would be tricked out of the company by a fake accident involving her father, then we would carry out the poisoning before she comes back..." The words resounded in his head repeatedly followed by wave of fear, his eyes fluttered, his hands quivered, he could feel beads of sweat form on his forehead...The voice were hoarse, it sounds scary and mean, the name were called but he already knew who they were talking about, he already knew the person they were planning evil on was Ria, they wants to trick her away and poison her wine product, be was clear that is their plans and it won't stop sending terror through him...It would be the worst and most painful thing that would happen to Ria, it won't only shatter her but also take lives, what the hell would be her fate when her wine kills thousands of innocent soul...Those men were really planning on destroying her and they look ready. the video clips that should serve as an evidence to him was erased just now,
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Episode 35
The silence that filled the whole hall was enough to hear the sound of a pin drip, even the loud heartbeat of Adrian could be heard, her last words struck them all and the very fact that her palm was still grasped by Ryan left them dumb... No one could talk, their mouth were agape, streak of pain slashed through Adrian heart making him regret ever deciding to come here, if he hadn't came to the meeting, he surely wasn't going to hear this most heartbreaking words from Ria, there was no time to ask if she was lying or telling the truth, there was no need of that because his heart is in deep pain now, he needs no soothsayer to know that someday in the future, Ria would fall deeply in love with Ryan.. "I...don't care, we business together" Adrian growled trying so heard to maintain his strong tone but it just seems to be failing him, he badly wants to show her he doesn't care so that she would burn in shame but how would he?? Ho
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Episode 36
Ryan head to the edge of the room and sat on the floor clutching his body together, both of his arms clamped around his legs with his head buried into it, he was weak and felt like going home from there,  Cold shrills swept through him, the thought of Ria makes him sigh so deeply, within a short period of time, he had been through a lot, he had done so many things that no one had been able to achieve, that had been his hope, that had always made him believe she would fall one day for him which would be the best thing to happen in his life... What happened not long ago shattered the little hope he has, Adrian is so dangerous, the reason why he had been white calm to him was because of Ria, he doesn't want Ria to see him as a devil when he harms me terribly, so right now that she has demoed and shattered his heart, he has no other thing to hold him back... Shutting his eyes tightly he felt some drop of tears, he was confused at what Ria really feels for hi
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Episode 37
Ria arched her brow in surprise as she saw the vehicles drove in, she was watching through the surveillance camera, she had been looking for Ryan when she saw this ridiculous thing, her surprise countenance turned to a deep frown of anger,  "would this be Adrian coming for Ryan??" she asked herself heading to the door.. "Then he must be a fool to think I will allow him arrest him" she added with a scoff, There was no way she would allow that, even if it would mean going to court! She got downstairs and almost all her workers was out as the police men up to seven got into the building.. "How can I help you!!!" she huffed without waiting for their introduction, she was just so vexed at their coming, it was just an insult to her, she felt slapped.. "Alright ma'am, we are sorry for coming without notifying you, but this is urgent and the report requires immediate actions!" the leader explained in a calm tone knowing fully well who Ria
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Episode 38
Ryan's eyes widened as great shivers ran up and down his spines, his legs trembles under her kiss, her soft lips that tasted like strawberries, it was really hard to believe it was happenings, it might be a dream or an illusion?? He moved his arm around her slender curvy waist and drew her closely making her body rest on him, they kissed like lovers and Ria had her eyes shut, she never resisted even when he rubbed his palm on her butt slowly, she just felt like he deserved it all, this was the same man she maltreated, he was among the workers that should hate her more deeply because she reduced him to scorn, she treated him like trash and won't even make him stay an hour with her slap... The cops were called by someone who pulled the stunt to disgrace her, to reduce her to nothing, even if she tries defending herself, the fact that such a thing was found in her company would never make her life the same, it was surely going to create a great glitch that would stay In
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Episode 39
Steve grabbed his hand leading him away out of the building as he saw many workers and the security men coming out to watch them... " Steve stop drawing me away, just give me the reply, is mommy dead?? " his voice whimpered this time with hot tears dropping from his eyes. Steve got him out of the building and made a deep breath.. "When I came in, your mom has already collapsed, I was terrified but felt calm when I found out she was still alive, I took her to the hospital..." He paused and Ryan raised his brow at him.. "What happens??..has she woken up?..where is the hospital???" Ryan shrilled.. "Your mom isn't dead now but would die if the operation of kidney transplant isn't carried out in one hour!" Steve stated.. "Has the operation start?" He asked and Steve sighed before wagging his head.. "What!!!..since you came here!!..isn't it up to one hour
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Episode 40
It was like a dream yet was reality and was actually happening in his eyes, Ria had just leaned his head over he shoulder and the looked just exactly like two lovers, it left him dumbed, he just couldn't say anything as he wondered, he really wondered if she was falling in love with him, he wonders if Ryan has gotten her heart or was all this for nothing, Ryan has a lot to explain to him because the Ria he knew would never do this to any man...He took a deep breath and faced his front, finally they got to the hospital and Ryan sprung out running into the ward like a mad man, he just couldn't get it all, there was only one person he loved with all his heart and is ready to die for, that person is his mother, he has future plans for her, he had planned the best future for he when he gets money, how can she now die at this moment..He got to the nurse stand and asked then about his mother, his breath were hot and fast, the nurses were trying to calm him down but he won't
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