All Chapters of A Waltz With Wolves (Sequel to The Publicist's Plight): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
62 Chapters
** "I can't believe you came by!" This is said with no trace of discontent but contrarily with gratefulness instead. Alejandro and I are in the kitchen, having excused ourselves from the group (finally) to reconvene. I'm still flabbergasted at his presence. "Your text sounded as if you were in trouble," he replies, taking more bruschetta from the tray and pops it into his mouth. He chews slowly, savoring the taste. His jaw is strong and defined when he eats. "You literally saved my ass," I tell him. He laughs even though I'm serious. "I knew it wasn't a good idea, coming here." "Well, now we're here. The least we can do now is enjoy ourselves."
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**SEBASTIANI'm painfully reminded of how annoying it is to have a girlfriend.Sadly, I don't remember a time where any of my girlfriends didn't annoy me. Every last one of them were nothing but a fucking nuisance."Sebastian, can I use your credit card?" "Sebastian, you said that this would be Prada, but this is Michael Kors!" "Oh, my God, Sebastian let's take a picture for Instagram! This will definitely get me over a hundred thousand likes."I guess the sex is my favorite part. That's sad, isn't it? A relationship should be more than sex, I know. But if you've been in the type of relationships I've been in, sex is the only thing to
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**I expected to regain my composure when I got into my apartment. Well, I can confess without shame that I did the opposite of that.Pedro ran to me and knew something was wrong—I had just found out that my real mother is somewhere out in the world, so it's without guilt that I would be in the wrong element. I gave Pedro some TLC before going to my kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine."No," I mumbled, slowly setting the bottle back down on the counter. "I've already drank too much tonight."Instead, I went into my living room and turned on my TV and went through my DVR until I found an episode of Say Yes to the Dress already pre-recorded. Pedro sat by my side as I started the episode, but I couldn't fo
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**Before embarking on my week-long vacation to Barcelona with the Quintanilla's, I intended to leave everything on a high note with everyone else back home. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Not at all.Currently, I'm on a private jet to Barcelona by myself, courtesy of the Quintanilla's (well, technically I'm not by myself—Julio is with me, ordered to ride with me to keep me company). I left later than the Quintanillas due to setbacks, so I was unable to ride in the same jet as them. They were nice enough to assign me to one of their other aircrafts that they owned so I was well-accommodated regardless of the fact that I caused a bit of a delay for them, too. They have been the only ones with kind hearts and clear intentions since Alejandro dropped me off at my apartment from the party. You may be thinking, "What about Sebastian? Wasn't he there for you when you were
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** The next morning after settling in, I eat a plate of torrijas on the balcony of my room followed by a well-needed nap. I'm invited by a group of girls at the villa to go shopping in the city. Some of them are Quintanillas—Salvador's daughters or nieces that are the epitome of Colombian beauty with their long black hair and golden skin. The others in the groups are friends or girlfriends of the male attendees, and of course, Esmeralda—Salvador's wife. I shower and decide on my outfit for the day—baby-blue sundress with comfortable sandals. As I get dressed, I'm tempted to check my phone, but talk myself out of the action. "This is your time to relax," I remind myself while putting on my makeup. "Time to relax, and shop, and eat delicious
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** Day five in Barcelona and Alejandro and I haven't spoken since "that night" outside of my bedroom. It isn't animosity, but merely me being cautious on how I approach him. He knows what I'm doing and has decided to play along. Whenever I would go out into the courtyard to read, I would sometimes see him there talking on the phone. He would stop his conversation and just smile and wave at me. Not a nice smile and wave, but the "keep playing this little game with me" smile-wave combo. "Give it a little more time," Lupita advised me while we went shopping a couple of days ago. "He wants you to give in first. Let him be the one to give up first." Lupita seemed confident in her advice, so I continued to follow it. Yesterday, a da
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**SEBASTIANThere comes a point in every man's life where they begin to wonder if their acts of good are as noble as they believe they are.Take me, for example. In an attempt to make sure that Leslie is safe while associating herself with Alejandro, I took it upon myself to install surveillance cameras in her office to watch Alejandro whenever he's over there. Somehow, that wasn't enough. So, I went as far as to jeopardize Julio's reputation and his goddamn life by employing him to put cameras around the Quintanilla villa in Spain. Again, I remind myself that this is for Leslie; that this is for her protection. My hands are tied tighter than she would ever believe. This is the only way I can possibly intervene in her and Aleja
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**"He just...apologized?" Not only is Paul in disbelief at the news, but I am, too. I sit on Paul's couch, playing with the sides of my coffee cup as I wait for him to say something else, but he just stares at me, mouth agape. Neither of us expected Sebastian to apologize for his behavior. Genuinely, at that. "It was after our meeting with the AFA. He pulled me aside and apologized. He claimed he was only trying to 'protect me.'" "From Alejandro?" Paul asks. I nod. "I don't know why. I think it has to do with their professional issues; Sebastian isn't too fond of the Quintanilla's." "And why is that?" I s
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**I suppose I look like her.My mother, I mean. I see the resemblance - huge eyes that appear vacant most of the time. Dark hair, sharp nose. She's a very beautiful woman, Genina Malatova - that's a fact I can believe. But my mother? I'm still processing. I'm still under the impression that Jamie McLelland is my mother; that Jamie is somewhere in Scotland waiting for me, and that Sebastian has no idea what he's talking about.I have spent the better half of the first week of August staring at photos of Genina. I've been reading autobiographies about her family and about her journey to becoming Queen of Venetia (a country that I have never visited, and am reluctant on visiting now). When her father - my grandfather - Josef Malatova suffered a stroke that left half of his body par
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**When the journalist finally walks away, I let Sebastian have it."What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snap at him, making it apparent that I am far from happy."What do you mean?" He replies. Playing the dumb card isn't smart at this moment."Cut the bullshit, Sebastian." I look around, making sure no one is aware of our animated conversation. "Putting your hand on my hip like that? Are you crazy?""Really? That's what you're so pressed over?" he rolls his eyes. Temperamentally, at that. "Jesus Christ, just relax. It isn't a big deal.""It is a big deal! It might not be to you as you're trapped in your bub
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