All Chapters of Secret Billionaire, Son-In-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
Chapter Ten
Sacha lay on a towel, wearing a two-piece swimsuit with a serine-filled look in her eyes as she gazed at the sea. The way the waves crept steadily towards her, gently drenching the sand while softly dousing the golden sandy beach. The sun`s rays laminated her skin with heat as she lay there sunbathing.  Today was Sunday, not that she was counting nor cared. Each moment that she was spending here with Gavin, time seemed to become irrelevant.  Since it was a weekend, Gavin had brought her here to the beach. Switching positions she turned around to also stare at the sky. While also using Gavin`s sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun. Only to end up closing them for a small lazy nap. As soon as she did, she felt a shadow arrive blocking her sun. A smile instantly graced her face as soon as she felt more movement, and delicious tasting lips meeting hers. He was back. He had left to go acquire some surfboards saying t
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Chapter Eleven
Sacha first stood there contemplating what to do after that horrible phone call. She knew her mother was serious and would do what she had threatened to do. She would make sure that Mandy ended up in jail tonight even on false made-up charges.  And Sacha could not let that happen to Mandy because of her own selfishness. It was time that she returned back to her family and face the music. The only good thing though was that her mother seemed to not know yet about her marriage to Gavin. Sacha felt grateful that Mandy had not let that out even while under pressure. Dialing Mandy`s number, she waited for her friend to answer. But it went to voice mail. Still, though Sacha decided to leave a voice message. "Mandy...I am so so sorry for the trouble I seem to have got you in. You are a good friend and I promise that I will make it up to you." After leaving that, she finally turned around and started walking along the beach coastline in thought. &nb
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Chapter Twelve
As soon as she had flown back, Sacha had ditched her cousins by hiring an uber. and headed straight to her penthouse apartment, not wanting to go visit her mother with them. She was not in the mood to see her after what she had done to Mandy. During the trip, Sacha also bought a new phone, with Gavin`s number being the first thing she saved as she renewed her old number. Her phone immediately pinged with loads of messages and call notifications from her mother during her absence. If only she had a way to block her mother`s number, but she could not because if she did, her mother would show up in person and give her more trouble. Sacha preferred communicating with that woman on the phone because at le
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Chapter Thirteen
An exquisite red carpet graced the front door of the Greenwood mansion. With a succession of top luxury cars arriving at the big gate where everyone had to present their invite. Elegant and dignified guests came out of the luxury cars, with many bigwigs having brought their own bodyguards too. All of them were dressed in expensive-looking brand clothes, and let's not even mention the jewelry. Sacha got out of the car, the fancy one which her mother had sent. This from knowing that her daughter would arrive in whatever car if she did not send one. Still, Sacha really did not want to be here. There was even the press and paparazzi taking pictures of the guests. Of course, knowing Peter, he loved the attention and publicity. But did he have to use her as an excuse to throw
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Chapter Fourteen
Gavin`s Pov "Son," Gavin looked at his mother upon hearing her call his name. He had visited her at the hospital as he always made sure to do every week. "I can see the sadness in your eyes, did something happen between you and my daughter-in-law?" she asked, looking worriedly at her son. She had noticed this week that he had not been himself. Then was him not bringing his beautiful wife along too. "Sacha traveled back to her home country for family stuff." Gavin finally replied, Right now he was depressed from missing her. He had last spoken to her three days ago. He had noticed too, how tired she had looked. So he was not angry about her missing his calls. Still, a part of him was worried, what if she no longer loved him anymore? What if she had found someone else? "If you ask me, its not good for a young couple such as you two, to be apart like this," his mother commented now realizing what was truly worrying her son. However as his mother offered the advice, Gavin found
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Chapter Fifteen
Sacha first sent a glare at her mother for orchestrating all this. “Say YES,” Sacha saw her mother mouth to her demandingly. This made her inwardly scowl; she was not some robot to be dictated on what to do. Still, her palms were almost sweating from the pressure of being cornered. This was as Sacha found herself, surrounded by guests with expectant looks, all waiting for her to say yes so that the celebrations could start. Then was the horde of paparazzi with their cameras already flashing as they took pictures for the engagement news tomorrow. Even Peter had a smug arrogant look on his face of already expecting her to say yes. However, Peter that arrogant jerk was the last person on earth that Sacha would ever want to get married to! Maybe if this had happened before she met Gavin, she might have said yes for the good publicity and then canceled the engagement afterward in private. But now things had changed after her trip to America, she now had a husband and one she was very
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