All Chapters of BROKEN PROMISES: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
           Henry walked in, careful not to make a sound. His friend was a grouch in the morning and he didn't want to deal with him especially after the long gruelling flight he'd just had. Aside from jet lag, he was a little bummed. The move from England to America hadn't been easy but thanks to Ray he'd gotten his American citizenship faster than most people. The perks of having well connected friends. Don't get it twisted, he wasn't the kind of man to abuse his friends. In fact, the only reason he accepted the help was because he needed to start a new chapter. Relocating was the first step to leaving his past behind.Growing up in an orphanage, he had to fight for every scrap of meal if he didn't want to go to bed hungry. Unlike Raymond, he didn't grow up a privileged kid. For the most part of his life he'd detested rich kids because they had everything wh
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Henry pretended to be busy unpacking but occasionally his eyes strayed to the bed. He couldn't help it. From the little he'd seen and heard, Marjorie was close to Ray meaning he would see her around. A lot. And while half of him wanted to keep seeing her, the other half warned him about getting distracted. He'd moved here to start afresh. It would take a lot of time and effort to accomplish his goals, to make a name for himself. Wanting to see more of Marjorie alone, was a problem. Already he knew that he'd give up a lot, to be with her for one day. She was stunning, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen actually, and he was spellbound. He wanted to know her, make her smile or laugh so those dimples of hers could make an appearance. All this after just meeting her in less than an hour. What would he do after a day, week, month? If he didn't distance himself from her, she'd have him wrapped around her finger in no time. He couldn't allow
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             "Hey dad. Can I have your realtor's number?""Why? Are you planning to buy a house?""Apartment actually. I think it's time I moved out""Move out?" JR snapped his head up so hard that the glasses resting on his nose fell crookedly to the side. "Why?"Alexis rolled her eyes. This was going to take all day "Because I'm old enough to have my own place.""No you're not.""Yes I am. Please don't be difficult about this. I really think it's time I live on my own like every twenty three year old out there""Those twenty three year olds out there a
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Raymond took his ringing phone out and groaned. "Hey Hayley""Raymond, I need to talk to you. Can we meet?""Sure. The Alexandra?""No. Too open. I know just the place"Half an hour later he ran his eyes over the place Hayley had picked while getting out of his car. It looked nothing like The Alexandra but it was okay. He wondered why she would want to talk to him in a strange place where no one knew them. Between her and her husband, she was the level headed one. He'd heard stories of how JR had tried to win her over and let's just say he wouldn't use those methods to try and get Alexis. The man was, well, crazy. And that was putting it mildly. Locking his car, he stepped in the restaurant immediately beginning his search for Hayley.
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             "Alexis where are we.....""Shhh shush. Do you want my grandmother to see us?""Remind me why we're sneaking out?" Marj murmured trying to crane her neck so she could see what Alexis was looking at. But she was so tiny and she wasn't wearing her heels today so that task proved to be difficult."Grandma brought home a wife for Jayden. Do you want me to remind her I'm the older one and that she should have thought of bringing a husband for me first?""No. But it's not like she did. Where would she find one now?""Oh I don't even want to think about it. I bet she has a string of women stashed somewhere so that if Jayden doesn't like this one, s
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"Okay Marj. Keep your mouth shut and just listen." they walked in the restaurant and she almost turned back. The place was crawling with flies even though the tables were wiped clean. The few people that were there spared them a glance and went back to eating swatting the flies away every time they came near their food. A guy at the back raised his hand, signaling him over."Alexis....." Marjorie started but she cut her off."Shut up Marj or go back to the cab and wait for me""I hope you know what you're doing" she mumbled to herself but Alexis heard her. She also hoped Marj was right. This could turn sideways any minute which was the more reason why she was going to hurry it up. They approached the table where the guy was and sat opposite him. She made the mistake of leaning on the tabl
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           "Alexis?""Connor hey""I need your help. I've been arrested and I don't know who to call"Alexis gasped "What? How? Why?""I really don't know. I woke up in a car full of coke and heroin. The police won't believe me that they both aren't mine. Apparently, the car was reported stolen last week""Oh, poor baby. What is going on? First, you're suspended and now this?""I really don't know what's going on. It's like someone is out to get me. Can you help me? I hate doing this, coming to you, but I have no one else"
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The receptionist sneered at her then said "The fifteenth floor" and went back to what she was doing, which was nothing. So much for making friends on her first day. Deciding to ignore her, she got in the lift and pressed the button that would take her to her new workplace. When the lift pinged open, all eyes turned on her. The layout was just like every other office she's been to, cubicles, only here people actually stopped to stare. Didn't they have anything to do? With the way she was dressed, they were making her feel uncomfortable. One girl who appeared to be her age got up and approached her"Excuse me, are you lost?" Do I look like I'm lost? Was on the tip of her tongue but she said "No. I'm looking for Mr. Copeland's office. I'm his new assistant" The girl
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            It was horrible. If Alexis thought Mr. Jerkface was mean that first day, she found out later what a devil he was. He'd explained to her what she needed to do. Get him coffee first thing in the morning, black no sugar, inform him of the day's appointments, remind him when it was time for lunch, and time to leave the office, get his lunch, go on errands when he needed her to. All that on top of her job and she'd thought that for someone so proud, his schedule was simple. Until the next morning.She'd arrived early so she could make his coffee but he was already there and he'd taken pleasure in telling her off about the importance of arriving at the office earlier than the boss. His face was a mask of anger and irritation but his eyes danced with humor clearly enjoying torturing her. That was just the beginning. Every time she made him a cup of
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"Yes sir," Alexis said out loud getting up to follow him. But then the idiot slammed the door on her face knowing very well that now she had to knock then wait for his approval so she could go in. Dear God. Where is the patience I asked for? She raised her hand and knocked."Come in" that came after five minutes. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked in.Keep calm Alexis."What can I do for you, sir?""Call Miss Elizabeth Austin for me""Excuse me?" she blurted out without thinking because she was sure he hadn't made her wait for five minutes just so he could tell her to call someone for him."Ha
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