All Chapters of The Stranger In My Bed: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
The Real One
Victor rolled over, pinning me to the bed with his body. His lips sought my neck eagerly. The feeling sent tingles across my skin and down between my legs. A small moan forced its way from my throat. I gasped and shook my head, trying to clear it."Victor, stop. Let me up," I begged, pushing him weakly.He pulled away from my neck and smiled down at me. The lust in his eyes made me shiver. My mouth couldn’t form words, my body was paralyzed, I was completely at his mercy. And he knew it too. He chuckled a bit and tucked my hair behind my ear gently."That's enough talking for one night," he murmured, pressing his lips to mine.I could have thrown him off. I should have thrown him
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Thank god for all that wine I drank or I don't think I would have been able to sleep at all. It was light out when I finally woke up, but I couldn’t seem to make myself leave my bed. What happened with Victor last night was still stuck on a loop in my brain. I’d hurt him, and I’d hurt him badly.I sighed and covered my head with the pillow. I knew "Victor" wouldn't be here today, but I still couldn't stand to see Mr. Weston's face right now. I knew it would just make those painful memories even stronger. Besides, here today or not, it's not like he was gone forever. Victor would return eventually, and then what would I do? How could I face him again after everything that had happened last night? More importantly, what would I say to him? I already had a good idea of the things he’d bring up the next time he was here. The biggest be
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An individual. A singular person. Who just happened to share his body with about a dozen other “individuals.” I crossed my arms and sighed. How the hell was I going to make this work?"Ms. Walton, stand slightly to the left of center for me please.""Huh?" I barely registered his words as they broke me from my thoughts. He frowned. "Ms. Walton, please. We're wasting time here. Please move to the left of the center so I can line up this shot properly.”Blunt, to-the-point Arthur. I stood and moved to where he was motioning. He waved his hand until I reached the "correct" position. Once I did, he started snapping photos. I tried to stay focused on the task at hand, but it was a little hard to do. I
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I sat there for a minute, trying to think of the safest way to phrase everything. I could tell Arthur was trying his best to be patient with me, but the way he shifted around behind the camera told me that patience was quickly running out. I sighed, trying to choose my words carefully."Well... 'a friend' of mine recently met a guy," I started slowly. He watched me intently through the camera. "He's really amazing. He’s intelligent, thoughtful, understanding, sweet. He’s pretty much everything she’s ever wanted in a man. The problem is he’s… sick. He’s very sick. In fact, there’s a good chance that he’s probably never going to recover. She knew this about him long before they started any kind of relationship, but that doesn’t mean it makes the situation any easier on her."
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Alright, I realized where I’d screwed up now. I just needed to find a way to show Victor that I understood. Which was the impossible part. He was already convinced that Jack was the only one of them I really cared about, and I’m sure that mindset would only get worse once I actually told Jack about Victor. It’s not like I could avoid telling him though. Even Arthur admitted I had to at least inform Jack about what was going on. I doubt Victor would believe that’s all I did though. Even if he did forgive me, there’d always be that doubt at the back of his mind. That little voice that said I was lying to protect his feelings and Jack was still my numb
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As I headed downstairs, I wondered if Arthur might actually take his time eating today. My question was answered as I entered the dining room. In short, not exactly. While he was definitely eating slower than usual, I would hardly call it "taking his time." Thomas walked in at that moment. His jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Arthur at the table. I guess he was just as stunned about Arthur eating on time as I was."My goodness, how did you manage this?" He asked."I talked with him about some personal problems of mine," I said, shrugging. "He couldn't leave the room fast enough."Thomas chuckled at this and shook his head. He didn’t ask for any details though. Again, I
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A Simple Conversation
Although Arthur certainly wasn't shy about asking me questions, he definitely seemed cautious about the kinds of things he was asking me now. I could see him pausing and second-guessing before every question. I felt a little guilty. I didn’t want him to feel like he had to be so defensive around me. But again, what was done was done. I hated that I seemed to be having that attitude so often lately, but I really wasn’t sure what else I could do about it. All I could do now was answer the rest of his questions in a cheerful manner and hope that he would start to feel comfortable again soon."What kind of scenery do you enjoy most?" He asked."Umm... I suppose things like the garden," I said, shrugging. "I’ve always loved nature. Flowers, forests, sunsets. Oh, and anything to do with water. Espe
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The Perfect Man
Luckily, it seemed I was right about Arthur warming up to me again. Despite his initial hesitance to ask me questions, he seemed to relax more and more as time went on. Finally, he started getting into a groove of just throwing questions at me without even stopping to think about them anymore."So, what about your educational background?” He asked.I shrugged. "Nothing special really. Community college. I have an Associate's degree. Literature was my major.""Amazing," he said excitedly. "What drew you towards it?""Well, I used to read a lot as a child. It was kind of my escape from reality a lot of the time. As I got older, I guess I never really grew out of it,” I mused. “I was especially drawn towards the classics. Something about the romance of the
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The Caretaker
I knew that crying was pointless. That it wouldn’t solve any of my problems. Still, I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I sobbed heavily. Even with my hands pressed against my face, they did very little to muffle the sound."Oh no. Oh no," I heard Arthur mutter. His voice sounded slightly panicked.I heard his footsteps pacing back and forth for a minute before they suddenly headed my way. His hand rubbed against my back. Stiff, hesitant, distanced. It was obvious that he had no clue what he was doing right now.Somehow, that fact made me even more miserable. As much as I tried, I couldn't stop crying. I hated this. Not only was I having a complete breakdown, but I was also doing it at a completely inappropriate time and place. Something like this might not matter too much with Jack or Victor, but I’m
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What to do? What was the best way to get Arthur to feel comfortable around me? I watched him as he played around with his camera. Well, Thomas did mention that getting involved in a new project would help to distract him. Maybe I could talk about work.But what? This project was what was causing the discomfort. I doubted talking more about it would help to fix that. But what else was there to talk about? He didn’t have any other projects going on right now.Or did he? My eyes suddenly landed on the bookshelf. The lightbulb went off in my head. I sat up straight and smiled at him. Although, he still wasn’t looking."Oh, by the way, di
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