All Chapters of REBIRTH: This time I will be a Witch!: Chapter 531 - Chapter 540
546 Chapters
Dirty Linen
“Damn it! How could I fall into this plight if someone had not played a trick on me?!” Adrian gnashed his teeth angrily. His teacher, Professor Morgan, had informed him that someone had cast a curse on him in secret. That was why he had mysteriously lost those badges. Professor Morgan had decided to tell him what had happened because he was worried that Adrian would be mentally affected by that failure. He had also warned him not to reveal the issue to other people. However, there was only hatred in his heart. He knew that only warlocks could cast curses. It was evident that someone among the students had concealed their identity as a warlock and lurked among them. That person was the one who had landed him in that terrible circumstance! If not for that warlock, he would never have been reduced to a laughing stoc
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Don't be suspicious
“…”Audrey was momentarily stunned with his answer as she looked at the smiling Jace in astonishment. However, Steve had already spoken up before she even had the chance to react. “Professor Alberts, I am embarrassed to say this, but my previous herbalist instructor had taught me a similar formula in the past. Haha… so it was naturally faster for me to produce this antidote… However, this cannot be considered as cheating! It was something that I had accumulated over the years!”Steve defended himself as if there was really such an incident, and acted as if he was afraid that Professor Alberts would cancel his achievements.Professor Alberts was also stunned as he had assumed that it was Andrew who had given the antidote
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Riding coattails
“By the way, how is the calculation? We should finalize the results by the end of today so that we can make our way back to the academy in the morning.”Professor Alberts asked the ten teachers who were responsible for computing the results. Even though there were over a thousand students, but the magi’s efficiency was not something that normal people could understand. Those teachers looked up from the pile of statistics and then looked at Professor Alberts with a sour face.“Professor Alberts, we are unable to make decisions with regards to this year’s results!”“What’s wrong?”Professor Alberts was astonished. Those teachers immediately placed the arranged statistics before Professor Alberts and wept without tears.
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It's never too late for revenge
“Some people from the lower status can be unscrupulous to achieve their motives. They are willing to act meek, subservient, and even do dirty tricks. This is not something we can easily learn.”Undisguised sharp and unkind words could be heard from a few of those students.They were not worried about any consequences if he were to hear them. He was only a first-year student in the Herbalist Division, and he was very young too. How could he go against those from the fighting professions? But Audrey walked past them without bothering to spare anyone even a sideway glance. It was as if she did not hear any of those harsh words of contempt. She walked to Jace’s tent without a single word to anyone else and entered the tent.“See, this little kid must have gone to fawn over Jace again. Shameless.&
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Green Is born of Blue, but outshines Blue
Jace and Audrey invited Allan and Steve to join them, and they had their fill of tasty food and drinks to fill their tummies. As for the two brpothers who was still in dreamland, they completely forgot about them. When Niccoli and NIke finally had enough of sleeping and went to them to get food, they discovered that those four bastards had already eaten while he and his brother slept. Furthermore, those shameless bastards did not even leave any food for them. Niccoli could only chew on steamed buns.The seven-day test ended with a bang. All the students rested at the encampment for another day and then boarded the carriage to return to the Saint Lauren Academy. After so many days in the wild, the students immediately burrowed into their dormitories the moment they reached the academy. he results of the test would be announced three days later, and it was vacation time for the students until then.
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Blood Moon Woodland
Blood Moon Woodland By the fifth time that the sun took a dive to the western horizon in order to meet the sea, Audrey’s group no longer came across any hiccups. Thus, they were able to confirm that they finally got rid of every hindrance present on the island. ‘Phew’ They exhaled a collective sigh of relief. “This was definitely one hell of an adventure.” Allan could not help but comment while Jace, on the other hand, was quick to second him. “I could not agree more.” Indeed, what they experienced so far could only be described as a roller coaster ride; they unexpectedly wandered on the road full of ups and downs along the way. Yet, still, the group managed to emerge triumphant at each of every obstacle. At the same time, clear signs of exhaustion could be seen on their faces. But that was not enough to stop them. Apparently, they were determined more than ever to see this mission to its end. Something that was understandable considering the amount of effort that they had alre
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The passenger of the Wind
Achoo! Niccoli wiped his nose clean for the umpteenth time; for some unknown reason, the young prince started showings signs of a runny rose. It was as if he caught a cold out of the blue. [Master, would you like me to get you something to use so you could blow your nose?] Monami asked her master for like who-knew-how-many-times. Honestly, no one was keeping tally anymore because even the usually nosy cat, Nero, already lost count. Apparently, Monami was getting increasingly concerned about Niccoli because the other party had been sneezing nonstop. It started a few minutes after they ventured into the uncharted territory of Blood Moon Woodland. “You have nothing to worry dear, I am fine. Maybe it is just from some unknown allergen in the air. I am sure, it will go away.” Niccoli told his cat as he carried her to his bosom. Something about the place felt off for him thus he did not trust the place one inch. This in return made him feel uncomfortable that even the idea of allowing h
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“What if the Graes already took notice of us as soon as we entered their perimeter and right now, we are under a spell; making our eyes play a trick on us? What if what we are seeing right now is not real?”“Well, if that is the case, then I guess there is only one way to check it.”Audrey insinuated and without wasting another breath, she said the passphrase."Turn your back to the forest, your front to me."Slowly, it dawned on the others as well what was possibly happening and so without waiting to be told what to do, they recited the same thing too."Turn your back to the forest, your front to me."They whispered into the air one after another and almost immediately, the landscape changed into something else, right before their naked eyes.Everyone watched with an awestruck face as the trees turned into fences. At the same time, just a few feet away from where they were standing, they noticed how an empty lot from moments ago started to morph into what seemed to be an inconspicuou
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[Alright, I must admit it’s my fault this time. My bad.] “As you should!” Ultimately, Nero acknowledged the part he played in inciting the agitated hut to action. But he also did not forget to let Audrey know that he did not appreciate her tone. [Needless to say, raising your voice is completely unnecessary. Besides, getting mad at me won’t change anything, will it? You’re kind of embarrassing me, just you know.] The cat tried to reason out but with her and her friends’ lives at stake and almost put in danger, Audrey did not back away easily this time. “Oh yeah? Then swear to me that from now on, you will be mindful of your choice of words. We have to be careful with every word we are saying because it was not every time that we got a chance to take it back.” Meanwhile, Nero’s response came shortly. However, it was so brief. Moreover, it did not sound sincere either. [Okay. I promised] So Audrey prompted the cat to state the matter precisely because she did not want him to circ
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Trouble heading your way
Audrey was on her dormitory bed when all that happened, and she was absolutely oblivious to the problem that was headed her way. Meanwhile, the results of the examination were announced on the third day. The students gathered around the square early in the morning and crammed in front of the announcement board to check their results. They also wanted to find out which class they had been allocated to. Niccoli dragged Audrey into the heavily obstructed crowd and finally came before the Herbalist Division’s announcement board. Niccoli immediately found their names, and as expected, both of them had obtained the highest marks for the test. They were also allocated to the Herbalist Division’s violet class for that autumn enrollment. Niccoli was also excited to see the name ‘Andrew’ written on the top of the list. Everyone envied her marks. “Andrew! You are the first! You are the first!” Niccoli was extremely surprised and held onto Audrey’s shoulder. He was very excited, and it was as i
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