All Chapters of CEO's Love in Trap: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
355 Chapters
81. Farewell
As soon as she woke up in the morning, Gabriella didn't dare move. Her husband was still asleep, like a baby prone on his mother's body. "Max?" the woman whispered, testing. After a few seconds, no sound was heard. The man remained unmoved. Knowing that her husband was comfortable with the soft pillows, Gabriella's lips automatically curled into a small curve. "You must be tired," she muttered as she touched her husband's hair. Silently, the woman watched the details of the face under her chin. The eyes that she often looked at, were hiding behind wide eyelids. The lips that often gave her warmth, were still silent. Slowly, sadness began to vibrate in her lungs. “I will definitely miss you so much,” Gabriella thought before swallowing hard. A second later, she closed her eyes, trying to hold the turmoil in her chest. The plan to run away could fall apart if the man detected a signal of separation from her. Feeling the body bene
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82. Treathening Back
"Good morning, Mia," Max said cheerfully.The young woman behind the desk was suddenly wide-eyed. With a stiff nod, she returned the CEO's greeting. "Good morning, Sir. Is there any good news today? Your face looks very bright."A smile immediately answered the second secretary's question. "There's no good news yet. I still haven't found a proper defense."Mia's brow arch instantly turned into a frown. Seeing that expression, the CEO snorted in amusement.“Today is my wife's birthday and tonight, we have a small party at home. Come if you have time," Max said, successfully clearing the woman's confusion."No wonder you look happy. It turns out, it's Miss Gabriella's birthday,” Mia nodded, pouting her lips."Not Miss Gabriella, but Mrs. Evans," the man corrected with narrowed eyes.In just an instant, the woman raised a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, Sir. I used to call her that."Max suddenly widened a smile, understa
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83. Fact Reversal
“Is my guess right? All of this is my father's doing?" Max asked, still staring at the secretary's back. After a moment of silence, Sebastian finally turned to look at the CEO. “Why are you accusing your own father? Have you lost your mind?” he asked stiffly. Unexpectedly, Max's lips began to curl. After exhaling quickly, he grimaced while shaking his head. "I didn't think it was really my father. What should I do to fight him? I don't want to be a rebellious son," he muttered with a dreamy look. Knowing that Max had found the truth, Sebastian's throat felt dry. He was assigned to increase the pressure in the CEO's head, but instead he was pressed and at a loss for words. "I really don't understand, what I do wrong that you secretly stab me. Why am I given the trust if it ends up being dropped like this? Did my father tell you his motives?” Sebastian's lips trembled silently. His brain never finished processing a safe answer to say. Ju
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84. Where's My Wife?
"Gabby? Gabriella?" Max shouted unconcerned if his vocal cords were pinched. Unfortunately, no matter how loud he called, his wife still didn't answer.Swallowing hard, Max clutched his head which felt like it was about to burst."There's no way she's running away again. No," he shook his head trying to deny it. “Gaby has promised to celebrate her birthday together. There's no way she could leave."After a brief contemplation, the man's eyebrows rose to the maximum. Without wasting any time, he ran towards the guard post."Where's my wife?" Max asked, no longer thinking about politeness. Two pale-faced guards automatically stood facing him.“Eng… that….”"Where?" The CEO's insistence made the guards gasp."Something has happened.""Tell the truth quickly!" Max rebuked. He had never been so angry before.With shaking eyes, a guard began to deliver a report.“This morning, while
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85. Herbert's Confession
Max's breath caught for a moment. The statement of the old man had deepened the furrow of his brows. "What do you mean, Dad?"Casually, Herbert sat down on the sofa and placed a stack of documents on the table. Instead of giving an answer, the old man opened the topmost sheet of paper.“As it turns out, today is her birthday. Oh, I'm so sorry," he muttered, successfully stealing the youngest son's attention.“His father is Tomy and his mother is Brenda. Tsk, I still wonder why they don't have last names.""Why do you have documents about my wife, Dad?" Max interrupted with clenched fists. Suspicion had returned to the surface.With slightly raised eyebrows, Herbert met the CEO's gaze. "Your wife? Do you still consider the woman who left you as a wife? Truly extraordinary.""What did you say? Gabriella never left me,” Max said without lowering his voice.A second later, the old man laughed blandly. "You're too confide
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86. Max's Choice
Getting a testing question, Max suddenly straightened face. His throbbing jaws became clearer, as did the angry look in his eyes. "Did you have this bad attitude back then?" he asked slowly and emphatically. Hearing those unexpected words, Herbert's eyes widened slightly. "What are you talking about?" A petty snort spontaneously escaped the CEO's mouth. "If you already had such a selfish and cunning mind in the past, it's no wonder that Mama cheated on you." In just seconds, the old man was standing with hands clenched tightly. “Watch your mouth! Why do you justify the despicable act of that sly woman?” Once again, the corner of Max's lips twitched sadly. "Then, can this despicable act of yours be justified?" A second later, the CEO stepped forward and straightened the crumpled sheet of photos. "Didn't you say that I was smart?" After asking, the man showed a photo of his wife receiving two pieces of paper from Herbert.
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87. Longing
With eyes spinning and ears ringing, Max tried to grab Snowy. Having managed to get the white teddy bear, he got out of the car filled with deflated balloons.“Are you all right, Sir?” someone asked in a pinched voice. Unexpectedly, Max ignored like he didn't listen. The man continued to stagger while chanting his wife's name. No visible blood. However, everyone was worried by his pale face."Sir? How about we go to the hospital?”Max turned to the woman who was standing not far from him. Instead of answering, he whispered, "Gabriella?"Two seconds later, the man fell on the asphalt. Hysterical shrieks immediately rang out from the people surrounding him.“Call an ambulance!”"Is there a doctor around here?""How about we just take him to the nearest hospital?"Max had no idea about the panic around him. He had fallen asleep with Gabriella's image as his last vision.***
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88. Conscious
Just as Minnie and her family arrived in front of Max's room, a man in the white coat came out. Without having time to introduce herself, the old woman stopped him."Doctor, how is Mr. Max?" Minnie asked with wet eyes and deep brow furrows."Are you the patient's family?" the man asked, looking doubtful.Quickly, the butler shook her head. “We have already contacted his father and brother. In a moment, they will arrive.”Unexpectedly, the doctor tilted his head. "My apology, Madam. We are not allowed to tell the patient's condition other than to the closest people or guardians."“But we are very close to him, Doc. I've been taking care of him since he was little," Minnie explained while hitting her own chest."You can tell them the condition of my brother, Doc," Julian interrupted in a sudden. All eyes spontaneously turned to him.After nodding, the doctor began to explain. “The patient arrived unconscious. No
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89. Finding Gabriella
“I don't mind if you marry me out of disappointment with Max's refusal. I also don't mind if your goal is just to make Max regret. But, if it's because of someone else's order ..." Julian said before shaking his head, "I can't accept it." For the first time, Amber dared not argue with Julian. She didn't really love him, nor did she care. However, realizing that her words had broken the sincere man's heart, guilt finally rose within. After a moment of silence, Julian's gaze turned to his father. "If your goal is to make your son feel the excruciating pain of betrayal, I think you have succeeded." Herbert blinked flatly as his beloved son burst into tears. With a quick thought, he made up a defense. “It's not what you think. Amber accepts you not on my order. She just uses your relationship to carry out my plan." Julian laughed blandly. While looking down, he dropped more sadness. "I was already suspicious when you asked me to come back and Amber accept
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90. Panic
"Max?" Gabriella sighed with vision starting to blur from tears. Her hand, which was no longer holding the phone, was shaking violently, just like the air in lungs burned with worry. Seeing the woman's strange behavior, the girl who was milking the cow stopped and got up from her small chair. "What's the matter, Madam? Is it really from the service office?” Rose asked, raising her eyebrows. “Did I fail to be accepted?” After a while, the sobs finally released along with the tears. Gripping the girl's arm, Gabriella tried to keep breathing. “Max .... Take me there. Please ..." the woman pleaded as she could no longer form words properly. Her brain had been paralyzed by the fear of losing. Hearing the unexpected request, Rose suddenly furrowed her brows. "What's the matter, Madam? Why did you suddenly change your mind?” “Please take me there!” Gabriella shrieked before spilling out more grief. "Where, Madam?" "I don't kno
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