All Chapters of Running with Wolves: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
79 Chapters
20 - S E A R C H
šŸ¾ Alpha Jake   I decided to walk PernwĆ©l to her room so she could freshen up while I made some calls. I needed to ask around the other werewolf packs and see if they had heard of the person we needed to find. ā€œThanks Jakey.ā€ The way she said ā€˜Jakeyā€™ did something to me. I hated the nickname, but coming out of her mouth it had my heart fluttering at an unnatural speed. I let out a sigh, wanting to display a sense of displeasure, before I lowered my lips to her forehead and placed a soft kiss on it, like I had done the previous night. Suddenly, we were startled by laughter. Darren was down the corridor and had heard us as he exited his own room. He took a couple of steps in our direction and guffawed in front of PernwĆ©l. ā€œWhy is Robin Hood calling you Jakey?ā€
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21 - R O A D
āž³ Pernwél A couple of days had passed since Jake had reached out to other Alpha’s from the neighbouring packs in this Realm. Some jumped at the opportunity to help Alpha Jake’s pack, but there were others who weren’t inclined to help us in any way. According to Jake, there were those who didn’t agree to the werewolf code. Norms of conduct that had been in the making for ages, passed on through the communities of shifters everywhere around the globe. He didn’t go into detail explaining them to me, but I understood. We had something similar in the Royal guard. A set of ancient rules to live and abide by. They were jealous of the way his pack thrived. Jake had great warriors and a prospering economy. Jake’s pack had its own bakery, wood shop, butcher, elem
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22 - C A B I N
āž³ PernwĆ©l   When night fell, we stopped for a break at a rural hotel that Jake had made reservations for. It consisted of one building and smaller cabins around it. We had to pick up the key inside the main building and Jake left me alone in the car for a brief moment. It was starting to get dark outside and the lanterns that illuminated the path towards the cabins had just been lit. It gave it all a fairytale aura. If it wasnā€™t because we were going on this trip for important matters, I wouldā€™ve found this romantic. He got into the car again and flashed his canines with a dashing grin, while he held up the keys to our refuge for the night. Jake and I pulled up to one of the cabins with the truck. It reminded me of Grandma Roseā€™s home. Only there were no leaf
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23 - G R E E N V A L L E Y
šŸ¾ Alpha Jake   I hadn't expected the way that PernwĆ©l asked me to stay in the bed with her and then her soft lips on my own had my heart glowing with warmth and a sensation that I hadnā€™t felt before. Being a bachelor Alpha for such a long time had its benefits with the she wolves in the pack and I had my fair share of flings in the past. Always no string attached and with the ultimate goal in mind, my heart was only reserved for my fated mate. First, I held out two years after turning of age, waiting for that special someone to cross my path. She wasnā€™t in my own pack, and neither in the neighbouring packs when I visited for the yearly reunions. I somehow gave up, giving in to the natural animalistic urges of the wolf spirit in us shifters that climbs to the surface.
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24 - R A N K
āž³ Pernwél While Jake drove the vehicle called Land Rover, to our destination,the pack of Green Valley. He explained to me that we had to keep to ourselves while we were there as guests.I understood, of course, every werewolf community was ruled by their own Alpha and he decided how he ran the pack. I had only seen Jake’s pack, which I would like to consider as my own when the time came, and I had never seen how another pack was led.Jake was known as a feared Alpha and beloved leader. I knew that the moment we stepped on Green Valley’s territory that we would have to keep up the strong facade and be diplomatic in our decisions. “I know we have to keep up with standard protocol, not give information of your pack away and take this
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25 - Z A N E
āž³ PernwĆ©l   After having breakfast at the roadside restaurant and having recovered from all the revelations that Jake had thrown in my lap, we got ready for the rest of the trip. We had the waitress order us some salads and sandwiches to take with us for lunch. We drove from the mountains where the Grey Moon pack had their territory, onto the vast landscapes of the valley and forest that spanned the horizon. I pondered over Jakeā€™s words about the Green Valley pack. Now, I had to mentally prepare for things that werenā€™t found in my normal environment. I needed to assess the situation like I would do from a warrior's point of view, observe, keep quiet and only speak the necessary words. We passed through fields lined with flowers, adding spots of various colours to the viridescent landscape as it blurred pa
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26 - H U N T E R S
āž³ PernwĆ©l   We roamed through the territory, passing vendors and shops. It would have almost been romantic if it werenā€™t for the Green Valley pack members that followed us around, watching our every move like hawks.  Jake explained to me the reason for their odd behaviour and it kind of made sense, but I was feeling more uncomfortable by the passing minute. I wasnā€™t used to being the center of attention and even if I shouldnā€™t be afraid, because I had Jake and my own fighting skills, it was still unpleasant to be observed blatantly like this. When we finally made it back to the pack house, Zane had one of his staff take us to a room that we would be staying in.  I almost gasped when the door opened. Like the entire lake village, all the housing was
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27 - W O O D S
šŸ¾ Alpha Jake We spent the night at Green Valley’s packhouse and if it wasn’t for Pernwél I would’ve ripped the smug bastards face off. What did he think he would achieve, provoking me like that.Once again, I woke up before my lovely little mate. I enjoyed the feeling of having her close to me, seeing her chest rise and fall without nightmares disturbing her rest. I was contemplating whether to wake her or to keep staring at her sleeping form for a bit longer. It was still early in the morning, but if I knew Pernwél, she would have wanted to start the search as soon as possible. I woke her up with a peck on her freckled soft cheek, causing her to open her eyes, followed by a yawn and a stretch.We exchanged good morning, go
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28 - V I G G O
āž³ Pernwél After that spine tingling kiss, Jake reluctantly pulled away. The sparks still lingered on my skin; goosebumps rose like tiny mountains begging to be touched. When I opened my eyes, Jake’s bright golden eyes gazed at me with adoration and my heartbeat matched my excitement. I knew that he was fighting his wolf to the best of his abilities.As I lay my head down on the soft pillow, Jake tucked me into the sleeping bag beside him. He got comfortable on top of his sleeping bag and put his arm under my head, pulling me close to his hot body. I noticed his heart pounding rapidly, making almost a purring sound.“Goodnight,” he whispered, planting a chaste kiss on my forehead.His li
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29 - A E R I N
āž³ Pernwél The male had an angry scowl on his face as he trudged closer to our position. We were sort of trespassing, even if he lived on werewolf pack land and was probably left alone due to being a hermit in the middle of the woods.“We are looking for someone.” Jake stated as he took one step ahead, shielding me behind his larger frame. “A man by the name of Viggo.”I noticed from the authority in Jake’s voice that his wolf was coming to the surface, prepared to jump at danger to protect me. I kind of liked this possessive side to him, but I wouldn’t admit this to him, there was no need to get his wolf’s ego up. I rested the palms of my hands on his back and his breathing slowed down.“Well,” the man
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