All Chapters of Alpha's Fae Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 11: Stay near, Mate
I would decide to blame it on my blinding anger or the fact that I had nowhere to stay and the night was already here, that I had just pulled into Alec's driveway, but either ways i was here and I had no intention of going back. Well, not now. I got down from Leila's car, not forgetting to press the lock and trudged to the doorstep. My hands lingered on the doorbell as a rational part of me started to contemplate if this was a good idea. Well, my irrational self won and just as I was about to finally press the doorbell, the door itself swung open. Or rather, Alec had just opened it. I took a step back as I stared at him with wide eyes, almost getting lost in his blue orbs that I had not realized he was shirtless until I accidentally glanced down. I regretted it instantly as I felt a burning heat creep up my cheek. I immediately stared back down fiddling with my fingers. I have never been this nervous in my entire life, or I would say I was never one to be nervous but somehow ever
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Chapter 12: Mysterious
* Alec * My second chance mate was mysterious. It was something I didn't quite understand yet but I was determined to, by all means. I leaned back on the armchair as the early morning sun seeped in through the half open window blinds. I had woken up about an hour ago, (leaving Bellatrix on the bed as she was still fast asleep) to ponder on the sudden interest in twist in my life. It was weird how I had gone from heartbroken white wolf Alpha, to this Alpha whose second chance mate is a buck load of mystery. I wouldn't have concluded that if I had at least gotten more than a scrap of information about her, but the only thing I was able to find out was that she had a sister who was due to attend Oaks college today. Anything else wasn't found, it was like she didn't exist at all. That alone put me on the edge not to talk of her mere touch being able to cause a disturbance to the pool of transition and the fact that Hera still could not decipher what she was. Also add that, her mere e
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Chapter 13: Faeries? What the hell?
*Bellatrix* Anger, would definitely not describe what I felt right now. I gripped my fork tightly as I aggressively stabbed the pancakes on my plate. He just had to speak, he just had to fucking say it out loud! Why the hell would Alec even think I would ever want to be a part of a Pack? Hell! I fucking hated their mere existence,okay probably not all of them, but the fact remains that I absolutely wanted no kind of relations with Lycans, forget the fact that I was getting attracted to one of their kind. I glanced at the door as it suddenly creaked open to reveal a man I certainly do not know entering, he didn't look so old, he would pass as same age as my Father if he were alive now..... "Who the hell are you?" I stood up instantly, my hands sneakily going down to my waist belt to pull put my hidden short gun. The strange man in question grinned at me as he stepped closer. "It is a pity you do not know me little one. I would tell you who I am, but I'm afraid time is a luxury I
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Chapter 14: Faeries? How true?
"Faeries? As in Fae?" Vassily was still standing before me with hands outstretched. "You won't take my hands? Did you not say you wanted to leave." He smirked as he stared at me. Vassily and Michal were smart for one, because they knew I was naturally curious and would want to hear the rest of their story after him saying they were faeries. But I could shock them, I would find out without their help. I smiled back at Vassily and reached for his outstretched hands. "I did say that, so can I leave now?." Vassily pulled me up and motioned to the door. "Go on out." I balanced myself on my two feet, seeing that I wasn't going to collapse again like I had done earlier, I hurriedly walked to the door. I then stopped and looked back at them. "You are not letting me go just because I asked for it, are you?" Michal nodded as his fingers tapped the arms of the chair he sat on. "You are a smart one Bellatrix and we would be waiting for you to come back for us." I squinted my eyes at
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Chapter 15: Feel your magic.
Bellatrix: The drive to the pack house was uncomfortably silent with Alec glancing at me occasionally for whatever his reasons were. I kept silent looking out as if I didn't notice it. Finally we pulled to a stop in front of the pack house. "Bella.." I glanced at Alec, raising my eyes in question to his sudden calling of my name. "What is it?" He blinked and then shook his head, "Never mind." I scoffed as I stepped out, the pack house wasn't really filled up the way it was the first time i got here, even the front space was very scanty though I didn't stop to scrutinize as my feet hurriedly lead me to the pool, however I did not miss Alec's overwhelming presence as he behind me. The pool was just as crystal blue as I remembered, the rays of the sun hitting it making it shine in all its beauty. I crouched low and then slowly placed my hands into it, it didn't spring up like it had that day, instead it started to emit light, I stared at it in shock and I did not miss the gasp
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Chapter 16: I will be your Luna
What the hell! "You came back earlier than i expected." I turned at the familiar voice from behind me. "Vassily!" He smirked at me as he took his final step to my side. "It is good to see you again little one, and so soon at that." I rolled my eyes at his smugness, folding my arms with a frown etched on my face. "How am I here and why am I even here?" Vassily placed his hands around my neck, urging me forward with him. "How at you here? Well, your teleportation magic is what brought you here, and before you ask how that is possible, you should know that embracing your magic means tapping into them once at a time." Somehow i wasn't surprised how Vassily knew of what Hera had told me about embracing my magic, if I were even to be more honest, I would say I already accepted the weird fact that I was fae. "So the first of my abilities i tapped into is that of teleportation." Vassily nodded to my statement, patting my shoulders. I continued.. "Fine then, so where exactly am
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Chapter 17: Luna or what?
Bellatrix: Was I insane? Definitely. Did I care? Weirdly, I didn't, but then I was starting to be more carefree about stuffs since I stepped into Howls which to others might not be bad, but to me it simply meant I was starting to loose my touch. "Hey, human friend!!" The door to the room burst open revealing a squealing Leila. Alec had left a while ago so I was the only one left here. "Hey Lee." I smiled at her as she bounced down on the bed. "You know, there are some silent news going round Howls at the very moment." She said with a wide grin on her face. It was funny and surprising how indifferent Leila was acting towards me even when she knew i was keeping something from them all. "And does this news concern me?" I asked. "Well, ya know..." She paused. "Leila what is it?" "Everyone keeps saying Alpha Alec has found his second chance mate and would soon introduce her to the pack.. The second chance mate I know of but as for introducing for introducing her to the pac
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Chapter 18: Luna
"Bella, there is one thing you should know about being a Fae princess" The little girl looked up at her father with bright eyes shining with curiosity. "What is it papa?" "No matter what situation you are in baby girl, always remember that the indigenes comes first." Little Bella was confused at her Father's words. "But Papa, isn't family supposed to come first?" She asked. "Yes dear, only that the indigenes are your first family so no matter what happens, you think of them first, okay?" Bella couldn't but think that the principle was absurd, she couldn't even think of any other family than her father, mother and Trik but since her father was always right, she nodded to his statement. Her father smiled in approval. "Now run along dear, Precia is waiting to take you to your magic classes." "Bye papa!" °° The almost blinding rays of the morning sun seeping through the window blinds was what woke me up. I sat up, stretching my arms widely. I glanced at the other side of
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Chapter 19: Logan
Alec: "How was she?" Ryan scoffed at my question as he sat down. "If you were so concerned, shouldn't you have come down to see her yourself?" "I told you I was busy Ryan, just leave it at that!" I snapped back a reply. "I know right, busy enough to keep avoiding her since she agreed to be your Luna. She was pretty downcast when she realised you weren't going to come " "I asked you how she coped, not to fucking lecture me, Beta!" "She coped really well enough for an untrained human, she even knows how to handle a gun, shooting straight right to her target if I might add." Confused, I asked; "You think she is trained?" "I do not think Alpha, I know." I press my lips tightly together, rubbing my forehead with a worried sigh. "And you still haven't found out more information apart from the first time?" Ryan shook his head in negation. "Not really, though I did find something, I'm not really sure how it would help." He pushed an envelope to me. I opened it and brought
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Chapter 20: On her trail
Bellatrix: "Why are you here?" Is the first thing my sister says when she sees me in her dorm. Not a good morning, not even a where have you been? I stare at her, my mind start in to register that she isn't even my biological sister. She is their daughter, I am not. I take a step back. Karen is surprised at my movement. "You okay sis?" "Isn't that what you should have asked first?" I say, snapping out of my self induced misery. She shrugs. "I had no idea of what to say, I mean the last time we saw. We literally were on each other's neck." I scoff and settle down on her bed. "You were on my neck, do not generalise it." She shrugs again. "So you eventually went to meet your mate? Been hearing rumors about the new Luna or is he ditching you for a Lycan like himself?" "Karen, when are your classes starting?" "In two hours time, why?" "We need to talk, and you being bitter about my involvement with Lycans wouldn't help matters." "I am not being bitter! We both know what
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